Posts Tagged ‘Stairs’

Ultra-Compact Stairs: 12 Next-Level Space-Saving Designs

16 Oct

[ By Steph in Design & Fixtures & Interiors. ]

Compact Stairs Charlie Girls 1

Clever integration of storage, dangerous-looking alternating treads and unusual wall-mounted designs enable these 12 compact staircases to avoid the problem of wasted space. Whether leading up to lofts in tiny houses and micro apartments or simply taking a smarter approach in larger spaces, these space-saving stairs look cool in addition to taking advantage of every square inch.

Stairs Packed with Storage

Compact Stairs Storage Drawers

Combining staircases with storage is nothing new in Japan, where carpenters have built drawers and cabinets into them for centuries. This project by architect Kotaro Anzai is a traditional ‘kaidan dans’ staircase cabinet made of linden plywood. Drawers open both out and to the side to make maximum use of the space.

Incredible Built-In Loft & Stairs from HBO’s ‘Girls’
Compact Stairs Charlie Girls 1

Compact Stairs Charlie Girls 2

Any architecture and design enthusiasts who watched HBO’s ‘Girls’ probably drooled over the clever built-ins in the fictional Bedford-Stuyvestant home of the character named Charlie. A lounge space is lofted over a semi-enclosed bed, and the stairs leading up to it also function as a closet and storage cabinet.

Built-in Bookcase Loft Stairs
Compact Stairs Bookcase Loft 1

Compact Stairs Bookcase Loft 2

A small apartment in Camden feels far more spacious after a renovation that added a central volume enclosing the bathroom and lots of storage, with a lofted bed on top. The most clever part is the wall of built-in shelves that double as a staircase to get to the top.

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Ultra Compact Stairs 12 Next Level Space Saving Designs

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Stairs to Nowhere: Half-Finished Fire Escape Inside a Church

08 Jul

[ By Steph in Art & Installation & Sound. ]

Fire Escape Church Sambre 1

A mass of reclaimed, weathered wood of all shapes and sizes rises up to the cathedral ceiling of the Church of St. Peter the Puellier in Mairie d’Orleans – but don’t expect these stairs to go anywhere. Built by French artist Sambre, ‘Escalier de Secours’ (Fire Escape) brings a sense of chaos and disproportion into a space typically considered sacred.

Fire Escape Church Sambre 2

Fire Escape Church Sambre 3

Installed in the heart of the church, the staircase consists of a framework covered in randomly applied wooden slats, nailed on with no apparent rhyme or reason. Intentionally oversized, the stairs are much to large for any human to walk up, requiring a hands-and-knees climb to ascend.

Fire Escape Church Sambre 6

Fire Escape Church Sambre 9

The work invites visitors to discover the twelfth-century church, which is the oldest remaining intact in Orleans, in an entirely new and self-guided way. Looking up through the nest-like wooden mass from the ground floor, you catch only glimpses of the church’s vaults. Visitors can choose from a variety of paths to make their way through the space, metaphorically exploring the many options available in life.

Fire Escape Church Sambre 8

Fire Escape Church Sambre 7

Sambre is known for large-scale, seemingly haphazard sculptures and architectural installations made of reclaimed wood, including spheres and labyrinths built inside gallery spaces and warehouses.


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Retractable Stairs Open to Reveal Urban Wheelchair Lifts

04 Jul

[ By Delana in Architecture & Public & Institutional. ]

sesame stairs retractable stairs

Getting around the city in a wheelchair can be challenging, but a British company called Allgood Trio has devised an interesting way to help wheelchair users get into and out of buildings with steep stairs. Their Sesame Stairs are a brilliant barrier-free way to provide accessibility in buildings which would otherwise be difficult for wheelchair users to enter.

retractable stairs wheelchair lift

In order to comply with Americans with Disabilities Act (in the US) and Disability Discrimination Act (in Britain and Australia), buildings must provide a wheelchair-accessible entrance. For some older buildings with limited space, this can be a rather tall order. Sesame Stairs are a retractable set of stairs that open up to reveal an electric chair lift.

The ingenious chair lifts are tailor made for each building, so even buildings with extremely narrow entrances or historic façades can comply with the law without making major alterations. Since ramps are unsightly and can be difficult to use – not to mention the amount of space they occupy – the retracting stairs can be a brilliant alternative.

sesame stairs wheelchair lifts

In the company’s demo video, they show that the person trying to enter the building needs to push a button to call someone outside to activate the lift. This aspect of the Sesame system doesn’t seem to be convenient for the user, but it may not be the only option offered by the company. The hidden chair lift can help preserve the integrity of historic buildings’ appearances and architecture while providing the necessary access for wheelchair users.

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Living Staircase: Spiral Stairs Wrapped in Organic Greenery

21 Nov

[ By WebUrbanist in Architecture & Offices & Commercial. ]

living stairs viewing platform

Boldly curved and cantilevered into midair, these plant-wrapped stairs are designed to provide more than just a means of moving from one floor to another.

living steps atrium view

Stepping onto them takes occupants temporarily away from concrete floors and columns, then into and through a unique miniature ecosystem of warm and living materials.

living staircase concrete floors

This staircase by Paul Cocksedge for the Ampersand building in London is punctuated by platforms overlooking a central atrium.

living steps top floor

These circular areas act as impromptu self-contained break and gathering spaces removed from the bustle of each main office floor.

living hand rail supports

Standing out not just physically but also materially, the lively-grained wooden curves are bedecked with thin stem-like strands of white metal. In turn, these support planters that supplant the role of traditional hand rails while still providing physical and psychological safety and support.

living stairs axon drawing

Each set of stairs is supported by the floors themselves, thus rendered structurally independent of a more ordinary central-column approach.

living steps design diagram

living steps upper level

Further interactivity is woven into the biological side of the design in the form of herbs that employees can nurture, grow and ultimately pluck from the rails, facilitating a sort of in-office garden and adding a bit of mint to their tea or spice to their lunch.

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Painting as Protest: Rainbow Stairs Spark Guerilla Reaction

30 Sep

[ By WebUrbanist in Art & Street Art & Graffiti. ]

painted steps art image

It started with a single person painting one public staircase, but when city workers of Istanbul, Turkey covered this brightly-colored street art with dull gray paint, citizen activists picked up brushes in rapid response. Thus escalated an isolated incident into a quiet but powerful city-wide campaign mixing politics, graffiti and beautification.

painted staircase silent protest

Aged 64,local  retired engineer Huseyin Cetinel spend reportedly $ 800 on paint simply to make the steps in his area more attractive – he notes that nature is colorful, and suggests simply that cities can be as well.

painting stairs newspaper story

As images of his work began to go viral online, many viewers saw it as a call for equal rights – a political statement. When the municipality painted the original stairs over (then initially denied doing so, adding to the confusion), that act was perhaps inevitably interpreted through a polarizing lens as well.

painted steps reaction political

Twitter and Facebook were awash with calls to color other sets of stairs around the hilly city, and a quiet war fought with guerrilla art began … the city whitewashing (or gray-painting) newly-colored staircases as people kept on recoloring them, before finally agreeing to let the steps be painted as the citizens wished.

As interviewed by the New York Times, local financial adviser Nalan Ozgul sees a larger lesson in these events: “There has been some movement in the society, a social uprising together with the Gezi Park protests, and this is just an extension of that spirit. The fact that the government-run municipality first denied having painted over the stairs, then agreed to paint them back in color, shows how desperate and indecisive they are about their policies.”

painted art guerrila action

Alternatively, perhaps this strange story shows the everyday tensions between ordinary people and relentless bureaucracies as much as it says anything  about the activist citizens and imposing governments of a particular time and place, but the effects are certainly colorful no matter how you look at them (Images via Instagram photographer sumrue and Twitter users @durmusbeyin, @demishevich, @verbikerem and @ozgelu)

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Cloud Stairs

25 Feb

Check out these visual art images:

Cloud Stairs
visual art
Image by Madison Guy
I’m not particularly fond of the Madison Museum of Contemporary Art, in the Cesar Pelli cultural temple known as the Overture Center, or even its previous, more modest incarnation as the Madison Art Center at the same site when it was the pre-Pelli Madison Civic Center. I much preferred it when Joe Wilfer was the director of the Madison Art Center and it was located in the old Lincoln School building on Lake Mendota, back when they had some remarkable shows, really connected with the community and local artists, and made the most of their modest but stunning location. But that’s water under the bridge.

Today, even a nostalgic grouch like me has to admit that the the glass stairwell/atrium of the MMoCA provides some remarkable visual effects.

The Mirror Log: Day 9 – DSC_1509
visual art
Image by Fabrice de Nola
Description: close-up on QR code painted in The Mirror by Fabrice de Nola.
Date: June 28, 2011.

Note: the code link to the Letter from a Fukushima mother (translated from Japanese by Hiroko Tabuchi).

Cite as: Fabrice de Nola, 2011. The Mirror, work in progress, detail.

Fabrice de Nola is an Italian-Belgian visual artist. He was the first artist in the world to create works of art, in 2006, using painted QR codes containg web links and texts readable through mobiles.
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