Posts Tagged ‘Victor’

Photokina 2016 interview: Victor Hasselblad would be proud

28 Sep

Ove Bengtsson looks relaxed despite the scrum taking place around him on the Hasselblad booth. Photo enthusiasts jostle to see the company’s latest products while a professional photographer demonstrates various techniques and, no doubt, advantages of the Hasselblad system to a growing crowd, but he seems content to stand back and watch, the hint of a smile on his face.

‘The reception and the amount of people asking about the X1D is fantastic,’ he says: ‘There have been no negative comments, everyone seems so impressed.’

‘Of course not everyone here is going to be buying an X1D but they all seem to like the camera, like the way it feels. It’s hard to really demonstrate the image quality but when we say it can produce the same image quality as our H6D-50c, they are astounded. It uses the same sensor, the same image processing system and the lenses are equally good. It’s professional quality medium-format in a very small package.’

‘We had a projection for how many we’d sell in the first year and we’d passed that number in the first ten days.’

It’s been a similar story when photographers have had the chance to shoot with it, he says: ‘We have had a few photographers amazed at how small the camera is, how amazing the image quality is and how well the AF works, when you see it, not a lot of people have been able to use it properly, yet, but there are a number of cameras out there now and all the reaction has been very positive.’

And the reaction goes beyond passing compliments: ‘Already at the launch event we were already starting to take orders. We had a projection for how many we’d sell in the first year and we’d passed that number in the first ten days.’

Ove Bengtsson, shot using a pre-production X1D under the rather challenging, unflattering lights of the Photokina exhibition hall. 90mm lens, hand held at 1/100th sec, ISO 3200, F4.5. Manual focus. Processed through Phocus software at default settings, one dust spot removed.

In the hand, the X1D is an impressively dense, solid-feeling camera, even in comparison to professional DSLRs: ‘The body is made in three parts, all machined from a block of aluminium,’ Bengtsson explains. And this sureness in the hand is one aspect of making the camera easy to shoot with: ‘Due to the fact we don’t have any moving parts and we use an in-lens shutter, there’s nothing to introduce vibration. One of the photographers shooting with the camera to prepare for the launch event produced images shot at 1/8th of a second with a 45mm lens. That’s with good technique, of course, but I was very impressed by how good it looked.’

But the construction of the camera has a further advantage, Bengtsson says: ‘As well as the way it feels, it’s also good for transferring heat from the sensor. We have a tight connection between parts, which also helps transfer heat away from the processor – it’s an efficient way of minimizing problems with internal heat.’

‘Of course, when a product gets warm it uses a lot of energy. It drains the battery faster. Because of the amount of data we’re dealing with, the processors can become very warm. We have a thermal shut-off if the internal temperature gets to 70C, both to protect the sensor and to avoid the additional noise it would produce, but it’s mainly to protect the components.’

‘We had some experience of dealing with this sort of issue in past generations of our H series cameras. We used a fan in the H3D but were able to move to a passive system of thermal management in newer models that actually worked better, so we had some experience we were able to use. We knew what to do and also what not to do.’

‘It looks like [Fujifilm] has done some very good things, but I think their camera is very different from ours.’

Bengtsson goes to some lengths to stress that this X1D is the product of the company’s in-house expertise: ‘There have not been collaborations on this camera: we’ve developed the whole camera in Sweden, including the electronics. In terms of lenses, we have worked with a Japanese company. We design all the lenses but they do the actual manufacturing. To our specifications, of course.’

Interestingly, he’s happy to name that company. ‘It’s a company called Nittoh. They don’t sell lenses under their own brand but they make a lot of lenses for a lot of companies. We have a long history of working with them. The X-Pan, for instance, was Hasselblad’s first collaboration with Fujifilm but it was actually made by Nittoh, so we knew they’re really good. They are really good and we were extremely happy to get them.’

On the subject of Fujfilm, Bengtsson seems sanguine about the company’s sometime partner creating a mirrorless medium-format rival: ‘It looks like they’ve done some very good things but I think their camera is very different from ours.’

‘I think when looking at these cameras, they’re actually very different. The X1D is much, much smaller. It doesn’t perhaps have all the features – I suspect they’ll bring a lot of technologies across from their X-T cameras – but theirs is bigger.’

‘I think they’ll appeal to different people. If you’re looking for specs and features, the Fuji might be a good choice. But if you want something that feels good, maybe this is the one you buy. They use the same sensor, so they’ll probably come pretty close in terms of image quality but maybe our quality will be a bit better.’

The XCD 30mm F3.5, the third lens for the X1D camera, was on show at Photokina. This is a 28mm F2.8 equivalent in ‘full frame’ terms.

‘The best thing about having two cameras is that it gets more people talking about medium-format. When medium-format went digital it became so expensive. It was out of the reach of most people, it was on a different planet.’

‘We already have a certain reach to particular customers, particularly those who already use our system, but having competition will make the whole segment bigger.’

There’s a clear benefit for existing Hasselblad users, he explains: ‘H system camera users can buy an adapter to use all our other lenses, currently without autofocus. That’s something that might come later, but no promises. This means there are sixteen lenses, including the three native ones, that can be used.’

‘We don’t expect people to buy H system lenses to use with this camera, but we think some existing H system users will use it as a second camera.’

There’s no prospect of being able to adapt Fujifilm GF lenses, though. ‘Our camera doesn’t have a shutter mechanism, the shutter is in our lenses.’ But it’s unlikely that many people will be looking to adapt lenses to the X1D, he suggests: ‘I fully understand the appeal if you have a small camera of putting on cool other lenses, but there are very few that will cover the full sensor of this camera.’

In addition to the X1D, Hasselblad is showing its concept of a modern modular camera. ‘It is just a concept at this stage,’ Bengtsson is at pains to stress: ‘We involved our design team and made sure it’s possible, but what you see on the show floor is a model made by a company that specializes in making models.’

The V1D concept harks back to the company’s famous V series cameras but for now is purely a design study aimed at gauging interest.

‘We often hear the old cameras, the V system, were fantastic. We wanted to see if we could do something more modern. The thing people liked about the V-system was that it was modular, that is wasn’t a fixed camera. We wanted to see if we could do something more modern in that direction, modeled with a similar sort of modular design’

‘The modularity is in the screen and the EVF. You can move the screen, you can replace it with an electronic viewfinder instead. There’s a grip that you can mount on either side and aperture and shutter speed dials you can mount on either side. You don’t have to have both – you can choose.’

‘You will also be able to buy extra modules,’ he says, before he recognizes that his enthusiasm is running away from him: ‘Well, if we do it.’

‘We’d start with something very basic, just one screen and an aperture dial, for instance.’

‘As technology evolves, you can update to get a better display or perhaps a faster or more flexible EVF. That’s the nice thing, you’re not locked-in to current technology. That was the heart of the appeal of the V system, you can even now put a digital back on a camera from 1957 and make it digital.’

‘If you really love photography it can be better to have a slower camera. It makes you think about each photograph’

‘The response to this has been really good too. I’ve heard a few people say it’s the biggest thing a Photokina.’

‘One thing I think people are understanding is that if you really love photography it can be better to have a slower camera. It makes you think about each photograph and stops you taking 400 photos every time.’

Bengtsson is fully aware that positive comments don’t always turn into sales: ‘The tricky question is: would you buy it for €12-15,000? Some people will say yes but we’ll have to look at how big the market would really be. After the show we’ll start to summarize what the sales people have heard, but the general response is that it’s really cool. Photokina is a good place to find a lot of input.’

Like the original V series cameras, the V1D concept would be modular, and would allow users to add only the features they wanted.

The reaction from the crowds is very different from the bemusement being expressed four years ago, when Hasselblad displayed the first fruits of a collaboration with Sony. ‘I remember it very well. It’s not something we’re very proud of. I wasn’t involved very closely – it was controlled by the management at that time. It was mainly the work of an Italian design company and Hasselblad in Sweden wasn’t very involved in the process.’

‘The idea of trying to find a product that appeals to a wider audience was a good one, but the product wasn’t anything near Hasselblad: it lacked authenticity and any connection to the brand.’

‘We were in a position where we were buying a camera from Sony at a high price then taking it apart and adding things like exotic wood or carbon fibre but we didn’t change anything in its characteristics. It’s still the same NEX-7 controls and image quality and, of course, all of our customers saw that.’

‘We had a divided stand that year, Lunar on one side and our medium-format products on the other. We were also launching the H5D but many people didn’t really notice that. The first few days we weren’t allowing the people on our stand to talk about that it was a Sony, it was ridiculous.’

‘It wasn’t us and we had to pay a high price
to realise it was a mistake.’

‘We reached a much lower number than we’d anticipated. The later model, the Stellar, had a more reasonable price and didn’t look so extreme so that actually sold quite well.’

‘It wasn’t us and we had to pay a high price to realise it was a mistake. It shows that you should always be honest with what you do and never try to fool people.’

‘I think Victor Hasselblad would have been rotating in his grave.’ But that’s not the case now, Bengtsson says: ‘I think he’d certainly approve of the X1D. It’s a small camera with excellent image quality. It’s exactly what he would have wanted. Just as the V series was exactly the camera he wanted to make – he was a bird and landscape photographer – I think he’d be proud of the X1D.’

And Bengtsson believes the new products will help perpetuate that legacy: ‘we could have ended that history, the direction we were going, I think these products will lift us again.’

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Im Gespräch mit Victor Habchy

14 Jan

Ein Beitrag von: Victor Habchy

Victor Habchy ist Fotograf aus Paris, der sich in allen Bereichen der Fotografie schon einmal versucht hat. Mit konzeptueller Stärke entführt er uns mit atemberaubenden Landschaftsaufnahmen und kraftvollen Portraits in eine eigene Welt.

Auch, wenn er selbst stets unzufrieden mit der eigenen Arbeit bleibt, so spürt man doch die vielen verschiedenen Geschichten, die er eingefangen hat, wenn man sich die immense Menge seiner Bilder ansieht.

Erzählst Du uns etwas über Deinen Hintergrund? Woher kommst Du und wie bist Du zur Fotografie gekommen?

Es gibt ehrlich gesagt nicht sonderlich viel über meine Vergangenheit zu erzählen. Ich wurde in einer kleinen Stadt in Frankreich geboren und meine Jugend verlief ziemlich normal, um nicht zu sagen langweilig.

Die Fotografie habe ich zufällig entdeckt, als ich versuchte, ein paar Bilder meiner Freunde beim Skateboarden zu machen. Seitdem ist Fotografieren das, was ich ausnahmslos am allerliebsten tue.

© Victor Habchy

Deine Arbeiten sind so vielfältig. Erst hast Du Sport fotografiert, dann Mode, danach Fine Art und so weiter. Findest Du es schwierig, Deine Arbeit genau zu umgrenzen?

Ich stimme Dir da absolut zu! Wenn jemand mich fragt, was für Bilder ich mache, finde ich es schwierig, darauf eine Antwort zu finden. Ich denke, mir gefällt es einfach, Fotos zu machen. Ich habe keinen bestimmten Stil und ich probiere gern neue Sachen aus.

Das einzige gemeinsame Ziel all meiner Bilder ist die Suche nach einer ästhetischen Stimmung. Ich suche immer die Schönheit als solche, nicht nur in der Person, sondern auch in ihrer Bewegung, in Strukturen und so weiter.

© Victor Habchy

Weil Du Bewegung erwähnt hast: Was für einen Stellenwert hat für Dich das Reisen in Deinem Leben als Fotograf?

Reisen ist für mich sehr wichtig, sowohl als Mensch, als auch als Fotograf. Es ist wirklich interessant, in die Fremde zu ziehen und Dinge zu erleben, die man nie zuvor getan hat.

Einmal durch Asien zu reisen ist für mich eine unglaubliche Erfahrung gewesen. Ich mochte meine Augen gar nicht schließen. Im kommenden März fahre ich nach Indien – ich freue mich und bin schon ziemlich aufgeregt.

Ich persönlich halte Deine Arbeit für atemberaubend. Gibt es für Dich ein bestimmtes Bild, auf das Du ganz besonders stolz bist?

Nein, kein einziges. Ich bin von meinen eigenen Bildern normalerweise ziemlich schnell gelangweilt. Auch wenn ich sie manchmal für den Augenblick gut finde, halte ich sie auf längere Sicht dann doch eher für schwach. Ich bin durchweg unzufrieden und strebe immer nach Verbesserung. Ich fühle mich wahrlich nicht als vollkommen, weder als Künstler noch als Fotograf.

© Victor Habchy

Eine Sache, die mir in Deinen Fotos sehr stark auffällt, sind Deine Konzepte und einige wirklich einzigartige Ideen, die ich an anderer Stelle noch nicht so oft gesehen habe. Wie kommst Du auf Deine Ideen?

Es mag ein wenig dämlich klingen, aber die Ideen tauchen halt einfach in meinem Kopf auf. Ich suche nicht zwanghaft nach Kreativität (Kann man denn überhaupt noch kreativer werden?), ich habe manchmal einfach Ideen, die plötzlich aus dem Nichts kommen. Das passiert mir häufig nachts, besonders, wenn ich müde werde. Das ist etwas lästig, denn ich muss dann immer aus dem Bett, um schnell noch ein paar Ideen aufzuschreiben.

© Victor Habchy

Woher bekommst Du Deine Inspiration? Gibt es jemanden, auf den Du Dich in Deiner künstlerischen Entwicklung besonders beziehst?

Ich schaue mir häufig die Werke auf den Webseiten anderer Fotografen an. Danach bin ich süchtig. (Schau Dir meine Pinterest-Seite an; diese Plattform ist wirklich klasse). Außerdem interessiere ich mich sehr für Gemälde, besonders für jene aus der Zeit der Renaissance.

Ich möchte auch all meinen Fotofreunden danken, die mich auf dieser wunderbaren Reise begleitet haben. Und nicht zuletzt auch meinen Eltern dafür, dass sie intolerant gewesen sind und mich nicht unterstützt haben. Ich bin so viel gereist, wie es ging und bin dadurch unabhängig genug geworden, um zu erfahren, was Freiheit und Freude sind. Das war es absolut wert.

© Victor Habchy

Hast Du noch eine Botschaft an angehende Künstler, was sie beachten sollten?

Willkommen im Internet! Vergesst nie, dass auch die härteste Kritik nicht zwangsläufig eine miese Bewertung Eurer Abeit ist.

Ein Gespräch zwischen Victor und Hanae, Mitarbeiterin bei „The Portfolio“. Das Interview erschien bereits in Englisch auf „The Portfolio Conversations“. Unser Redakteur Robert Herrmann hat es für kwerfeldein ins Deutsche übersetzt.

kwerfeldein – Fotografie Magazin

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