Posts Tagged ‘Workout’

Crossfit workout routine for beginners pdf

23 Aug

Some are open round the clock and some come with special amenities — Like a your clothes over the course of the month, or one who crossfit workout routine for beginners pdf holds your hand throughout the duration of the workout plan for weight loss and toning. But was a full, I feel strong and […]

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Posted in Equipment


Workout Computer: Get Fit with a Punching Bag Keyboard

06 Nov

[ By Steph in Gaming & Computing & Technology. ]

workout computer 1

Combine two seemingly disparate activities – working at a computer, and working out – with a keyboard that consists of a series of punching bags representing each character. ‘Workout Computer’ by design studio BLESS makes typing up a document a full-body, muscle-engaging effort for an experience that’s the polar opposite of most sedentary, seated working environments.

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Punch, kick or step on each component to write out a paragraph, and then hit the ‘print’ bag to preserve what you’ve composed. Intending to blur the boundaries between work and leisure activities, making the act of typing on a computer far more physical, the computer encourages increased activity to keep office workers from going soft.

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The installation was presented at the second Istanbul Design Biennial, inviting passersby to experience it themselves. The users watch their chosen letters pop up on the computer screen, and then wait for it to be printed at the end of their impromptu boxing session. “Personally we would love to be, at the end of the working day, physically as exhausted as mentally,” the designers told Dezeen.

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[ By Steph in Gaming & Computing & Technology. ]

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Posted in Creativity


Bar Breakers – Calisthenics Workout on the Pull Up Bar

07 Jan

From the first part of yesterdays workout. Weekly Photo Tips has a photographic gift giving suggestion for you. I recently purchased a photo blanket from Photo Weavers (to give as a gift) and was thrilled with everything about it. You can save 30% off any order by using the discount code “myamericandream” at checkout. Stop by the blog for more links and details. As always, thanks for stopping by and a big thank you to Photo Weavers for the generous discount code.


Bark Expedition SUP After Paddling Workout

07 Nov

Bark Expedition SUP

October 19 2012. After paddling Bark Expedition SUP on Beaver Pond in Arapaho Bend Natural Area. Camera: Pentax Optio WG2.

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paddling with a camera

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Posted in Photography