Posts Tagged ‘Submit’

Library of Congress asks Flickr users in US to submit their pandemic-related images

11 Sep

The United States Library of Congress (LOC) is seeking COVID-19 pandemic-related images from photographers based in the United States, it has announced through the photo-sharing website Flickr. The LOC has teamed with Flickr to launch a new group dedicated to these images; anyone can add their images of pandemic life in the US to this group, which will be evaluated by Library curators. Some images will become part of permanent collections.

The opportunity to submit images is open to all photographers — both pro and amateur — located in the US or its territories, according to Flickr, which is home to the new ‘COVID-19 American Experiences’ group. Flickr users must join this group in order to submit their images for the LOC’s consideration.

Library curators will decide which images get added to the Flickr group photo pool and which go on to become preserved in permanent collections. Photographers seeking this distinction should assign a Creative Commons license to their images that will allow the LOC to display the photos on its website if selected, Flickr notes.

Participants are allowed to submit up to five ‘graphic artworks’ or photographs for consideration. The curators are looking for content specifically related to the COVID-19 pandemic, with Flickr noting that photographers can submit ‘photos that depict your experiences of the pandemic’ on a variety of topics, including things like street scenes, panic buying, elder care and similar things.

The photos can also depict emotions in relation to the pandemic, such as sorrow, grief or joy. There are a couple of big requirements, however, including that the images must be appropriate for viewers of all ages and that they must meet Flickr’s ‘safe’ guidelines, which means ‘acceptable to a global, public audience.’

The LOC explains that its goal is to expand how much documentation it has on the current pandemic, doing so by tapping the wider public community spanning many more aspects and parts of the US than the photographers and artists already higher for special projects.

As of September 10, the COVID-19 photo group has around 160 images featuring a variety of subjects, including pandemic-inspired graffiti, images of masks for sale, empty parks and restaurants, protesters, close theaters, people wearing masks, medical workers and more.

The Library of Congress is home to vast photo archives, including a large number of photos showing the last major pandemic to impact the world: the 1918 flu that claimed around 50 million lives. The public can view the Library of Congress photo archives on its digital collections website. The photos are joined by collections ranging from archived websites to old newspapers, audio recordings and maps.

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US visa applicants must soon submit social media accounts including Flickr, Instagram

05 Jun

The majority of U.S. visa applicants are now required to submit social media handles/usernames as part of their applications. This requirement, which was billed as a necessity for national security by the State Department, includes Instagram and Flickr among the 20 social platforms listed on its online application form.

The new requirement applies to both tourism and immigration visas, according to the Associated Press, which reports that in addition to select social media accounts from the past five years, applicants are also required to submit previous email addresses and phone numbers. The requirement was proposed in early 2018.

The State Department includes a number of popular social media services on its application form, including Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, YouTube, Flickr and even the mostly defunct Google Plus and Myspace. A few social networks popular outside of the U.S. are also included, such as China’s Sina Weibo and Russia’s Vkontakte.

According to a report from The Hill, ‘Applicants will have the option to say that they do not use social media if that is the case. The official noted that if a visa applicant lies about social media use that they could face “serious immigration consequences” as a result.’

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DJI urges public to submit comments on proposed FAA rules

12 Apr
Photo Credit: Goh Rhy Yan

Time is running out to weigh in on important polices that will impact the future of drone operations in the U.S. This Monday, April 15th at 11:59 PM, Eastern Standard Time, marks the final deadline for the public to submit comments on two separate Notices of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) issued by the Federal Aviation Administation (FAA).

An NPRM is issued, by law, from one of the government’s independent agencies when they wish to add, remove, or change a rule or regulation. The FAA, in this case, is subsequently required to review every single comment submitted over the 60-day period, respond appropriately to concerns raised, and either make or alter regulations.

To date, the Advanced NPRM for Safe and Secure Operations of Small Unmanned Aircraft, which includes guidelines for implementing payload and flying beyond visual line of sight, has received over 1,400 comments. DJI, a leader in civilian drones and aerial imaging technology, recently released an official statement on the alarming lack of commentary regarding the other NPRM, Operations of Small Aircraft Over People.

At the time the statement was published, less than 100 people weighed in on the latter NPRM. Since then, over 200 comments have been submitted regarding operations at night and over people. Since the FAA takes the public’s input into consideration when making its final decision, it is important to read through the entire regulation and provide thoughtful, fact-based responses to each issue posed.

‘Drone professionals know society has barely tapped the potential of this transformative technology, and we appreciate the FAA’s willingness to listen to the voices of people who use drones every day as they craft these necessary rules,’ said Brendan Schulman, DJI’s Vice President of Policy & Legal Affairs. ‘Given how vital these rules are for every professional drone pilot in America, it is surprising to see how few comments have been received. We strongly encourage professional drone operators and fleet operators to read the FAA’s proposals and submit their perspectives on how to ensure drones can handle expanded responsibilities safely.’

DJI plans to contribute comments to each of these NPRMs. Anyone and everyone can make a difference.

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Submit your best shots of 2016!

16 Dec
Paragliding at Combe Gibbet on the Ridgeway near Hungerford in West Berkshire. Taken from a paraglider. Photo and caption by Bruce Clarke

2016: it was a year, and we all took pictures. We can agree that these things are true. So help us bid a fond farewell to 2016 by celebrating your very best shots of the year! We’ve created three broad categories: People, Places and Things. They’re a little ambiguous, but that means they’re also open to some interpretation. 

You can submit one photo in each category in our forums, and next week we’ll pick our favorites to include in some year-end articles. Read all of the details and submit your photos by heading to the forum links below:

  • Your best photo of 2016: People
  • Your best photo of 2016: Places
  • Your best photo of 2016: Things

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Countdown to PIX 2015: Submit your questions for attorney Bert Krages

01 Oct

Attorney at Law Bert Krages specializes in issues of intellectual property for photographers and artists. We’ll be speaking to him at PIX in a few days, and now is your chance to have a say in the conversation. Read more

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Submit your photos to Feature Shoot’s ‘Vertical Living’ group show for your chance to be displayed at PIX

02 Sep

Feature Shoot is accepting submissions for its latest group show, and winners will have their work displayed at PIX 2015 – our interactive photo expo. The show centers on themes of ‘vertical living,’ and will be curated by Feature Shoot Editor-in-Chief Alison Zavos. Read more

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Readers’ Showcase: Submit your best portraits!

16 Nov

We’re accepting submissions for our latest Readers’ Showcase and we want to see your best portraits! Stop by the Portrait & People Photography forum and show us your best shots. Our favorite images will be included in a showcase article on the homepage. We’re accepting photos through the end of the week, so dust off your hard drive and submit some of your favorites from your portfolio. Read more

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