Photo via @Seagate

At the Flash Memory Summit conference Seagate has today announced a 60TB solid-state-drive (SSD), the largest capacity SSD at this point in time. Seagate say the driver has four times the capacity and twice the density of the next largest competing unit and could store approximately 12,000 DVD-quality movies or 400 million photos.

Thanks to its enterprise HDD 3.5-inch form factor, swapping out and connecting drives is very easy, increasing data accessibility in data centers that have to estimate short term versus long term data accessibility and storage needs. And thanks to its flexible architecture, it also provides a way for data centers to easily grow from the current 60TB capacity to 100TB of data or more in the future, using the same form factor. 

The bad news is that the Seagate 60TB SSD is currently only available for demonstration purposes and will only make its debut some time in 2017. So you’ll have to look for an intermediate solution if you current image storage is running out of capacity. Seagate has not given any information on pricing yet but says the drive will represent the lowest current cost per GB for flash memory once it is available.