Posts Tagged ‘Terrible’

Video: ‘The Terrible History of Photographs’ as told by puppets

20 Jan

There are plenty of videos on YouTube that dive into the history of photography. But few will make you laugh like this one will.

This tongue-in-cheek video, created by YouTube channel Glove and Boots, shares The Terrible History of Photographs using puppets, a la Sesame Street.

The video comes in just under five minutes and in that time both Glove and Boots (as well as their gorilla friend) explain a very basic, cynical look at how photography got to where it is today and the terrible, no good, awful technology that camera before smartphones.

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Craigslist poster raises the bar on terrible car photography

23 Sep

A Craigslist post offering a 1990 Mazda RX-7 for sale is going viral today thanks to the photos of the car… and it’s not because they’re good.

For whatever reason, the ad’s author decided the best way to photograph his or her car for this ad was to take pictures of the car with their cell phone, and then take pictures of the pictures displayed on their cracked, hazy smartphone screen.

The original Craigslist post, a link to which hasn’t been shared publicly to avoid disrupting the seller’s efforts, was spotted by Murilee Martin and shared with Autoweek. And yes, the pictures are exactly as bad as described.

The reasoning behind this photographic decision aren’t known and probably never will be. But instead of sharp, colorful, detailed photos of a car what we get are hazy, in some cases out-of-focus shots of a red vehicle that is difficult to make out through the cracks in the screen.

Even by Craigslist standards these are bad. By car photography standards? It’s like something out of a horror film.

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Another study finds Instagram is terrible for youth mental health

22 Jul

Anti-bullying organization Ditch the Label has released its Annual Bullying Survey 2017 research paper, something it calls the ‘largest annual benchmark of bullying behaviors’ in the UK. The report, which is free for anyone to download, set its focus on technology this time around, seeking to understand the current state of cyberbullying, online behaviors and other things concerning modern youth. More than 10,000 volunteers aged 12 to 20 were surveyed for this report.

According to the report, 69% those surveyed reported having engaged in abusive online behaviors at some point, and 1-in-2 reported having experienced bullying of some sort. The second half of the report looks specifically at online bullying, and concludes that out of the popular social media sites and apps, Instagram is the worst offender. Of those surveyed, 42% report having experienced cyberbullying on Instagram, with Facebook coming in second at 37% and Snapchat in third at 31%.

This isn’t the first study to find a correlation between Instagram and negative experiences. A study published earlier this year by the Young Health Movement and Royal Society for Public Health found that Instagram was the worst social network for mental health among young users. Per that study, Instagram was found to fuel anxiety, depression, fear of missing out, body image issues and more.

Ditch the Label exposes one of the biggest issues related to these negative mental effects via its video above. Many users report editing images in some way before posting them on Instagram and similar social networks; high exposure to these staged, edited, and otherwise carefully-presented images can create unrealistic expectations about life and how others are living, causing many users to feel inadequate or as if their lives are less interesting than others’.

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Company Capers: Ten Terrible Corporate Superheroes

05 May

[ By Steve in Design & Graphics & Branding. ]

terrible corporate superheroes
In today’s dog-eat-dog commercial arena, trusting clueless celebrities or characterless characters to pitch one’s products is a bad business decision at best; a quick ticket to Chapter 11 at worst. Inventing a unique corporate superhero, on the other hand, gives companies the means to punch up their sales while instilling a not-so-secret brand identity that will resonate with the youth demographic. What could possibly go wrong?

Kool-Aid Man

Kool-Aid Man terrible corporate superheroes(images via: Wikipedia and The Archnemesis)

Kool-Aid Man may not fit the stereotypical superhero mold (not to mention the stereotypical superhero tights) but his MO sure fit the bill: kids call out, Kool-Aid Man responds! The big guy doesn’t take any shortcuts, either, crashing through brick walls and dense hedges that would stop mere mortal men in their tracks. Debuting in 1978, Kool-Aid Man (and Kool-Aid itself) is still around, probably ’cause moms everywhere will buy the sweet stuff in mass quantities to avoid massive home repair bills. OH YEAH!!

Atari Force

Atari Force corporate superheroes(images via: Fustians and Armagideon Time)

In the early days of the Great Video Game Revolution of the early 1980s, many social commentators predicted the nation’s youth would throw away their comic books in favor of the futuristic, electronic, paperless excitement offered by console video games. Naturally, the visionary execs at Warner Communications subsidiary saw comic books as the ideal medium with which to promote new games issued by its subsidiary, Atari Inc.

Atari Force corporate superheroes(image via: Pixfans)

The result was Atari Force, created by Gerry Conway and Roy Thomas for DC Comics (another Warner Communications subsidiary) and featured in two comic book series published by DC Comics beginning in 1982. Alas, the multiracial Atari Force team was helpless to stop the Great North American Video Game Crash of 1983 and by 1984, Atari was history.


Batman Nike Roberto Vergati Santos corporate superheroes(image via: UPROXX)

Roberto Vergati Santos once wondered what would happen if corporate brands branded, as it were, the classic superheroes we’ve come to know and love. Would we still love them… or more importantly perhaps, still respect them? Check out “The Dark Nike” above and decide for yourself.

Jell-O Man

Jell-O Man terrible corporate superheroes(images via: ComicAttack)

When danger looms, who ya gonna call: Man of Steel or Man of Gelatin? The answer is obvious, unless the danger happens to be the threat of an empty belly. Released at no charge in 1991, the self-proclaimed “Collector’s Edition” comic book The Adventures of Jell-O Man and Wobbly epitomized Kraft Foods’ slightly skewed marketing mojo. Stick to KD, guys, Jell-O’s doing fine.

Jell-O Man Wobbly terrible corporate superheroes(image via: ComicAttack)

As for Jell-O Man’s vaguely puppy-ish, J-shaped sidekick Wobbly, what can we say… maybe only Robin appreciated him for lowering the bar for superhero sidekicks everywhere. Bad dog, BAD! As for Jell-O Man, we can see his O-face… eww.

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Company Capers Ten Terrible Corporate Superheroes

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[ By Steve in Design & Graphics & Branding. ]

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Factual Game Facts About Facts – Raccoon City is a Terrible Place to Work

20 May Click here to watch Occupy Bowser’s Castle Enlightened the Minions. Factual Game Facts About Facts: Raccoon City is a Terrible Place to Work Never work in a city that has a zombie problem. DIRECTOR’S CHANNEL: COMPOSER’S CHANNEL: Machinima Happy Hour is home to the best animation and shorts Machinima has to offer. Check back every weekend for updates on all your favorite shows like Sanity Not Included, Two Best Friends Play, Freeman’s Mind, Sonic For Hire and more! – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – This video will show you: How to make Machinima How to play Resident Evil How to animate – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – FOR MORE MACHINIMA, GO TO: FOR MORE GAMEPLAY, GO TO: FOR MORE SPORTS GAMEPLAY, GO TO: FOR MORE TRAILERS, GO TO: FOR MORE MMO & RPG GAMEPLAY, GO TO:
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