Posts Tagged ‘Survives’

Video: Journalist survives ISIS sniper attack, his GoPro does not

23 May

In the terrifying video above, Iraqi journalist Ammar Alwaely narrowly escapes a sniper’s bullet, which takes out his chest-mounted GoPro. From the YouTube description:

Journalist Ammar Alwaely, was working in Mosul Iraq, when a sniper’s bullet hit his GoPro camera. The camera, which was a gift from one of his co-workers, almost certainly saved Mr. Alwaely’s life. Ammar received treatment for minor cuts, but was otherwise unharmed.

Ammar and his companions seem to be setting up for a shot and in good spirits right before the bullet rips across the screen. The sniper’s fire clearly catches the group off guard. At about the 0:33 point in the clip, the English-speaking individual filming asks where the bullet came from (caution, strong language).

We’re not sure that the GoPro actually saved his life, but Ammar did live to tell the tale (we wonder if his micro SD card survived as well). The attack took place on May 13th and the video was post on the 17th – at the time of publishing it has been viewed nearly three quarters of a million times.

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iPhone 7 Plus survives 13 hours in icy Russian river

28 Jan

A video posted by Fedor (@emfedor1983) on

Apple’s iPhone 7 isn’t officially classified as a waterproof. With its IP67 rating it is capable of surviving immersion at a depth of one meter (3.3 feet) for 30 minutes but this is meant to protect against accidental drops into water or splashes rather than make the phone suitable for underwater activities. 

However, an incident during an ice fishing trip in Russia has now demonstrated that the device offers more environmental protection than its IP rating would suggest. According to Russian language publication a fisherman dropped his iPhone 7 Plus into an ice fishing hole in the city of Yakutsk. Unable to retrieve the device, it was left in the water overnight, until the next day a diver friend of the phone’s owner was, after three attempts, able to find the device and bring it back to the surface.

When taken out of the water, the iPhone powered on successfully and did not show any signs of malfunction after 13 hours in the freezing 4°C/39°F water. According to its owner the iPhone 7 Plus had approximately 35 percent battery charge when dropped and still showed 19% after the successful retrieval, which is documented in the Instagram video above. It’s great to know the iPhone is likely to survive even longer periods of time submerged in water, but we’d still recommend dedicated underwater equipment for your next diving or snorkeling video. 

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Star Wars IV Survives: Real Life Tatooine Located in Tunisia

06 Nov

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Yes, you can spend the night in Luke Skywalker’s home, see the hermit habitat of Obi-Wan Kenobi up close, and view other remnants of the original Star Wars movie via a series sets turned since turned into long-standing habitable buildings (contemporary on-location photos above by Könczöl Gábor and maciekke).

(Images by Hoylen Sue)

Los Apos provides an introductory guide with coordinates should you find yourself wandering Tunisia – meanwhile, here are some of the highlights of the journey, including bits and pieces of the fictional Mos Eisley and Espa.

(Images by Eckart and Michael)

Some of these buildings survive the first film trilogy, while others were rebuilt for the second series (or first, depending on how you look at it). But why? Because, in many cases, locals saw the structures as entirely serviceable and kept using them for housing, hotels, shops, storage and more.

(Images by Bernard Gagnon and Jean-Marc Matthey)

Some of the locations cater to fans: “In Matmata you can actually sleep in Luke’s home. The Hotel Sidi Driss served as the interior of the Lars homestead. Aunt Beru’s kitchen is still there, but except for some fiberglass and wooden frames, and the fresco on the dining room ceiling, you won’t find any props. Even so, it is easy to get excited when sitting in the very same dining room that the Lars family used. The hotel also has a well stocked bar with lots of Star Wars memorabilia and a Star wars inspired menu.”

(Images by Roger Noguera Arnau)

Savvy fans will recognize even building-free locations where Sandcrawlers roamed, Tusken Raiders pounced or Stormtroopers attacked. These are, one might say, the landscapes you are looking for. Still, whether the trip will spoil the fun or enhance the fantasy all depends on the traveler.

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