Posts Tagged ‘Sochi’

Post-Olympic Abandonment: Sochi Already on the Road to Ruin

09 Sep

[ By WebUrbanist in Abandoned Places & Architecture. ]

sochi ghost town olympics

The Olympics have a long history of leaving a mixed legacy in their wake but the story of Sochi is particularly strange – it was never completely finished in the first place, and is already nearly abandoned less than a year after it hosted the Winter Games of 2014.

sochi art abandoned deserted

sochi remains building square

sochi abandoned after games

Already located in a remote area of Russia (albeit near the country’s largest resort area), it is perhaps no surprise that this Olympic Village would not be sustainable after serving as a venue. Russian photographer Alexander Belenkiy recently visited to document the deserted architecture of the area.

sochi ghost town river

sochi empty bridge scene

sochi sidewalk river place

His photos show what you might expect – empty streets, sidewalks, buildings and parking structures, many showing signs of degradation and disuse. Anyone who tuned into the media attention during and in the run-up to the games knows that the facilities were also in many cases shoddily constructed or incomplete to begin with.

sochi failed parking structure

sochi abandoned deserted place

Stylistically, the architecture is a strange mix of contemporary and chistorical with elements of rural-town traditionalism, resort-village detailing and decorative columns, colors and facades spanning and mixing various movements and periods. Without upkeep, though, these eclectic remixes may not be long for this world.

sochi russia 6 months

sochi after the games

sochi deserted city streets

TThis was Russia’s first time hosting the Winter Olympic Games, but it had to start largely from scratch: “The site of a training centre for aspiring Olympic athletes, in 2008, the city had no world-class level athletic facilities fit for international competition. To get the city ready for the Olympics, the Russian government committed a $ 12 billion investment package. According to some estimates, the investments necessary to bring the location up to Olympic standards may have exceeded that of any previous Olympic games. By January 2014 the construction costs had been reported to exceed the $ 50 billion mark, making it the most expensive Olympic Games in history.”

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[ By WebUrbanist in Abandoned Places & Architecture. ]

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MegaFaces: Massive Display Enables 3D Selfies at Sochi

22 Feb

[ By Steph in Art & Installation & Sound. ]

MegaFaces Sochi LED 1

Giant faces measuring 25 feet in height emerge in three dimensions from an ‘architectural Mount Rushmore’ at the entrance of Sochi’s Olympic Park. ‘MegaFaces’ is an interactive installation by architect Asif Khan consisting of a fabric pavilion that is manipulated into the shape of visitors’ faces by 11,000 actuators located just under the cube’s stretchy membrane.

MegaFaces Sochi LED 3

Three visitors at a time enter a booth located inside the pavilion to have their faces digitally scanned and displayed on a massive scale for everyone outside to marvel at. Each face is magnified by 3500%. The effect is that of a giant pinscreen, but it’s technically the world’s first “three dimensionally actuated large-scale LED screen.”

MegaFaces Sochi LED 2

The 11,000 actuators that create the images are tipped with translucent spheres containing RGB-LED lights, so a combination of physical movement and light intensity creates the pinscreen effect. The idea is that anyone can “become a hero,” reflected to the world on a large scale.

MegaFaces Sochi LED 4

“Whether we are taking a self-portrait and posting it for our friends to see, or texting an emoticon to show how we feel, we’ve translated a fundamental means of self-expression into a new medium,” says Khan. “That is why I think of this pavilion as a synergy between architecture and digital platform. At the same time it’s a monument to all of us. The concept is to make people the face of the Olympics.”

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[ By Steph in Art & Installation & Sound. ]

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Exposing another side of Sochi

19 Feb


Hosting the 2014 Winter Olympics, Sochi has absorbed an influx of athletes, fans and media for two weeks of competition. What isn’t apparent from the coverage is what Sochi looks most of the rest of the year – a seaside, summer resort town. Since 2007 photographer Rob Hornstra and writer Arnold van Bruggen have been documenting Sochi as they saw it change from quiet summer getaway to a world stage. Take a look at a different Sochi, as seen through Hornstra’s lens. See gallery

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