Posts Tagged ‘stabilized’

Gyro Stabilized Camera Mount- AV 200 Gimbal on a Droidworks frame

14 Nov

Here’s a Vid of our Gyro stabilized mount we use on our Mikrokopter its made by Kimberly Atwell of heres a link to where we got it.. Thanks for watching.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Creator of this video: apricot? Original video posted on NicoNicoDouga on November 5th, 2010 by apricot?: Original Song: kz (livetune) – Yellow feat. ???? Choreography reference: ??? Photography: takachii Camera: Nikon D90, 70mm, f2.8

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Posted in Nikon Videos


dual camcorder 3D gyro stabilized rig

27 Sep

This is my latest contraption for shooting stereoscopic 3D from my boat. I’ve been using it to record the local sailboat races in 3D. It uses two Canon HF-M32 camcorders and two Kenlabs KS-4 gyro stabilizers. It is supported by a highly modified FloCam. This 3D video was shot with a Sony HDR-TD10 3D camcorder

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Posted in 3D Videos