Posts Tagged ‘Tags’

ON1 Photo RAW 2019.5 will drop mid-May with searchable history, nested tags and more

25 Apr

ON1 Photo RAW may not be as well-known compared to the other major brands in the photo editing software space, but that doesn’t mean it should be discounted. It’s the only service that can transfer and displays Lightroom-edited photos in Photo RAW. The software package boasts hundreds of built-in filters, LUTs and presets. It also supports layer masks for creating composite images.

ON1 is offering up a free update of its service with ON1 Photo RAW 2019.5, scheduled to be released mid-May. As a standalone product with photo organizing and editing features, ON1 Photo RAW boasts the tools that photographers use the most in Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom and places them in one program. For users who don’t wish to fully convert, ON1 Photo RAW 2019.5 can also serve as a plug-in for Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop.

ON1 Photo RAW 2019.5 will include new updates to increase productivity, additional organizing benefits, more feature and performance enhancements, and new camera support.

ON1 Photo RAW 2019.5 will also have a fully-reversible history section. Each editing step will be accessible, along with the ability to roll-back and compare prior adjustments.

Photographers will be able to search for photos based on specific adjustments applied such as cropped, retouched, and so on. Crop tool settings will be persistent and information on those adjustments will be retained across all photos.

The master keyword list will now support nesting keywords inside of other keywords. Nested keywords will allow photographers to organize keywords as they see fit. They’ll be easier to search, add, delete, and modify. Importing a list of nested keywords from other apps such as Adobe Lightroom will also be supported.

For photographers new to ON1 Photo RAW, there will be new walkthroughs that teach the basics. These series of short tutorial videos explain how to use each feature and help shorten the learning curve.

The Portland-based company has even more plans beyond the forthcoming release of ON1 Photo RAW 2019.5. These include incorporating solutions into the software for photographers that use mobile devices in their workflow. ‘The next year will be the biggest in our company history. A lot of these internal projects we’ve been working on will finally get introduced to the market. There is a lot to be excited about for our customers and our industry, and it all starts with Photo RAW 2019.5,’ said Craig Keudell, ON1 President & CEO.

Users can start a free 30-day trial of the current version of ON1 Photo RAW today. The software is available as a one-time purchase of $ 99.99 for new users and $ 79.99 for users with past versions who are updating. It includes both macOS and Windows installers, plug-ins for Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom, and can be used on up to five computers. The Photo RAW 2019.5 update will be available mid-May. For a full rundown on all the new features that will be added, visit ON1’s blog.

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Google ‘LIFE Tags’ uses AI to organize LIFE magazine’s 4 million-photo archive

08 Mar

Earlier today, Google revealed a few new projects that utilize its artificial intelligence technology at the intersection of education and culture, and one of those projects is called Google LIFE Tags. For the LIFE Tags project, Google used a computer vision algorithm to intelligently sort through, analyze, and tag 4,000,000 photos from LIFE Magazine’s publicly available archive.

LIFE Magazine initially ran from its launch in 1936 until 1972; it then resumed distribution in 1978, only to be suspended again in 2000. According to Google, the publication only used 5% of the millions of images that were taken for the magazine during its decades of operation—an archive that spans 1800m / 6000ft of space across three warehouse.

The archive’s enormous size makes it difficult to browse, and that’s where Google LIFE Tags comes in. The project, which is available now for anyone to use, organizes the archive based on objects found within the photos. Each object—such as “1937 Ford,” “Airbus,” “American bulldog,” and thousands more—are presented on the Google LIFE Tags website in the form of an interactive encyclopedia.

Visitors can browse images from LIFE Magazine’s photo archive that contain the particular objects or subjects they’re interested in by clicking the related tags on the project’s website.

Clicking the “camera” tag, for example, prompts the system to present more than 800 images containing cameras. Each category’s page includes a definition pulled from Wikipedia, as well as related tags that the visitor may be interested in, such as (in this case) things like “camera lens,” “filmmaking,” “photographer,” and “film camera.”

“Using thousands of automatically created labels,” Google explained in a blog post, “the tool turns this unparalleled record of recent history and culture into an interactive web of visuals everyone can explore.”

And honestly, we can’t imagine a better way to spend a few hours of time this evening than browsing through this incredible archive of imagery. Enjoy… and our apologies to your productivity.

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Hybrid Graffiti: Black-and-White Stencils Bring Colorful Tags to Life

06 Oct

[ By WebUrbanist in Art & Street Art & Graffiti. ]


Nearly photo-realistic figures stenciled in place make bright surrounding tags all the more vibrant in this series of street art juxtapositions by artist Martin Whatson of Norway.



The characters, generally rendered in black and white, are sized and scaled like residents and passers by in the built environment. The tags, rich and overlapping, look more like what most people would call “graffiti.” The anti-artist Gray Ghost comes to mind, famous for painting over the works of other artists, like Banksy.




On their own, each component is somewhat predictable, but in their interactions these works come to life. The characters look through windows surrounded by color, or sweep up street graffiti, or pull back walls to reveal it. The tags, in turn, add light and life to the scenes, points of color in a drab and dreary city.




Much of his work breaks this format as well, but generally still finds itself at the interaction of urban spaces and imaginary worlds. Below, a figure painting clouds on the wall gives depth and dimension on both fronts: the clouds seem to go back and the painter appears to stand out.




More about the artist and his approach: “Martin has a continuous urge to search for beauty in what is commonly dismissed as ugly, out of style or simply left behind. He looks for inspirations in people, city landscapes, old buildings, graffiti, posters and decaying walls. This interest for decay has helped develop his style, motives and composition and he enjoys creating either unity or conflict between materials, backgrounds, motives and human intervention” (via Colossal).

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Snow Calligraphy: Reverse Graffiti Artist Tags Parked Vehicles

02 Mar

[ By WebUrbanist in Art & Street Art & Graffiti. ]

snow calligrapher signature work

For years, this graffiti calligrapher has made his mark around New York City, but some of his best work is reserved for special (and somewhat unpredictable) occasions, relying on seasonal snowfall.

Processed with VSCOcam with lv01 preset

Known for his interior and exterior calligraphic murals as well as his signature snow pieces, Faust notes that virtually “everyone has an affinity for writing in the snow as a child. When most people grow up they lose the urge. I guess I just haven’t been able to shake it.”

snow car front artwork

As with other forms of reverse graffiti, his snowy script is ultimately temporary and removes material that would be wiped and swiped away by brushes or wipers, thus leaving no lasting impact or damage.

snowgraffiti car windshield

snow front of car

Some of his messages speak to the season (of snows and ice) while others are simply signatures left on the hood, trunk, windshield or window of a car as a simple surprise to brighten the dark winter days of passers by.

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Urban Dog Tags: Wear City Grids Around Your Neck & The World

07 Nov

[ By WebUrbanist in Design & Products & Packaging. ]

urban dog tag design

Like giant-sized fingerprints, urban grid patterns are unique to each city – this project turns that individuating property into an wearable asset, allowing you to hang you hometown or favorite metropolis around your neck as a point of pride.

city dog tag laser metalk

nyc etched metal necklace

Currently in crowdfunding on Kickstarter, the Urban Gridded Dogtag set is a “collection of unisex accessory so that architects, cartographers, urban planners, urban explorers, nomads, travelers, jet setters” and others can enjoy. New York City, San Francisco, Paris and Tokyo – can you tell which is where? Many more are also shown below.

urban dog tag wearing

urban dog tag concrete

urban dog tag options

The tags come in laser-cut black, gold-plated or stainless steel, with circular variants also available for those who want something without the implicit military reference. Many major cities have already been ‘unlocked’ and further ones will become available depending on how well-funded the campaign becomes before it closes (just one week left!).

urban gridded dog tag

From the creators: “Each piece is carefully designed to capture the cities underlining iconic street network as a lace-like pendant. The information is sourced from gps data by openstreetmap to ensure accurate portraits of the city. With chemical etching technology, the pendants are produced on thick .020″ Stainless Steel with a high level of detail, consistency, and quality. We strive for the component of the dogtags to be locally sourced, made in the USA. Including packaging and mailing supply.”

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DIY Clay Camera Tags

03 Apr
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Cherries go on cake, chocolate fudge on ice cream and camera tags on awesome gifts.

Camera tags are the gift (wrap) that keeps on giving. Long after the gift has been unwrapped and forgotten, this tag will live on.

They are simple to make and will impress your photo mad friends before they’ve even opened the gift.

Ready to be a wrap rockstar? Follow us.

Learn How to Make Your Own Camera Tags

Read the rest of DIY Clay Camera Tags (256 words)

© Erika for Photojojo, 2014. |
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DIY: Polaroid Frame Tea Bag Tags

28 Oct
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Wouldn’t it be great to drink tea and show off some happy snaps at the same time?

It turns out you totally can! Talk about a multitasking tea break.

Take your tea parties to the next level by switching your boring ol’ tea labels for a custom polaroid frame.

It’s super easy, and best of all, you can make these in about the same time as it takes for a cup of tea to steep.

So dah-ling, can we interest you in a spot of tea?

Learn How to Make Polaroid Frame Tea Bags
Read the rest of DIY: Polaroid Frame Tea Bag Tags (311 words)

© Erika for Photojojo, 2013. |
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Banksy Tags Manhattan: Fresh New Graffiti Live from NYC

08 Oct

[ By WebUrbanist in Art & Street Art & Graffiti. ]

banksy manhattan no graffiti

Making his way through the boroughs of New York, the infamous but mysterious interventionist Banksy is broadcasting new stencils, installations and mixed media work all month as a street-artist-in-residence in America’s largest city.

banksy new york accent

In Midtown Manhattan, his figures, phrases, plays on words and signage can be found defacing (or at least: refacing) concrete walls and garage doors in Banksy’s typical self-referential style. From there, he has moved onto Williamsburg and otherBrooklyn neighborhoods, and no one knows quite where he will pop up next.

banksy the musical

As he often does in new destinations, Banksy is actively toying with New York City culture and tropes, from its stylized graffiti fonts to its world-famous Broadway shows (his contribution to existing tags above: “The Musical” stenciled alongside each).

banksy mobile truck art

Branching out from two-dimensional pieces, here is “a New York delivery truck converted into a mobile garden (includes rainbow, waterfall and butterflies).” This piece in particular is also actually moving around the city: “The truck will visit a different location every evening from dusk,” starting in an East Village location.

banksy dog fire hydrant

banksy big truck mural

Perhaps best of all, this time Banksy also provides wonderful faux-vintage commentary on this series (titled: Better In Than Out) in the form of audio tour files you can click to play on Banksy’s website – or by calling a special toll-free number found spray-painted next to a number of these pieces: 1-800-656-4271. Of course, as always and almost as quickly as they appear, many of his works are being erased or defaced by city workers or other street artists – it goes with the territory.

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DIY: Make Photo Gift Tags That’ll Make Even Santa Jealous

13 Dec

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Makin’ a list, checkin’ it twice. Adding photo gift tags makes everything nice!

What, you don’t remember that line?

Personalized photo gift tags makes exchanging gifts even more fun than it already is.

Trust us, this tutorial will have you singing along to your favorite Holiday tunes while adding style and personality to your gifts.

Forget the wrapping paper, this year we’re saving the tags!

How to Make Personalized Photo Gift Tags

p.s. Follow us on Facebook at 1PM EST today. We’ll be knocking dollars off our Phone Lens Series for every share. Lowest possible price is zero!

Why it’s cool:

ingred-smThese photo gift tags have as much personality as the people on your gift list.

A tag with a photo on it will bring a smile to their face before they even open your gift.

In under an hour, you can dress up even the loneliest lumps of coal under the tree.



  • Photos to Print
  • Printer
  • Cardstock
  • String
  • Pencil
  • Scissors
  • Xacto
  • Cutting Surface
  • Hole Punch
  • Gift Tag Template
  • Wrapped Presents

STEP 1: Print Template:

paint-smFirst things first, we’ve made this handy template to help you make these awesome photo gift tags.

Download this gift tag template.

Print it out on a piece of cardstock, then cut along the outer edge.

Step 2: Size Images:

paint-smPick your favorite photo of each person on your gift list.

Edit the photos to your liking.

We chose black and white for a classic look, but color would also look really great.

Use any editing software to size your images.

For vertical images, make them 4″ tall by 2.25″ wide.

Horizontal images work, too. Just size them 4″ wide by 2.25″ tall.

Here are some tips on sizing images in Photoshop.

Step 3: Print:

paint-sm Print out your edited, sized photos on to cardstock.

Cardstock will give the gift tags more stability and flexibility than regular paper.

We lined our images up on one page to save paper.

Use your best “photo settings” for your printer.

Step 4: Trim:

paint-sm Use your scissors to trim your photos to the printed edge.

Cut each photo out and set it aside.

For a clean look, make sure you don’t leave any white space around the photo.

Step 5: Trace:

paint-sm Now it’s time to trace the gift tag template onto your images.

Flip the photo over, and trace the outline on the back of each image.

The side edges should line up perfectly, meaning you just need to trace around the scalloped edge of the tag.

Make a mark for the center hole.

Step 6: Cut:

paint-smUsing your Xacto knife and a cutting surface, carefully cut along the lines you just drew.

Take you time, and make smooth motions to ensure nice, rounded edges.

You can taper the sides coming down from the scalloped corners as well.

Now they’re really starting to look like tags.

Repeat this step for each photo gift tag.

Step 7: Punch:

paint-sm Use a hole punch to cut out a center hole for the string to go through.

Line up the dot you drew with the hole punch and punch away!

If you don’t have a hole punch, use your Xacto to carefully remove a center hole near the top of the tag.

TIP: Make sure you don’t punch your hole too close to the edge of the tag. To avoid rips, cut the hole at least 1/4″ in from the edge.

Step 8: Tie:

paint-sm Cut enough string for the number of tags you made.

Measure the string into 8″ sections.

Slip it through the center hole of the gift tags.

Make a knot out of the loose ends.

Step 9: Attach:

paint-smAttach your gift tags to your presents in your favorite method.

Tie them to the ribbon or bow or even tape them down if that works best.

Put them under the tree for everyone to enjoy!

Step 10: Enjoy:

paint-smPlace those fancy packages under your tree, in stockings, or just pass them out for everyone to enjoy.

Take it further

  • Make image transfers on to wooden gift tags for extra special keepsakes.
  • Make photo gift tags in funky shapes like Christmas trees or snowflakes.
  • Display your photo gift tags in a funky old frame for holiday cheer year round.

Thanks to for the sweet idea!

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