Posts Tagged ‘Station’

5M SF of Sleek: World’s Largest Subterranean Rail Station

24 Jan

[ By Steph in Architecture & Public & Institutional. ]

World's Largest Underground Rail 1

The largest underground high-speed rail station in the world will connect Hong Kong to Beijing, and measure an incredible 4,628,481 square feet. Designed by Andrew Bromberg of architecture firm Aedas, the Express Rail Link West Kowloon Terminus is scheduled for completion in 2015 and will have 15 tracks for high-speed trains that are capable of reaching speeds of 124 miles per hour.

World's Largest Underground Rail 2

Express Rail Link West Kowloon Terminus is designed to make a smooth transition between the station and the city of Hong Kong, expression the character of the urban setting. Aedas designed the station with an undulating shape that focuses views to the Kong Kong Central skyline and Victoria Peak. The West Kowloon Cultural District is ‘invited into’ the site with a flowing green park and civic plaza with its own outdoor performance amphitheater.

World's Largest Underground Rail 3

On the green roof is a vegetated sculpture garden and an observation deck with a view of the journey into Hong Kong. Say the architects, “The station may be visible below as a reminder of where one came from, but the future paths of discovery present themselves invitingly beyond.”

World's Largest Underground Rail 4

The terminus will function more like an international airport than a rail station, meaning it will need to have both custom and immigration controls for departing and arriving passengers. It will connect Hong Kong to mainland China with both regional shuttle trains and long-haul high speed trains.

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[ By Steph in Architecture & Public & Institutional. ]

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International Space Station Flyby 2-1-09

13 Dec

A time-lapse clip framed by the frozen Lake Michigan shoreline. A lone enthusiast waits for the visit. Clip ends with a pan to the west to see setting Venus. View in higher quality by clicking the link under the ‘sound’ button. Music created with Abaltat and GarageBand. 400+ stills recorded with a Nikon D300 through a Sigma 10-20mm f4 lens. there is also an hd version on vimeo: for sky watching tips, check out: More of Ken’s work can be seen at http
Video Rating: 4 / 5

I have made this video from my photography to show the beauty and wonder of the first and best national park. I hope more people visit the park so that they can see the beauty with there own eyes. As a 16 year old, I try to get out to the park at leas 1 week a year, but that is not enough for me. I hope to be able to take a winter trip sometime in the coming years. My passion is photography, especially wildlife, so please rate and comment on my video. All photos and video were taken and processed by me, and the music is royalty and DRM free.
Video Rating: 4 / 5


Space Station Reboost

02 Dec

Astronaut Jeff Williams demonstrates the acceleration experienced inside the cabin during a planned International Space Station reboost on January 24, 2010. The ISS is reboosted periodically to maintain its orbit, and to prepare for visiting spacecraft, such as the space shuttle and Progress vehicles.
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Posted in Nikon Videos


The Charge Cycle: Bike-Powered Public Phone Charging Station

13 Nov

[ By Steph in Gadgets & Geekery & Technology. ]

Soon, you’ll be able to charge your iPhone at strategic locations around New York City – but you’ll have to put in a little leg work. The Charge Cycle is a stationary bike equipped with an iPhone dock, so users can charge their phones with the power of their own muscles, without plugging into the grid.

The Kickstarter-based project by David Krawczyk and Navjot Kaur aims to get at least 30 of these bikes out into the city where anyone can use them by early May 2013. Prototypes have already been placed around New York in locations like Washington Square Park, Zuccotti Park and Brooklyn Bridge Park.

The bike is equipped with micro-USB, 30-pin and 8-pin adapters, so virtually anyone can charge their phones. It takes about the same amount of time cycling as it does plugging into a wall charger to charge up a phone, since most phones have built-in charge limiting functions to prevent overheating. The Charge Cycle will be free for public use.

To use it, you attach your phone to an adapter ad secure it to the bike with a silicone band. A 10-segment LED display bar tells you how much charge you’ve accumulated as you pedal. The basket in the front holds your belongings as you ‘ride’. Watch the video above to see it in action.

Want to support this project? Check out the Charge Cycle Kickstarter page.

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[ By Steph in Gadgets & Geekery & Technology. ]

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The Last Station

05 Nov

After almost fifty years of marriage, the Countess Sofya (Helen Mirren), Leo Tolstoy’s (Christopher Plummer) devoted wife, passionate lover, muse and secretary — she’s copied out War and Peace six times…by hand! – suddenly finds her entire world turned upside down. In the name of his newly created religion, the great Russian novelist has renounced his noble title, his property and even his family in favor of poverty, vegetarianism and even celibacy. After she’s born him thirteen children! When Sofya then discovers that Tolstoy’s trusted disciple, Chertkov (Paul Giamatti) – whom she despises – may have secretly convinced her husband to sign a new will, leaving the rights to his iconic novels to the Russian people rather than his very own family, she is consumed by righteous outrage. This is the last straw. Using every bit of cunning, every trick of seduction in her considerable arsenal, she fights fiercely for what she believes is rightfully hers. The more extreme her behavior becomes, however, the more easily Chertkov is able to persuade Tolstoy of the damage she will do to his glorious legacy. Into this minefield wanders Tolstoy’s worshipful new assistant, the young, gullible Valentin (James McAvoy). In no time, he becomes a pawn, first of the scheming Chertkov and then of the wounded, vengeful Sofya as each plots to undermine the other’s gains. Complicating Valentin’s life even further is the overwhelming passion he feels for the beautiful, spirited Masha (Kerry
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It’s that time of year again, and that means it’s time for the Second Annual Rundown Fantasy Prom Special! On this rundown, Sarah and Lilly talk about the best prom fashion, how to dance at your prom, and what to do if you are not old enough to go to prom! What are you wearing to prom this…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Posted in Animation Videos


ABS-CBN Christmas Station ID 2012 “Lumiliwanag ang Mundo sa Kwento ng Pasko”

03 Nov

CLICK THE CAPTION BUTTON FOR ENGLISH & TAGALOG SUBTITLES Every year, the Kapamilya Network marks the start of the yuletide season with the launch of the ABS-CBN Christmas station ID. It has become almost a yearly tradition that Filipinos around the globe look forward to. Lumiliwanag ang Mundo sa Kwento ng Pasko, our Christmas Station ID theme, highlights how the Filipino spirit always shines through despite calamities that ravage our country. It shows how each one of us become bearers of light, as we help our countrymen get back on their feet… how we remain resilient because kindness never runs out, because help always comes. Many scenes in the SID are inspired by real events. Some of these stories happened at the height of the habagat – A fireman saved the lives of those stranded in their own homes; a chef opened the doors of his restaurant to feed victims; a young woman offered her own jacket to a street child who was suffering under the cold rain; Philippine coast guards went out of their way to save lives; Volunteers and civilians selflessly offered their time and energy to relief work. This year’s offering features hundreds of Kapamilya stars paying tribute to ordinary Filipino heroes, at the same time helping spread the light across the globe. The parol, a Pinoy Christmas icon, is this year’s Christmas SID centerpiece. Film director John-D Lazatin suggested the idea of having kids orphaned during Typhoon Sendong design a parol. This, in turn, is used as an

Behind the scenes with photographer Robert Snow photographing Red Bull’s top emerging surfers at Typhoon Lagoon’s wave pool. Featuring Evan Geiselman, Kolohe “Brother” Andino & Cristobal De Col. Photographer: Video/Edit – Cavin Brothers

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