Posts Tagged ‘Storefront’

Bookshop B&B: Novel Vacation Loft Lets You Run Storefront Below

09 Dec

[ By WebUrbanist in Boutique & Art Hotels & Travel. ]

scotland bookworms dream

If you have ever wanted to fully experience life as a bookseller in a small town by the sea, this quirky combination home-and-bookstore holiday rental may be just be the page-turner you need.

bookstore b and b

Located in Wigmore, Scotland, The Open Book is an independent retailer that lets interested parties both rent the flat above the store and oversee its operations during their stay. Guests inclined toward working vacations get to double as volunteers, performing all the duties of the shop owners, including opening, closing, shelf restocking and display design.

scotland bnb flat

It may not be a fun novelty for every type of traveler, but presents an opportunity well-suited for those of us who are bookworms, like to stay busy, learn new things and meet locals on getaways.

scotland vacation book store

At less than $ 50 USD per night for up to two guests, the work effectively subsidizes the stay, not to mention giving a more complete experience of the place.

bookstore scotland rental manager

With small bookshops closing up around the country (and the world), the owners wanted to bring more attention to their store and ask their guests to blog about and share their time as a store manager. People are also asked to stay for a minimum of a week, giving them time to learn the ropes and greet a variety of store visitors, from locals to fellow travelers.

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Vanishing Vernacular: NYC Storefront Gentrification in Action

02 Apr

[ By WebUrbanist in Art & Photography & Video. ]

store front five boroughs

Overtly a straight-shot photographic compilation, Store Front: The Disappearing Face of New York shows the rich vernacular diversity of mom-and-pop shops across all five boroughs. Since publishing the book, however, its creators have revisited their subjects and documented the amazing rate of change as “luxury condos and artisanal cupcake boutiques uproot local delis and dive bars.”

store front bar office

These before-and-after pictures were taken all over the city and reflect the influence of many immigrant cultures, including “Irish, Germans, Jews, Italians, Poles, Eastern Europeans and later Hispanics and Chinese”, but also a more recent trend toward uniformity.

store front deli bank

The images themselves are unpretentious, allowing the streets and stores to speak for themselves. Supplemental maps, histories and interviews, however, help flesh the book out without detracting from the power of the photos throughout.

store front nyc photos

store front photo shoot

The visual story told by the book and followup photographs is hard to put into words, but captures the spirit of neighborhoods around New York. “The variety is immense, from Manhattan’s Yonah Schimmel Knish Bakery and Katz’s Delicatessen to the Jackson Heights Florist in Queens, Court Street Pastry in Brooklyn, D. D’Auria and Sons Pork Store in the Bronx and the De Luca General Store on Staten Island … the face of New York is etched in their facades.”

store front then now

storefront street view image

About the photographers and authors, James and Karla Murray, and their work: “Their critically acclaimed books New York Nights and Store Front: The Disappearing Face of New York as well as their graffiti publication Broken Windowshave set the standard for urban documentation. New York Nights was the winner of the prestigious New York Society Library’s 2012 New York City Book Award. “

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Colorful Pop-Up: City Farm Storefront for Produce & Plants

27 Dec

[ By WebUrbanist in Architecture & Offices & Commercial. ]

pop up green shop

This competition-winning design uses upcycled materials to frame a street-facing  experience, in part through a fresh take on ‘window shopping’. Its aim: to create a unique and sustainable experience for Londoners looking to purchase fruit- or vegetable-producing plants.

pop up interior space

urban farm interior space

Sponsored by Hackney City Farm, the competition encouraged applicants to reuse materials and strive for sustainability, but this group set themselves apart by proposing something both contextual and eye-catching with a strong pedestrian-side presence.

pop up window facade

urban farm window detail

The team behind this colorfully-painted Sill-to-Sill solution drew inspiration, as well as many of their actual materials, “from the architecture of the local neighbourhood, defined by streets of Victorian terrace houses with their imposing brick facades and generous sash windows. In recent years these homes have been bought up in a wave of gentrification and as new owners move, builders get to work, improvements are made and old materials are discarded.”

pop up window shopping

pop up urban farming

Alongside recycled slats used for the walls, these found window elements were turned into benches, counters, shelves, notice boards and sources of natural light, most prominently used as a colorful display that draws people in from the sidewalk to see their wares. “‘Sill to Sill’ aims to encourage local people to take up urban agriculture by presenting plants in an immediately familiar setting: ‘buy from our window sill and grow on your window sill’.”

pop up construction steps

pop up panoramic

pop up plants london

Part of the approach also involved using strategies that would allow for easier construction despite apparent architectural complexity: “Though visually sophisticated, the design utilized basic timber construction techniques and simple materials in a manner that could easily be assembled by a team of unskilled volunteers. Community involvement at every stage of the project, from inception through construction and on to use, was at the core of the team’s proposal.”

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Storefront Transformer: Magic Box Reprograms Empty Space

25 Sep

[ By WebUrbanist in Architecture & Offices & Commercial. ]

modular shop design concept

From urban blight to versatile site, one modular cube can convert unused storefronts of New York City into flexible destinations – community workshops one day, performance spaces or pop-up shops the next. Think: AirBNB for retail space meets coworking venue and co-op incubator all in one kit of parts.


Architecture Commons describes the “miLES [made in the Lower East Side] Storefront Transformer [as] a versatile set of furnishing and amenities to program any storefront – essentially a 6ft cube that can be easily transported and subdivided to roll through any storefront door.”

modular cube deployment options

The idea is to make any particular configuration easily obtained and changed on demand. “When unfolded, the Transformer provides functional elements such as shelving, partitions, tables, seats, stage, as well as infrastructure such as lighting, WIFI, power strips, speakers, projectors, and PA system so you have all the basic ingredients to create your own pop-up!”

modular store pieces parts

Their current Kickstarter campaign aims to fund a prototype to be built and installed later this year in one of the 200+ empty store fronts on the Lower East Side of Manhattan.

community modular space program

“Imagine a shape-shifting storefront, one space, many possibilities: from an independent arts space one week to designer fashion boutique the next; from cooking classroom on Thursday to locavore snack bar on Friday.”

modular pop up themes

The goal is to provide a boon for all parties involved, including the building owner, local community and those who could use a bit of space but can’t afford full-time rent.

storefront popup weekly events

storefront activation modular program

“We make it quick and easy to turn underutilized storefronts into anything you can imagine. We give entrepreneurs and artists an easy and affordable way to showcase their work. The neighborhood gets a variety of vibrant programmed uses in a previously vacant space. Landlords get short-term rental income and increased visibility to help them find a longer-term tenant for their space. It is a win-win proposition for multiple stakeholders. “

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