Posts Tagged ‘Tweaking’

Mozilla Firefox – Plugins and Extensions – Go Crazy Tweaking / Configuring Firefox

01 Feb

The “Configuration Mania” extension opens up the ability to configure many previously-hidden Firefox options via a GUI interface.

Are you the type of person that loves configuring and tweaking software, looking for hidden options that modify colors, adjust search result counts, alter timings, and disable unused features? If so, you probably know that in Mozilla Firefox typing about:config allows you to tweak advanced settings. But what if you prefer a GUI-based tool such as the TweakUI PowerToy that was available for previous versions of Windows?

The “Configuration Mania” extension allows you to configure many Firefox settings in a familiar windows-based setting. Adjust Browser, Security, UI, Add-ons, and Debug properties, tweaking options such as the delay before enabling location/URL Bar autocompletion, adjusting how long download alerts should appear, changing the User Agent string reported to websites, and enabling advanced debugging options….

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