Posts Tagged ‘Spacious’

Recycling Rockets: Ixion Will Turn Orbital Space Junk into Spacious Habitats

25 Jun

[ By WebUrbanist in Conceptual & Futuristic & Technology. ]

As part of their NextSTEP program, NASA has contracted a space company to turn trash into treasure, converting used rocket sections already being sent into orbit into habitation units rather than letting them drift or be destroyed.

It takes an immense amount of effort and fuel to break out of the Earth’s atmosphere, yet upper stage rocket sections are routinely set adrift or de-orbited, burning up on reentry. Nanoracks believes these can be put to better use — their Ixion project aims to take large fuel-carrying rocket tubes, burn out whatever fuel remains and retrofit them for occupation.

Once the propellant-containing segment is vented in open space, remaining materials will oil off over the course of a few days. Then Nanoracks will fill the void with pressurized air from tanks attached to the outside. Humans (or robots) will take the next step, entering the capsule to add fabric, wiring and whatever else is needed. The design will factor all of these needs in advance, featuring operable hatches and attachment mechanisms as needed.

Initially, the plan is to attach these to the International Space Station for testing and to extend their habitable space. Future tubes could be used to form the basis of a commercial station or to serve other functions — the idea, in part, is to get out ahead of the demand, readying this space junk for unknown future applications. And this idea could be just the beginning: robotic space junk collection could eventually put the vast amounts of orbital debris circling the planet to much better use.

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25 Spacious Images that use Simplicity Effectively

17 Oct

One element of composition that is often overlooked is the use of negative space – basically including a whole lot of nothing in your image.

Let’s look at a few images that use negative space, and simplicity, to create a dynamic and interesting composition.

Daniel Go

By Daniel Go

Joseph Boss

By Joseph Boss


By Flavio~

Tom Szymanski

By Tom Szymanski


By David.Asch

Daniel Sjöström

By Daniel Sjöström


By m k


By DarrelBirkett

Sea Turtle

By sea turtle

David Ingram

By David Ingram

Toni Verdú Carbó

By Toni Verdú Carbó

Hansen De Sade

By Hansen de Sade

Grant MacDonald

By Grant MacDonald

Richard Walker

By Richard Walker

Ram Yoga

By Ram Yoga


By Tamaar


By spodzone


By spodzone

Luke Stearns

By Luke Stearns

Jeff Laitila

By Jeff Laitila

Richard Walker

By Richard Walker

Bryon Lippincott

By Bryon Lippincott

Darwin Bell

By darwin Bell

Jonathan Cohen

By Jonathan Cohen

Ram Reddy

By ram reddy

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The post 25 Spacious Images that use Simplicity Effectively by Darlene Hildebrandt appeared first on Digital Photography School.

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Bubble Hotels: Spacious Spherical Retreats Set in Nature

14 Oct

[ By WebUrbanist in Boutique & Art Hotels & Global. ]

pod hotel on hill

Somewhere on the scale between tent and cabin lies the bubble hotel, an optionally transparent or opaque plastic retreat that is roomier than normal camping accommodations but more minimal than a traditional bed and breakfast.

pod hotel in context

pod hotel room interior

Attrap Rêves provides such pods in sizes up to 13 feet in diameter in the rural hills of Marseille, France. They are made to be lightweight, portable and low-impact solutions for ecologically-minded travelers wishing to be closely connected to the environment.

pod hotel furniture

pod plastic plus deck

Each unit comes furnished with nighttime essentials like a bed and nightstand as well as pair of chairs and table for sitting during the day. The opacity of the shell ranges from fully see-through to light-permitting depending on desired degree of privacy.

pod hotel all weather

Airlock-style entry passages allow for an extra layer of separation from the flora and fauna of the outside world, as well as a de facto mudroom for shedding shoes and wet clothes as needed. Some units also sport outdoor decks for additional lounge space.

pod hotel at night

A nearby lodge acts as restaurant, check-in counter and managerial center for the set of pods strewn about the fields, forest and hillsides of the area. Apparently, the pod is back in fashion, at or at least has revived a bit of French passion.

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Extreme Room Service: Space Hotel is Surprisingly Spacious

09 Jan

[ By Delana in Boutique & Art Hotels & Global. ]

space hotel

When you take a vacation, the point is usually to get away from everyday life and do something different. Well, there is nothing quite as different (and no place quite as removed from everyday life) as venturing into space. A Russian company called Orbital Technologies is developing a commercial space station, an orbiting hotel that is 217 miles removed from the surface of Earth.

1 space hotel sleeping pod

2 commercial space station hotel pod

The incredible hotel is not for the budget-conscious traveler; it will cost a bit over US$ 800,000 just to get there, with another US$ 160,000 or so required for five days of accommodations aboard the space station. However, the spacecraft will be designed as a comfortable environment that is much more focused on leisure than the science-oriented International Space Station.

3 commercial space station

4 orbiting space hotel

A trip to Orbital Technologies’ commercial space station will take two days to reach aboard a Soyuz rocket. Experienced space crews will accompany tourists (up to seven at a time) both on the journey from Earth and during their stay in space. Gourmet Earth food – not the bland food tubes astronauts have traditionally been served – will travel in the rocket along with the tourists as well, then be warmed up in on-board microwave ovens just before mealtime.

5 space hotel

6 orbital technologies space hotel

The commercial space station will be equipped with windows, cameras and binoculars so that guests can see the breathtaking neighborhood the space hotel is in. While the project, slated to open in 2016, is mostly geared toward über-wealthy tourists, it is not exclusively a leisure destination. The commercial space station will also serve as an emergency destination for astronauts and cosmonauts aboard the International Space Station if they should ever run into trouble while on a mission.

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