Posts Tagged ‘Spatial’

Spatial Calligraphy: Projected Light Animates Picturesque Japanese Landscape

06 Sep

[ By WebUrbanist in Art & Installation & Sound. ]

Over a dozen installations are bringing Japan’s 5,000,0000-square-foot Mifuneyama Rakuen to life, combining nature with cultural traditions and modern technology in dazzling and moving ways.

Designed by TeamLab, this exhibition incorporates a sweeping landscape of lakes, mountains and forests as well as ancient structures, some predating the park (which itself is nearly 200 years old).

Their driving idea: create new immersive interactions with nature without doing any damage, using an array of lighting techniques to facilitate a unique nighttime experience. In some places, abstract lighting patterns contrast with or highlight natural elements, like koi fish swimming in a lake — in other instances, projections of scanned nature illustrate the cycle of seasons in underground caves.

“Winding promenades, a picturesque pond and an ancient villa-turned-tea house blend seamlessly with the natural surroundings, blurring the borders between wild and manmade,” reports DesignBoom. “High above, the monumental mifuneyama mountain watches over an active and lush ecosystem of sacred trees, ancient stones, hidden caves, and a diverse community of flora and fauna. It is a peaceful and poetic place that induces a deep sense of contemplation and calm. Serenity lives here.”

Visitors can journey through this hybrid wonderland moving from one exhibition to the next in sequence, or simply get lost in the trails that open each evening as the sun goes down. The project, titled “A Forest Where Gods Live,” is open through this fall.

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Spatial Bodies: Warped Architecture Bends & Twists Osaka Skyline

27 Aug

[ By WebUrbanist in Art & Photography & Video. ]

twisted skyline

Imagine a world in which an abandoned city goes to seed, but rather than plants reclaiming buildings, the buildings grow and morph like unkempt weeds, twisting the skyline into impossible new patterns.

In their project Spatial Bodies, AUJIK envisions architecture as something organic, skyscrapers like trees and vines that curve, wrap and interlock to create fresh and unpredictable formations.

spatial bodie

impossible architecture

The team compiled aerial drone footage, manipulating it in Autodesk 3D studio and combining it with Google Maps images. The resulting urban landscapes are both real and surreal, vaguely recognizable and semi-coherent but contorted and distorted. Buildings grow from familiar foundations, but wiggle and wind in unnatural and unexpected ways.

sideways skyscraper

wrapped city plants

From the artists: “Spatial Bodies depicts the urban landscape and architectural bodies as an autonomous living and self replicating organism. Domesticated and cultivated only by its own nature. A vast concrete vegetation, oscillating between order and chaos.”

crazy city

buildings in motion

curved cityscape

Many of the shots in the film are largely static, but in a way that helps make them comprehensible to viewers: it is almost impossible to take in the scenes as they pass by even in still format. Limiting the realtime motion of structures in the video also reflects their plant-like nature, implying that these transformations will take time, just like growing organic material in the wild.

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Don’t Trip: 4 Dizzying Rooms by 1 Surrealist Spatial Artist

22 Dec

[ By WebUrbanist in Art & Installation & Sound. ]

Like some kind of strange spatial magician, Kyung Woo Han turns conventional furniture, fixtures, doors and windows into otherworldly scenes that call into question just how familiar we really are with such everyday objects.

Consider White Window, a deformed frame that pulls in from the edges, but when viewed through a fish-eye surveillance camera (also part of the installation) is corrected to look like the only straight-lined design in the space.

In Green House, a room is half-filled with faux water while suspended shapes of partial furniture float at eye level, appearing to be reflected at the point where surface meets air.

Other projects like Found House and Checkered Floor take normal objects, textures and materials out of context and distort them, making simple black-and-white patterns and portals between inside and outside seem strange aand surreal.

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101 Dizzying Spiral Staircases & Twisted Architectural Art Photos

These 101 dizzy spirals may make you smile or they may induce vertigo, but here are the most impressive, most dizzying, spiraling staircases in the world.

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Enhancing Spatial Cognition in Immersive Virtual Environments

31 Oct

SPEAKER & AFFILIATION: Victoria Interrante, University of Minnesota DESCRIPTION & LINK: This lecture has been videocast from the Computer Science Department at UNC. The abstract of this lecture and a brief speaker biography is available at A full transcript of this presentation is available at
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Posted in Retouching in Photoshop


Postproduction – Spatial View Stereo 3D Editor Plug-in for Adobe® After Effects®

08 Aug

Tutorial which shows how to create stereoscopic content with the Postproduction Plug-in using Adobe® After Effects®. The spatial view is created by re-using multi-ocular material in addition with 3D layers (eg for Text or Logo).
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