Posts Tagged ‘Visualized’

Wi-Fi Visualized: Signals Translated to Ghostly Light Orbs

06 Aug

[ By Steph in Art & Installation & Sound. ]

Wifi Spirit Photography 1

Translated into glowing orbs of light with a rainbow of colors representing signal strength, these visualizations of wi-fi signals are like Victorian spirit photography for the modern age. Luis Hernan of Newcastle University makes the invisible not only visible but also vaguely eerie with his project, Digital Ethereal.

WiFi Spirit Photography 2

WiFi Spirit Photography 6

Hernan developed a homemade gadget called a Kirlian Device that, appropriately enough, looks like a piece of ghost hunting equipment. The instrument “scans continuously for wireless networks, and transforms the signal strength to colour LEDs.”

WiFi Spirit Photography 3

WiFi Spirit Photography 4

The effect is captured in a series of long-exposure photographs akin to light painting, the results a mass of swirling colored light showing the movement of the signals across a space.

WiFi Spirit Photography 5

WiFi Spirit Photography 7

In another segment of the Digital Ethereal project, a gallery demonstration of a ‘chandelier’ running on the accompanying Kirlian Device Android App, which “explores the interaction of visitors with Hertzian Space.” Visitors interact with the electromagnetic waves around dangling cell phones, producing different lighting effects on the screens.

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[ By Steph in Art & Installation & Sound. ]

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Beats on Fire: Music Visualized with Movement of Flames

22 Apr

[ By Steph in Gadgets & Geekery & Technology. ]

Pyro Music Visualizer 3

We’ve seen what audio frequencies look like in mesmerizing resonance experiments using sand – so how does the same concept translate to a more volatile medium? The science video blog Veritasium carried out an experiment that uses flammable gas to create the pyromaniac music lover’s dream: an audio visualization in the form of fire.

Pyro Music Visualizer 1

It all comes down to the vibrations produced by sound. Veritasium teamed up with physics and chemistry demonstrators to create a ‘Pyro Board’ based on the Rubens’ Tube, also known as a standing wave flame tube. Invented by a German physicist, the Rubens’ Tube shows the relationship between sound waves and sound pressure.

Pyro Music Visualizer 2

Sealed at both ends and perforated along the top, the pipe is attached to a speaker or frequency generator at one side and a supply of flammable gas at the other. Variations in sound cause vibrations in the air to affect the flow rate of the gas, causing the flames to change in height.

Pyro Music Visualizer 5

The team translated this idea to two dimensions with what’s essentially a plane of bunson burners, with 2,500 holes. The louder the music is played, the higher the flames become.

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[ By Steph in Gadgets & Geekery & Technology. ]

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