Posts Tagged ‘Symbols’

The Language of Death: 15 Gravestone Symbols Explained

29 Oct

[ By Steph in Culture & History & Travel. ]

grave symbolism main

The symbols carved into stones commemorating the dead can reveal a lot about the deceased’s beliefs and philosophies, or at least those attributed to them by their families when they were buried. Grave symbolism ranges from well-known symbols of major religions to the arcane and complex, each one often containing layer after layer of hidden meaning known only to those initiated into certain organizations. These 15 common symbols seen in cemeteries around the world are often meant to relay messages to those who are still living.

Winged Skull

grave symbols winged skull 1

grave symbolism winged skull 2

(images via: jenn g, xlibber)

The winged skull most often means a dead person’s journey is not over; after they’ve shed their physical form, they are flying away to another realm. In the United States, the ‘death’s head’ was initially a non-religious symbol simply used to denote a buried corpse, as the Puritans didn’t believe in using religious symbols on graves. The particular style of the death’s head motif on older graves acted as a calling card for the carver.


grave symbolism snake 1

grave symbolism snakes 2

(images via: henning muhlinghaus, chynna67)

The serpent represents everlasting life, especially when seen in ‘ouroboros’ form, when it creates the shape of a circle with its own tail in its mouth. The snake cheats death by shedding its skin. The Orphic Egg (a snake wrapped around an egg) is an occult symbol representing the personification of light, the hermaphroditic Greek deity Phanes/Protogonus, who created the other gods. Two snakes wrapped around a winged staff (aka the caduceus) similarly represents the hermaphroditic god Hermes and has been incorrectly used by the healthcare industry as a symbol for medicine – mistaken for the rod of asclepius, which has only one snake and isn’t winged. The latter is often seen on graves of doctors. A snake wrapped around a cross can symbolize the Masonic brazen serpent, a symbol of the 25th Degree Masons, or foreshadowing of Christ’s crucifixion.

Clasping Hands

grave symbolism clasped hands

(image via: RPM)

A loved one may be gone, but those they left behind often have hopes of seeing them again someday, as represented by clasping hands on a grave. Symbolizing unity even after death, it’s often depicted on the shared graves of spouses.

Flying Hourglass

grave symbolism winged hourglass

grave symbolism winged hourglass 2

(image via: sean, todd mecklem)

‘Time flies’ and death comes too soon for many, as symbolized by an hourglass with wings. In the early 18th century, it wasn’t unusual for the dead to be buried with an actual hourglass to represent the sands of time having run out. In Masonic symbolism, it’s often paired with the scythe, another emblem of how easy it is to sever the boundary between life and death.

Inverted Torch

grave symbolism: inverted torch

grave symbolism inverted torch 2

(images via: jpmatth, godutchbaby)

Inverting a torch would typically extinguish the flame, so when it’s seen on graves with the flames still burning, it represents eternal life.

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The Language Of Death 15 Gravestone Symbols Explained

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Ghost Estates of Ireland: Symbols of an Economic Collapse

03 Jun

[ By Steph in Abandoned Places & Architecture. ]

Ghost Estates of Ireland 1

Built with visions of suburban prosperity in more optimistic times, the empty shells of former dream homes dot the countryside among piles of construction rubble and fallen-down fences. Economic highs and lows have led to abandonments of entire villages all over the world, from China to the Mediterranean, but Ireland is among the nations that was particularly hard-hit.

Ghost Estates of Ireland 2

Photographer Valérie Anex captures Ireland’s ‘ghost estates’ in a series of striking images that juxtapose a fading hope for sanitized suburbia with the current reality, which is simply that nobody can afford to live in these houses. The National Institute for Regional and Spacial Analysis defines ‘ghost estates’ as developments of ten houses or more in which fifty percent or less of the homes are occupied or completed.

Ghost Estates of Ireland 3

Ghost Estates of Ireland 4

The latest tally of ghost estates in Ireland, taken in 2013, is 30% less than it was when Anex took these photos in 2011, but that’s still well over ten thousand mostly-empty neighborhoods in a relatively small nation (and just a small percentage of Ireland’s 350,000-some-odd abandoned houses.)

Ghost Estates of Ireland 6

Most of the ghost estates are found in the rural areas of the northern and western parts of the country. Says Anex, “These empty shells are eyesores for the locals in these small towns. The crisis is affecting the country – unemployment, debts, budget cuts, flights of capital investments – but it is also shaping its landscape.”

Ghost Estates of Ireland 7

“Bitter memories left by the spectral and temporary nature of the property boom in Ireland, ghost estates are the symbol of the property market’s collapse, a topology of the economic disintegration of the country.”

The Ghost Estates series will be on display at the Photobookshow in Brighton, England this June.

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Decoding Streets: Secret Symbols of the Urban Underground

28 Feb

[ By WebUrbanist in Global & Urbex & Parkour. ]

street paint language us

Somewhere between city signs and street graffiti lies a surprisingly rich and colorful language of secret messages, all hidden in plain sight on roads and sidewalks. This spray-painted slang we walk over and drive along every day is employed by infrastructure engineers, utility companies and other city workers.

street symbols multi colored

secret hidden street language

Laurence Cawley of BBC News recently explored this strange world of colorful spray-painted dots, arrows, text and more, all of which denote what lies below the surface of the city.

street symbols blue water

These markings may seem rushed and crude to the casual observer, but they are essential to the protection underground power lines, pipes and a maze of other potential subterranean hazards, as well as to the safety of those who work around them. There are no laws governing this mysterious language, simply conventions and colloquial shorthand that have evolved over time. As Cawley aptly summarizes: ”Its lexicon is numbers, lines and symbols. Its grammar is most definitely colour.”

street symbols white general

Colors are particularly critical – at least in the UK, red means electricity, blue stands for water, yellow is tied to gas, and green is used for cables (CCTV networks, television lines and fiber optics). White, meanwhile, is a kind of all-purpose color for broader communications about road and sidewalk planning. None of these are spelled out in any official manual in the UK – they are a matter of convention, and, sometimes, contention, as not all companies use the same visual dictionary.

street color decoder rings

In the United States, however, according to Smithsonian: “These ‘safety colors’–expanded to include red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, brown, grey, white, and black– have been formalized by the American Standards Institute (ANSI) as Safety Color Code Z535, which provides Munsell notation and Pantone color-matching information to help ensure consistency across mediums.”

street symbols green cables

At least back in the UK, though, numbers and arrows take on different meanings due to color and context. Sometimes they refer to the depth of a water pipe, or the pressure in a gas line. Infinity symbols may mark the end of beginning of a planned street, while zig-zags communicate an intended pedestrian crossing. Many of these are mapped out by third-party contractors whose sole job it is to locate and tag potential hazards below. All are biodegradable and many designed intentionally to fade over time.

street symbols yellow gas

street symbols red electricity

If you are looking for more specifics, the BBC article goes into detail about the particular meanings of various specific marks, but keep in mind: many of these may be particular to the United Kingdom, or even just specific towns and streets. There is no Oxford English Dictionary tying them all together … at least not yet. The next time you take a walk, consider taking some notes as well and see if you can decipher the local dialects of this curious language on your own city’s streets.

weburbanist hoboglyphs examples image

Recently popularized thanks to TV’s MadMen, hoboglyphs also come to mind – a semi-secret language of unobtrusive markings used by the homeless to note opportunities and hazards in urban environments. And one has to wonder: are there other hidden communications out there used by ancient orders, intelligence agencies or other groups hiding in plain sight? (Images via BBC and Smithsonian)

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Lessons in Graffiti: Math Symbols Make Street Art Equations

23 Feb

[ By WebUrbanist in Art & Street Art & Graffiti. ]

math street art

1 window plus 1 window equals 2 windows – seems obvious, but it warrants at least a double-take, so to speak, when you see it so explicitly expressed. Simple black-outlined, white-filled, faux-three-dimensional shapes that render urban happenstance into something with a humorous sense of order.

math graffiti alley tags

Dubbed Sum Times (itself a cute play on words) this latest street project by Aakash Nihalani skips the alpha and numeric and heads straight for the symbolic, turning everything from trash cans and dumpsters to windows and doors into educational equations.

math inspired 3d symbols

The basics of multiplication, divisions, addition and subtraction – literal object lessons that makes chaos more comprehensible, and might even teach school children a thing or two (including how to subvert their surroundings).

math based installation equations

Regular readers and fans may recognize this artist’s style from similarly-abstract street artwork including this urban tape art series and this set of shifting geometries, each of which also impose a kind of three-dimensional geometry on flat urban surfaces.

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E-Ink Keyboard: Letter Keys Morph into Custom Symbols

19 Feb

[ By WebUrbanist in Gaming & Computing & Technology. ]

e ink custom keyboard

Electronic ink is energy efficient and easy on the eyes, so why not adapt it to the keyboard? It is, after all, one of the few components of everyday technology that still has printed type in a screen-dominated world.


electronic ink keyboard concept

Designed by Maxim Mezentsev & Aleksander Suhih the E-inkey keyboard for Pixel Studio (, the concept is simple: e-ink key displays that can shift to gaming keys, shortcuts or program-specific icons smoothly on demand, just like turning the digital page in your favorite e-book reader.

electronic oled color keyboard

There is already a working precursor to this, and it is more than a prototype – the Optimus Maximus keyboard has configuration software for full customization (letters, images, icons, colors), but uses power-sapping and heavy-touch OLED technology (making it harder to go wireless or even push buttons).

eink customizable multitasking keyboard

While this is not yet in production, the specs give some hope that it might make its way to Kickstarter or an equivalent soon – it definitely falls under the “please take my money!” category for tech geeks and design professionals alike.

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E-Ink Keyboard: Letter Keys Morph into Custom Symbols

07 Feb

[ By WebUrbanist in Gaming & Computing & Technology. ]

e ink custom keyboard

Electronic ink is energy efficient and easy on the eyes, so why not adapt it to the keyboard? It is, after all, one of the few components of everyday technology that still has printed type in a screen-dominated world.


electronic ink keyboard concept

Designed by Maxim Mezentsev & Aleksander Suhih the E-inkey keyboard for Pixel Studio (, the concept is simple: e-ink key displays that can shift to gaming keys, shortcuts or program-specific icons smoothly on demand, just like turning the digital page in your favorite e-book reader.

electronic oled color keyboard

There is already a working precursor to this, and it is more than a prototype – the Optimus Maximus keyboard has configuration software for full customization (letters, images, icons, colors), but uses power-sapping and heavy-touch OLED technology (making it harder to go wireless or even push buttons).

eink customizable multitasking keyboard

While this is not yet in production, the specs give some hope that it might make its way to Kickstarter or an equivalent soon – it definitely falls under the “please take my money!” category for tech geeks and design professionals alike.

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Adobe Flash CS4 Tutorial: How to Animate Symbols with the Bone Tool

05 Sep In this follow up tutorial I briefly cover how to use the bone tool with symbols. If you’re looking for more Flash tutorials be sure to check out our website!
Video Rating: 4 / 5