Posts Tagged ‘Workshops’

Announcing (2) Small-Class Lighting Workshops Baltimore / Washington, DC Area, Dec. 6 and 7

01 Oct

I’ll be teaching two, full-day lighting workshops in the suburban Baltimore/DC area on December 6 and 7.

They are two separate one-day events. These are small-group workshops, with a maximum class size of 12 people each day. These are shooting workshops, and you’ll be behind (and/or in front of!) a camera for most of the day.

Assuming you arrive at this class with a basic understanding of f/stops and shutter speeds, you will leave with a strong foundation in the fundamentals of off-camera lighting. You will be comfortable using single and multiple lights both alone and/or balanced with a mix of ambient lighting.

All lighting gear will be provided. We will also provide lunch.

You will need to bring a camera that is adjustable in manual mode and has a hot shoe connection for a flash, a lens that covers normal and/or portrait range, one or two fully charged batteries and an empty storage card. Maybe a notebook and pen if you like.

That’s it. Just show up ready to learn and to have fun. Leave the rest to me.


December 6 and 7, 2019

9:30am – 5:30pm

$ 259

Sandy Spring Friends Lyceum
17715 Meeting House Road
Sandy Spring, MD 20860

Note; These are the only small-class lighting workshops I’ll be teaching in the US this year. In the past, these have tended to fill very quickly. So if this is something you’d like to do, I’d suggest signing up sooner rather than later.

Sign-Up Links

Friday, December 6

Saturday, December 7


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X-Peditions 2019 Workshops Have Filled

11 Nov

Strobist’s 2019 X-Peditions workshops (Havana in January and Hanoi in the fall) have both filled.

Hanoi actually filled before any public announcement. So if you think you might be interested in a future workshop, please make sure to sign up for advance notice on the X-Peditions info page.

If you would like to be placed on a wait list for either trip, you may do so at the individual workshop pages linked above.

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Strobist Location Workshops in 2017

06 Dec

Are you more the "learn by doing" type? As in, "Don't tell me, show me?"

Then you may be interested in one of the 2017 Strobist location workshops that are already planned. Or perhaps you would like to know how to schedule an in-person workshop of your own—for your photo exposition, camera club, or right in your damn living room.

Keep reading to learn how to make the monkey dance… Read more »

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Do This: Sara Lando in US for Workshops in August

07 Jul

Whatcha doing in mid/late August? If you are within striking distance of Baltimore or Atlanta, you have a one-off chance to do something cool and fun that will change the way you approach your photography: spend a day (or two) with Italian conceptual portrait photographer Sara Lando.

After spending a couple years convincing her to come to the US, Zack Arias and I are this summer hosting Sara for two weekends of seminars and workshops in Atlanta and Baltimore. We are doing this because A) it's an awesome experience (trust us on that) and B) it's a lot easier than getting all you guys over to Dubai for Gulf Photo Plus.

Read more »

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17 May, 2014 – Rockhopper Workshops Web Site Is Launched

18 May


For the last few months we have been busy on a number of projects at Luminous-Landscape.  One of these was getting LuLa workshops up and running.  Luminous-Landscape pioneered the all inclusive workshop years ago and was one of the first workshops ever offered in Iceland. In January this year Kevin Raber joined the LuLa team and with his experience in running the PODAS Workshops for Phase One he has once again launched a top notch workshop series for Luminous-Landscape. Today Luminous-Landscape officially launches its workshop site Rockhopper Workshops.  Read about it HERE.

Image © Mark Maio

Michael and I (Kevin) will be in Buffalo June 5-8 as part of the Silo City Workshop.  This workshop conducted by Mark Maio will be photographing one of Michael’s and my favorite things; abandoned buildings.  In this case these will be the abandoned Buffalo Childs Street grain elevators.  If you are free and want to have a great few days shooting these amazing structures inside and out then go to the Silo City Web Page and register today.  There are only a few spots left.  Another bonus is Capture Integration will have a rep there with Leica Gear as well as Medium format digital gear if you are so inclined to try this gear out.  Hope to see you there.

The Luminous Landscape – What’s New

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CreativeLive to broadcast six days of free photography workshops

17 Sep


The folks behind CreativeLive, an online resource for photographers co-founded by Chase Jarvis, have kicked off Photo Week: six days of educational workshops streamed live online for free. Workshops will be broadcast over three channels with topics including wedding, family and portrait photography. It begins today – click through for more details.

News: Digital Photography Review (

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Sony hosts workshops with the World Photography Awards in London

23 Apr


As part of its partnership with the World Photography Awards, Sony is hosting a series of workshops at London’s Somerset House. The sessions take place from April 26th – 28th and cover a range of interests from beginner topics to those looking to make a career out of photography. Individual sessions are are priced at £5 each. Speakers include commercial photographers Michael Wayne, Magdi Fernandes, What Digital Camera’s Editor, Nigel Atherton and Technical Editor of Amateur Photographer, Richard Sibley. The workshops promote the Winners Exhibition of the World Photography Awards 2013 that will be showcased from April 26th – May 12th at the Somerset house. Click though for more details

News: Digital Photography Review (

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Berger Brothers Live Classes, Courses and Workshops on Long Island – Testimonial

01 Jan – (516) 762-3056 Berger-Bros is excited to provide our customers with a large selection of Exclusive Classes, Vendor Seminars, and Field Trips. And many are FREE with a camera purchase from Berger-Bros. These events are designed to help our customers get the most out of their digital cameras and software, as well as explore our beautiful local surroundings with a camera and guide. Plus, with our “take it again”* guarantee, if you ever feel you’d like to take a class over as a refresher, call us and we’ll sign you up for the next available class on us. Please be sure to reserve your seat by paying BEFORE the desired class, as registration is more the day of the class.

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Posted in Nikon Videos


Bird Photography Workshops by Glenn Bartley – Adobe Photoshop Workflow – Part 1.wmv

25 Oct

Adobe Photoshop workflow lesson by Glenn Bartley. Learn a basic workflow in Adobe Photoshop from RAW conversion to final Tif image. For more info visit –

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Posted in Retouching in Photoshop


25 March, 2010 – Worthwhile Workshops

07 May

As regular readers know I am taking 2010 off from teaching field workshops – a sort of sabbatical year to concentrate on my own personal projects and travel.

But I am frequently asked about workshops and seminars that I can recommend. That’s what my Workshops page is about. It provides links to those educators and companies with whom I am familiar, who I’ve personally worked with in the past, and who I can recommend with confidence.

Two new ones, which were announced today are the Phase One Digital Artists series (PODAS) and also Art Wolf’s lecture series on The Art of Composition, taking place this year in major U.S. and Canadian cities.


The new Canon 17mm tilt-shift lens is quite remarkable. I used it with the Hartblei Cam late last year, and was knocked out by its performance.

Sean Reid at Reid Reviews has recently published extensive reviews of the two new Canon tilt/shift lenses – the 17/4.0 L TS-E and 24/3.5 L TS-E II.  Reid Reviews is an independent review site which accepts no advertising but instead is subscription-based. Recommended.



When you’re ready to really learn Lightroom, here’s the most painless way to do so. Purchase and download our Lightroom 2 video tutorial and automatically receive a discount on our Lightroom 3 tutorial when it becomes available.

You will also be automatically entered in our latest contest and win one of 10 weekly prizes.

"If a picture is worth a thousand words, a video must be worth a thousand pictures.
Just to let you know that I found your Lightroom Tutorial most helpful in understanding, not only which buttons to push, but the gestalt behind the program.  Especially helpful was the orgainzation.
All in all the best .00 I have spent recently".

– Jim Cassatt


The Luminous Landscape – What’s New

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