Posts Tagged ‘Slice’

Nice Slice: 30+ Sculptures & Illustrations Created with Cut Paper

17 Oct

[ By SA Rogers in Art & Sculpture & Craft. ]

Hand most people some paper and an X-acto knife and ask them to make art, and at best, they’ll produce some cartoonish shapes spattered with blood. But these twelve artists are producing some of the world’s most impressive papercut art, whether by laboring over astonishingly intricate tapestries for months at a time or making use of clever minimalism for a surprisingly big impact.

Sea Creatures by Kiri Ken

Sea creatures and other natural subjects become the slightest wisps of paper in these extraordinarily delicate and detailed paper cuts by artist Kiri Ken, who shares her work on Twitter. The creatures often become something slightly unnatural in the textures and lines Kiri applies to their various parts, sprouting mechanical objects or patterns that look computerized.

Nature Scenes by Pippa Dyrlaga

Each teeny-tiny feather on a kingfisher’s wing, each scale on the body of a goldfish, is cut out with seemingly endless patience and unfailing accuracy in works by Yorkshire-based artist and printmaker Pippa Dyrlaga.

Anatomy by Ali Harrison

Ali Harrison’s versions of human organs are quite a bit prettier than the real thing, each one given surprising depth and heft despite being cut out of ordinary sheets of paper. The artist designs each one and then laser-cuts them so they can be reproduced. She sells them in her Light and Paper shop.

Endangered Species Cut-Outs by Patrick Cabral

Wolves, elephants, pangolins, tigers, pandas and more are rendered starkly in black and white cut paper against a black surface, each layer of their lace-like faces and bodies cut by hand. Manila-based artist Patrick Cabral donated half the proceeds from the sales of each of these endangered species to WWF Philippines.

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Nice Slice 30 Sculptures Illustrations Created With Cut Paper

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[ By SA Rogers in Art & Sculpture & Craft. ]

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Slice and dice: Watch as a 60,000 PSI water jet slices an SLR in half

12 Nov

You may remember (and were traumatized by) a video that we posted earlier this year where a hydraulic press was used to crush a Nikon and a Canon camera to determine just which camera company reigned supreme. This time around a 60,000 PSI waterjet gets the honor of slicing an EOS ELAN 7E 35mm SLR in half.  

Camera companies often slice camera bodies in half to show off the inner workings of their new products at trade shows, but the Waterjet Channel kicks it up a notch by slicing a Canon camera body with the lens attached in half. Don’t try this at home!

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Your Own Slice of Sky: Pop-Out Windows for Urban Apartments

05 Nov

[ By Steph in Design & Fixtures & Interiors. ]

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Few city dwellers are lucky enough to have an outdoor space to call their own, but this pop-out window design offers a view of the sky, even if your window looks directly onto another building. Argentinian architect and Pratt Institute student Aldana Ferrer Garcia debuted her thesis project ‘More Sky’ at the inaugural Dubai Design Week, rethinking the limits of standard urban housing.

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Designed to fit within Brooklyn’s building rules and regulations, ‘More Sky’ is a replacement window system that can extend into the outdoors with an accordion-like action. The window comes in three styles: casement niche, awning niche and hopper niche, providing various opening angles and degrees of expansion.

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The ‘casement niche’ is a pivoting window seat that lets you safely hang out the window, providing panoramic views. Bring a blanket and a small pillow, and you’ve got the perfect cozy nook for reading or enjoying a cup of coffee.

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The ‘hopper niche’ angles straight out, and is strong enough to support a person lounging inside. This angle gives you views of the sky, ideal for apartments that overlook narrow alleyways. The third design, ‘awning niche,’ is an ideal spot for indoor plants that require a lot of sunlight, like herbs.

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[ By Steph in Design & Fixtures & Interiors. ]

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