Posts Tagged ‘Wrapped’

TTArtisan announces limited-edition 35mm F1.4 M-mount lens wrapped in 24K gold

04 Aug

TTArtisan lenses tend to be more basic and budget-friendly than larger third-party or first-party lens manufacturers, but its latest lens eschews that mentality and puts an emphasis on luxury. The Chinese optics manufacturer has revealed a limited-edition version of its 35mm F1.4 lens for Leica M-mount cameras that’s covered in 24K gold.

Aside from the fancy exterior, the basic specs of the fully-manual lens remain the same as its less-flashy black and silver counterparts. It’s constructed of eight elements in seven groups, features an aperture range of F1.4 through F16, uses a 10-blade aperture diaphragm, has a 49mm front filter thread and offers a minimum focusing distance of 70cm.

TTArtisan doesn’t elaborate on whether the ‘Gold Skin’ lens constructed of gold-plated or gold-filled metal, but based on the price, it’s safe to assume the former. TTArtisan will also engrave a custom image onto the lens cap and lens barrel for buyers at no extra cost.

TTArtisan is making just 200 of these lenses. You can pre-order the lens now for $ 1,150, a $ 750 premium over the black and silver editions of the lens. The first units are expected to ship next week.

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Pairing Wine & Literature: Italian ‘Book Bottles’ Wrapped With Short Stories

14 Nov

[ By WebUrbanist in Design & Products & Packaging. ]


Curling up with a glass of wine with a story has never been easier thanks to Librottiglia, a project that wraps printed pages around bottles of Italian reds and whites.


Each wine is paired with a specifically selected literary short intended to match the characteristics of the vintage with an appropriate genre and narrative. Drinkers are encouraged to pour a glass then pour over the pages of a unique tale.

Designed by Reverse Innovation for the Matteo Correggia winery in Italy, each 375-ML bottle is good for two glasses and an absorbing literary adventure. The covers in each case double as both book titles as well as wine labels and descriptions.


A piece of twine wraps the book to each bottle while the words themselves are printed on a thick paper stock to round out the stylized packaging. Stories include The Frog in the Belly, I Love You Forget Me and others by journalists, humorists and mystery writers.



“Today we read books on computers, tablets and mobile phones,” note the creators. “Why not on a bottle of wine?” they ask. “After years of discussion about analogue vs. digital, we want to propose an alternative: oenological” (meaning: related to the cultivation and study of wine).

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Invisible Tree: Trunk Wrapped & Camouflaged to Float on Air

10 Jan

[ By WebUrbanist in Art & Installation & Sound. ]

invisible tree painting process

A simple illusion with so much potential – wrap an object, paint the wrapping plastic and presto, a central section appears to disappear before your eyes.

invisble tree floating effect

In the the case of this collaboration between street artists Daniel Siering and Mario Shu, it would seem the trick only works from one perspective. Still, in a consistent landscape, the effect could work in potentially all directions.

invisible tree wrap illusion

The only problem one might worry about in the case of this roadside attraction is the impact on surprised drivers doing a double-take as they pass by.

invisible tree art installation

invisible tree material wrapping

Working in a similar vein, another artistic duo (Joakim Kaminsky and Maria Poll) installed Clear Cut in the Medelpad, Sweden.

invisble tree forest series

They circled trees with mirrored material to create a less-consistent but still-impressive and (in this instance) fully-circular effect.

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Living Staircase: Spiral Stairs Wrapped in Organic Greenery

21 Nov

[ By WebUrbanist in Architecture & Offices & Commercial. ]

living stairs viewing platform

Boldly curved and cantilevered into midair, these plant-wrapped stairs are designed to provide more than just a means of moving from one floor to another.

living steps atrium view

Stepping onto them takes occupants temporarily away from concrete floors and columns, then into and through a unique miniature ecosystem of warm and living materials.

living staircase concrete floors

This staircase by Paul Cocksedge for the Ampersand building in London is punctuated by platforms overlooking a central atrium.

living steps top floor

These circular areas act as impromptu self-contained break and gathering spaces removed from the bustle of each main office floor.

living hand rail supports

Standing out not just physically but also materially, the lively-grained wooden curves are bedecked with thin stem-like strands of white metal. In turn, these support planters that supplant the role of traditional hand rails while still providing physical and psychological safety and support.

living stairs axon drawing

Each set of stairs is supported by the floors themselves, thus rendered structurally independent of a more ordinary central-column approach.

living steps design diagram

living steps upper level

Further interactivity is woven into the biological side of the design in the form of herbs that employees can nurture, grow and ultimately pluck from the rails, facilitating a sort of in-office garden and adding a bit of mint to their tea or spice to their lunch.

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Constellation Portraits: Thread Wrapped Around Nails

03 May

[ By Steph in Art & Drawing & Digital. ]

Kumi Yamashita Nail Art 1

A single, unbroken sewing thread is wrapped around a grid of carefully placed galvanized nails to bring human faces to life in stunningly intricate detail. Artist Kumi Yamashita, best known for light and shadow art, has crafted a series of portraits just as beautifully wrought as any made with more conventional media.

Kumi Yamashita Nail Art 2

Kumi Yamashita Nail Art 7

Kumi Yamashita Nail Art 3

Entitled ‘Constellation,’ for the visual effect of the nails and thread, the series is created on wooden panels painted solid white. Thousands of small silver nails are set into the wood, and Yamashita carefully winds the thread around them, sometimes using an entire spool for a single portrait.

Kumi Yamashita Nail Art 4

Kumi Yamashita Nail Art 5Kumi Yamashita Nail Art 6

Based in New York City, Yamashita was born in Japan and received her Master of Fine Arts degree from Glasgow School of Art. The Constellation series continues Yamashita’s transformation of everyday materials into visually arresting images that challenge the way we perceive these items.

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Forming – Macha Suzuki – Wrapped Duck 2

02 Dec

Some cool visual art images:

Forming – Macha Suzuki – Wrapped Duck 2
visual art
Image by Angels Gate
From the exhibition Forming, November 16 – January 24, 2009.

Photo by AGCC Visual Arts Director Marshall Astor.

Forming – Macha Suzuki – Wrapped Duck 1
visual art
Image by Angels Gate
From the exhibition Forming, November 16 – January 24, 2009.

Photo by AGCC Visual Arts Director Marshall Astor.

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