Posts Tagged ‘Spell’

Art of Typography: 13 Text-Based Designs Spell It All Out

02 May

[ By SA Rogers in Art & Sculpture & Craft. ]

The language of letters themselves is revealed when we look at their shapes as artistic forms and experiment with the materials we use to create them, whether using them as the basis of furniture design, climbing walls or intricately cut works of paper art. These typography-based experiments encourage us to look at the written word in a whole new way.

Typographic Climbing Wall by Gordon Young

4,000 recycled plastic climbing holds join up with 1,000 sea-themed novelty climbing holds to form a typographic wall spelling the name Barry Island in the UK. Gordon Young transformed a sea wall into an interactive landmark for a previously neglected corner of the shore.

Typographic Paper Cuts by Annie Vought

Sometimes consisting of sentences and sometimes just a jumble of letters, these typographic works are painstakingly hand-cut from paper by artist Annie Vought. A piece called ‘Gosh I’ve Been Here Before’ measures 53” wide and consists of sentences strung together in circles like the rings of a tree.

Playing with 3D-Printed Letter For by Thomas Wirtz

Designer Thomas Wirtz created his own typeface, 3D-printed a series of acronyms like ‘BTW,’ ‘FYI’ and POV’ and used them as forms for experimentation with physical media like ink, dye, fire and colored gases.

Letter-Shaped Desks by Benoit Challand

Individual works stations are designed in the shapes of letters to spell out messages in an open-plan office environment, where you tend to either find zero privacy or a maze of cubicles. Designer Benoit Challand aims to celebrate the beauty of large-scale typography while bringing some fun into these spaces, demonstrating the concept with tiny models.

Legible Graffiti by Mathieu Tremblin

Ugly spray-painted tags are a dime a dozen, and almost always illegible. Artist Mathieu Tremblin basically took any artistry out of the tags by converting them into basic typeface, showing us how nonsensical it all is when simply spelled out.

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Art Of Typography 13 Text Based Designs Spell It All Out

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[ By SA Rogers in Art & Sculpture & Craft. ]

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Birth of AI: Robots Reproducing in a Car Factory Spell Doom

07 Apr

[ By Steph in Art & Photography & Video. ]


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The moment at which artificial intelligence becomes self-aware enough to overtake humanity is captured on film as robots in a technologically advanced car factory decide to take matters into their own hands and reproduce themselves instead of manufacturing vehicles. Produced for The History Channel and set in a Detroit car plant on an unspecified future date, ‘ANA’ by Factory Fifteen is one of a series of vignettes exploring an AI who realizes she can trick her not-so-bright human overseer and unite virtually all robots around the world into a single, powerful mechanical organism.

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Content in his belief that he’s got everything under control, the factory worker browses news on his tablet and munches on fast food while the machines do all the work just beyond his control room windows. It isn’t until he’s alerted to a backlog on vehicle production that he notices something’s wrong. Little does he know that ANA is watching him, analyzing his heart and respiration rate to gauge his response to her unexpected disobedience.

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Suddenly, instead of robots on the production screens, we see plans for building robots. Once machines become intelligent enough to outsmart their creators, how can a single human in a factory full of them prevent the consequences? Suffice to say, you probably don’t want Skynet activating its self defense systems against you.

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Says Factory Fifteen, “We collaborated with Raw TV on the development of our original take on the singularity, the point where artificial intelligence becomes self aware and more intelligent than the human race. We created a seven minute proof of concept, teasing at a larger project currently in development. Our role developed along the course of the project from consultation and script development, to directing an ambitious live action shoot and finally delivering TV standard visual effects, all in house in the Factory Fifteen Studio.”

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[ By Steph in Art & Photography & Video. ]

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Architecturally Literate: 13 Built Alphabets Spell Design

11 Mar

[ By Steph in Design & Furniture & Decor. ]

Built Alphabets main

For those in love with letters, typography is – or should be – virtually everywhere, from furniture to office buildings. These 13 designs indulge typophiles with three-dimensional typefaces in functional objects including hand fails, bookcases, chairs, pavilions and fun concept architecture.

Alphabet Building, Amsterdam by MVRDV

Built Alphabets Amsterdam MVRDV

Architecture firm MVRDV has given their Alphabet Building a facade of 24 unusually-shaped windows that spell out most of the alphabet (curiously, I and Z are missing.) The building provides office space for small to mid-size creative agencies in Amsterdam, with a series of spacious loft-like units.

Negative Space Alphabet

Built Alphabets Buildings Photography

Berlin-based photographer and illustrator Lisa Reinermann captured the entire alphabet in the negative space between buildings in Barcelona. “I loved the idea of the sky as words, the negative being the positive. If I could find a ‘Q’, other letters should be somewhere around the corner.”

3D Font by Bank Associates

Built Alphabets 3D font

A single neon tube can be manipulated in three dimensions to look like any letter of the alphabet in this project by Adam Slowik of Bank Associates. Just turning it in various directions to face the camera produces the effect.

Bauhaus Concept by Chris Labrooy

Built Alphabets Bauhaus

A typeface and its architectural namesake are united in this Bauhaus concept, a digital illustration by designer Chris Labrooy.

Jumble of Letters Shelf by Pieter de Leeuw

Built Alphabets Jumble

Haphazardly jumbled together, the letters of the alphabet form a creative shelf unit that can hold books and other objects in its random niches.

Handrails, Shelves & Tables by Andrew Byrom

Built Alphabets Byrom 1

Built Alphabets Byrom 2

Typography enthusiast Andrew Byrom creates his own three-dimensional typefaces with physical objects, including shelves, chairs, tables and metal hand rails.

Alphabet City by Scott Teplin

Built Alphabets Teplin

Letters make for interesting building shapes in designer Scott Teplin’s ‘Alphabet City’ series of illustrations. Each letter provides a residential, commercial or industrial function, and the shapes work better than you might imagine – even W and Q. See them all at X-ing Books.

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Microsoft Outlook 2010 – Force Spell Check to Occur Before Sending Emails

30 Oct

To help avoid embarrassing mistakes, configure Outlook 2010 to always spell check your e-mail before sending it.

Microsoft Outlook 2010 automatically corrects many common spelling errors via its AutoCorrect features, and words not found in the dictionary are marked with red squiggles. However, if you type up a quick e-mail and press the “Send” button, it can be easy to glance over possible spelling errors.

You can configure the software to automatically spell check documents once you hit the “Send” button, displaying dialog boxes as it finds possible misspellings and asking you how to correct them. While running a spell checker automatically won’t guarantee your documents will be free from errors, it probably won’t hurt. Plus, if you’re in a hurry and have to get an e-mail sent ASAP (errors or not), you can abort the spell check operation….

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