Posts Tagged ‘Strengthen’

Sony is hiring engineers to help strengthen its image sensor business

24 Feb

Reuters reports that Sony is planning to deploy 40 percent of its new engineer hires in Japan at its chip business which also includes the manufacturing of image sensors. The company is hoping to grow the division with more demand coming from a range of sectors, including mobile and automotive.

Overall Sony is projecting to hire 320 new engineers in Japan in 2019 and the same number again the next year, which is an increase of 70 from 2018. These numbers are Japan-only, so don’t take into account new engineering positions at international locations.

The hiring plans align with Sony’s investment of approximately $ 5.4 billion into its image sensor business over the next three years, which accounts for half of of the group’s planned capital expenditures.

Sony is already the market leader for image sensors by quite some margin, controlling more than half of the imaging sensor market for smartphones. The division is also an important contributor to profit within Sony, despite the company cutting its annual profit outlook for imaging sensors this month to 130 billion yen due to weakening global demand for smartphones. This figure still accounts for 15 percent of the Sony group’s overall profit.

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5 Ways to Strengthen the Message and Story of Your Photographs

12 Jul

A Guest Post by Sergey Sus/

Photographers decide what is in the frame and what is not. We cant always control every single item the frame. We can however, control of position relative to the subject and when we press the shutter button. Here are 5 ways to to improve our photographs.

Obvious Subject

Ways 1

Our brains analyze what the eye sees instantly. The subject and story of a photograph must be identified quickly by the viewer. If the viewer cant figure out what the subject is…. all interest is lost.


Our depth perception of a photograph creates a 3D effect. The brighter objects appear nearer, darker objects recede further back. If the subject is ‘near’ to the viewer it has to be brighter then the rest of the frame. Dodging in post processing accentuates the subject while burning recedes.


Ways 2

Human brain focuses on sharp items in a photograph next. Photos with shallow depth of field are so pleasing to our eyes – we dont need to search for a subject as its the only sharpest part of the photo.


The largest item in a photo – and our eyes go straight to it as we begin to ‘digest’ the photo. It is possible to have the subject as the smallest item in the picture, what then? Make it the sharpest and brightest!


Ways 3

The 3 primary colors Red, Green and Blue – the colors which are noticed first. When photographing people outside in a park – get as little of the 3 primary colors in the frame. Sounds easy? Well, when in a park green and blue are unavoidable. If those colors are minimized and then desaturated in post the subject will stand out more in the final photograph.

Sergey Sus is a Los Angeles based photographer telling telling real stories, individual, professional and family. Problem solver, artist and teacher. His work can be found on

Post originally from: Digital Photography Tips.

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5 Ways to Strengthen the Message and Story of Your Photographs

Digital Photography School

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