Posts Tagged ‘Spans’

Rainbow Connection: Huge Mural Spans 200 Houses on Hillside in Mexico

01 Jun

painted town after

Representing an enormous collective effort, this remarkable mural manages to look complete from a distance while, upon closer inspection, brightening 209 houses occupied by 452 families, impacting the lives of 1808 residents of this hillside community.

painted town before

painted town hillside

Even more remarkably, the color selections for different sections (totalling over 200,000 square feet of paint) were worked out in conjunction with those occupying the houses of Palmitas, who were asked about their favorite colors and included in the design scheme. The project has been credited with reducing youth violence and local crime rates while creating jobs for the area.

painted town tour

painted wall house closeup

The group orchestrating this massive undertaking is called Germen Crew, self-named after germs, the seeds of ideas and art. Led by Mibe, a street artist from nearby Mexico City, the group sees itself as much as collection of community organizers and facilitators as artists or creators.

painted town mexico

For them, residents provide multiplier effects strengthening project, process and outcome and making for a much different endeavor than murals made under the radar by individuals. In turn, the artists used a simple pallet of conventional and replicable paint colors, making it both easy to maintain but also enabling those in the neighborhood to turn doing so into a collaborative activity.

painted town steps

Like the Favela Project in Rio or Blue Town of Morocco, there are secondary benefits for the locals as well, including projected increases in tourism. In the case of the latter, the strange site of a single-colored town brought in close to 100,000 visitors in the six months following its completion. This project was completed with support from regional governments as well as the national government of Mexico


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Chinese Skywalk: World’s Longest Glass Bridge Spans Two Cliffs

07 Oct

[ By WebUrbanist in Destinations & Sights & Travel. ]

glass suspension bridge

If you thought Twin Peaks was suspenseful, test your mettle on the new glass-bottomed Brave Man’s Bridge connecting two cliffs in the Hunan province of China and spanning nearly 1,000 feet.

glass panel bridge below

glass china walkway

Located in the Shiniuzhai National Geological Park (images by Sina), the bridge employees a new type of glass 25 times stronger than the ordinary variety, achieving its structural purpose despite being just 1 inch thick.

glass kneeling walks

glass bridge above

Framed in steel, the converted bridge previously held wooden walking platforms, but to compete with the rise of glass walkways around the world these were swapped out for glass equivalents.

glass park

glass bridge side

While there are other similarly glass-bottomed bridges arcing out over canyons or crossing natural expanses, this is the longest glass suspension bridge to date. Its engineers have assured the public that it is safe, even if feisty tourists jump on the panels.

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City Lab: World’s Largest Urban Simulator Spans 26 Square Miles

28 Aug

[ By WebUrbanist in Architecture & Cities & Urbanism. ]

city lab new mexico

It will be a brand-new, from-scratch American city like any other, with urban, suburban, exurban and rural zones dotted with houses, malls, power plants, police and fire stations, missing only one key ingredient: inhabitants. Currently under construction in the New Mexico desert, the Center for Innovation, Testing, and Evaluation (CITE) is a sort of real-life Sim City, the “first of its kind, in scale and scope,” a unique “fully integrated test, evaluation and certification facility dedicated to enabling and facilitating the commercialization of new and emerging technologies.”

city lab deserted complex

Known informally as City Lab (click to enlarge the diagram above), the 26-square-mile urban laboratory complex has a billion-dollar budget and will host all kinds of tests, including but not limited to: intelligent transportation systems, smart grid technologies and green energy strategies. Wired for data collection and replete with tunnels, system-wide scenarios can be monitored in the minutest detail, a dystopian twist on what might otherwise seem an idyllic mid-sized city capable of supporting 35,000 citizens.


Complete with all the infrastructure of a ‘real’ city, the developer’s target clients include university researchers, federal agencies and commercial enterprises. The facility aims to combine elements of private and governmental test environments like Gravesend, a military and police complex in the UK, Liberty City, a drone-oriented cityscape in the US and Mcity, a newly-built autonomous vehicle testing site in Detroit.

city lab simulation space

If you have one in your town it is a safe bet CITE has one as well, from churches and highways to a city hall and even an airport. While this place contains all a community could ever hope for, the only ‘residents’ of the place will be a staff of over 300 that maintain its infrastructure and supervise experiments. Imagine the reaction of some archeologist from the distant future, seeing a sort of dystopian settlement wired for full surveillance and connected by a vast array of underground tunnels (The Cabin in the Woods comes to mind, poster below), but at the same time oddly unoccupied and devoid of art, brands or billboards.

cabin in the woods movie

Noting the lack of these quintessential hallmarks of modern civilization, a professor at the University of New Mexico decided to ask what kind of public art would fit such a strange and made-to-be-deserted city. Her students solicited proposals from around the country and selected a set of winners. Ingenious ideas included: sculptural mounds made from the dirt displaced during excavation, testing paint colors around the complex for durability and weather resistance and a farcical strategy to sell lots and gentrify the faux city.

city lab public art

More from Pegasus Global Holdings: “As a privately-owned, privately-operated test and evaluation center, CITE is open and accessible to a wide array of public and private customer segments – domestic and international. The structure and policies in place at CITE are specifically designed to remove legal, cultural and budgetary impediments as are currently prevalent in the process of moving beyond basic research and development activities.”

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Making Faces: Huge Military Warehouse Mural Spans 48 Windows

10 Dec

[ By WebUrbanist in Art & Street Art & Graffiti. ]

giant building mural blu

Covering two sides of a three-story building in Rome, this ground-to-roof artwork is massive, even by the standards of a big-thinking street artist like BLU used to large-scale works.

blu building in progress

blu giant street mural

Various window and door openings are incorporated into colorful characters with a” rainbow range of painted personalities,” some of which play off of the existing architectural details or structural quirks of the building.

blu colorful face art

blu window door mural

BLU lives in Bologna and has been active in the street art scene since 1999 – he is well-known for his large-scale works around the world. Like Banksy, he keeps his identity a closely-guarded secret.

blu rainbow giant characters

blu building corner

About the artist: “His graphic mania is directly proportional to the epic scale of his murals. His paintings seem to interpret the architectural language of public spaces and reinvent them into new shapes. Thus, his murals are never detached from the places where they were conceived because Blu is a painter in the landscape, urban or industrial. He always tries to communicate with the society which inhabits those spaces, searching for the uniqueness of each place.”

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City-Sized Artwork: Huge Building Mural Spans 99 Structures

10 Aug

[ By WebUrbanist in Art & Installation & Sound. ]

city sized aerial art

In his most ambitious and large-scale work to date, Felice Varini has created a perspectival piece that wraps around the entire historic core of Hasselt, Belgium, and can only be fully seen from above.

city perspectival art view

The work spans all sorts of downtown buildings, from the local cathedral to restaurants, stores and private residences, covering pieces of walls, roofs, sidewalks, and streets, all striped with white and playing a small part in the massive overall composition.

city spanning mural painting

city white painted stripes

The point of Trois Ellipses Ouvertes en Désordre is, in part, to create a public puzzle, causing people to wonder at the seemingly random components they see from any given perspective. The entire piece is only visible from the top of one local hotel, the Radisson Blu.

city sized art piece

To create the piece, light was projected on the buildings below at night. A team of painters then drew outlines around the resulting shadows and filled them in over the course of weeks using cranes to finish the work.

street art projected light

viewed from above

Varini is well versed in the art of view-specific installation pieces, some placed throughout interior spaces and others seen in open city streets.

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Busy Banksy: New Street Art Spans All 5 Boroughs of NYC

23 Oct

[ By WebUrbanist in Art & Street Art & Graffiti. ]

banksy ghetto for life

Banksy’s artwork is all over the map this month, both literally and metaphorically, showing up in Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, The Bronx and Staten Island – some of it is even traveling in between. So far, his pieces ranged from mobile installations and mixed-material sculptures to old-fashioned graffiti tags and signature Banksy-style stencils. Here are some of the fresh highlights from his work over the past two weeks of his Better In Than Out residency work.

banksy meatpacking district truck

banksy mobile animal art

The Sirens of the Lambs is a dark buffet of faux livestock that started its citywide tour aptly in the Meatpacking District. A slaughterhouse delivery truck packed with screaming animatronic stuffed animals, it was tagged by a fan with a tracking device, to which Banksy responded on his website: “Please note: If you’re the person who stuck a tracking device on the garden truck you’re now following a car service in Queens.”

banksy painted car scene

Murals and installations like the truck-and-car art above have been shown from the Upper West Side to the Lower East Side and beyond. “People ask why I want to have an exhibition in the streets, but have you been to an art gallery recently? They’re full,” writes Banksy on his blog, which has featured a flurry of updates as he has made his way daily to different parts of town.

banksy 911 tribute art

Some days he comments or quips about briefly on his site, but others he stays silent on, letting them speak for themselves – particularly the more potentially-controversial works like his 911 tribute in Tribeca. A stencil and single flower says all he wants to say on the subject.

banksy famous plato quote

banksy profane quote lettering

Meanwhile, about the above, spray-painted on a wall in Queens, he snarks: “Some people criticize me for using sources that are a bit low brow (this quote is from ‘Gladiator’) but you know what? ‘I’m just going to use that hostility to make me stronger, not weaker’ as Kelly Rowland said on the X Factor.”

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Busy Banksy New Street Art Spans All 5 Boroughs Of Nyc

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Panoramic Rainbow: Circular Space Spans Color Spectrum

14 Sep

[ By WebUrbanist in Architecture & Public & Institutional. ]

rainbow panoramic walkway design

Rainbows on the horizon are impossible to approach, let alone pass through – they flicker and fade like phantoms, except in the case of this iconic space.

rainbow museum roof path

Your Rainbow Panorama by Olafur Eliasson is an enclosed circular walkway that sits atop the ARoS Aarhus Kunstmuseum in Denmark. Its colored glass spans from floor to ceiling and rotates visitors through five hundred feet of color, looping them through a rainbow of panoramic city views.

rainbow roof red orane

rainbow roof blue teal

rainbow roof green yellow

The experience of walking along this 500-foot path is at once reductive and complex. At each step, the city outside becomes a monochromatic landscape, filtered through the lens of single slices of color that rotate as you move.

rainbow rooftop viewing platform

From outside, the raised structure forms a bright beacon within the city, a recognizable icon thanks to its combination of round shape and vibrant color. As this project illustrates, powerful architecture can be about more than structure, building and void – it is also about shaping experience through color and light.

rainbow spectrum walking experience

According to its Danish-Icelandic designer, it is “a space which virtually erases the boundaries between inside and outside – where people become a little uncertain as to whether they have stepped into a work or into part of the museum. This uncertainty is important to me, as it encourages people to think and sense beyond the limits within which they are accustomed to moving.”  In the end, is it an gallery space, a viewing platform, a permanent art installation … or does it perhaps span a spectrum of spatial definitions as well as colors?

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Earthscraper: Inverted Pyramid Spans 1000 Vertical Feet

21 May

[ By WebUrbanist in Architecture & Public & Institutional. ]

earthscraper underground

Skyscrapers are the traditional small-footprint solution for growing square footage in big cities, but what are developers to do in growing places like Mexico City where new building construction is limited to just ten stories tall?

earthscraper subterranean city park

The only option, of course, is to reverse direction: build down instead of up. This his earth-scraper design by BKNR Arquitectura features a cental lightwell that doubles as a layered park, bringing illumination, ventilation and living greenery into the depths of the building.

earth scraper physical model

Since the ‘base’ of the structure is an open void rather than a filled volume, the existing city square is maintained – it becomes a transparent platform, effectively, adding dimension without subtracting functionality. This configuration provides not only a window to the world below that you can also walk on, still also allows for public gatherings, music festivals, open exhibitions, marches and parades.

earth scraping underground building

Below, the extensive building has multiple floors each of housing, shopping and office spaces, all arrayed around the exterior with views that face in rather than out – another inversion of expectations and conventions.

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Recycled Cargo Container Bridge Spans Environmental Gap

02 Feb

[ By Delana in Architecture & Cities & Urbanism. ]

ariel sharon park econtainer bridge

Ariel Sharon Park in Israel is planned to be a stunning ecological retreat in the middle of a densely populated urban area. The site was once an enormous landfill, but today it is being turned into the largest urban park to be built anywhere in the world in the last century. One of the centerpieces of this oasis will be the ECOntainer Bridge, a 160-meter-long bridge made of repurposed shipping containers.

recycled shipping container bridge israel

In keeping with the ecological theme of the new Ariel Sharon park, the bridge – designed by Yoav Messer Architects – is composed of recycled waste. These shipping containers were among the 800,000 or so discarded every year. The architects turned these wasted cargo containers into a beautiful and functional space.

econtainer bridge cantilevered lookout

Far from being simply a conveyance over a body of water, the ECOntainer Bridge is an attraction unto itself. It features numerous observation points and exhibition spaces, making it into a fascinating space rather than just a way to get from one side of the park to the other. Available only to pedestrians and light vehicles, the bridge will be a tranquil structure free of cars.

ECOntainer bridge drawings

(all images via: designboom)

Thanks to the modular nature of the cargo container bridge, most of the construction can be done off-site. The containers also lend themselves well to quick and easy repairs and upgrades. When work must be done on one part of the bridge, removing and swapping out parts is much quicker and simpler than it would be with a conventional structure.

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