Posts Tagged ‘‘Skylum’’

Skylum shows off new water reflections in Luminar AI’s Sky AI feature

17 Oct
Image credit: Iurie Belegurschi

Last year, Skylum Software added a new feature to Luminar, AI Sky Replacement. The fully automatic feature, powered by artificial intelligence, can almost instantly replace the sky in an image and relight the overall scene. Next year in Luminar AI, Skylum is taking the feature even further with its new Sky AI tool. Sky AI will add a much-requested feature, water reflections.

Skylum has published a new blog post and video, seen further below, showing off how water reflection will work in 2021 when it is added to Luminar AI, which is scheduled to release this year. As is the case with AI Sky Replacement, Sky AI and its water reflections feature will be fully automated.

Sky AI 1.0 (left) versus Sky AI 2.0 (right). Sky AI 2.0 includes the new water reflections functionality. Image credit: Elia Locardi

With Sky AI, when the software detects water in your scene and you replace the sky, Luminar AI will ensure that the new sky is accurately reflected in the water. As Skylum writes, ‘That means no more duplicating your scene, flipping it and applying a bunch of masking to make it look realistic.’ The reflected sky will also adapt on the fly to your selected relight settings and be ‘blurred into the scene without any manual work from you.’

Further, any details in the water in your scene, such as waterbirds, will stay in your scene and not be overwritten by the reflected sky. Sky AI recognizes the objects in your image and works to preserve fine details in a scene. You can check out the upcoming feature in the preview video below.

As you can see in the video above, Sky AI has a similar selection of sliders to what’s currently available in Luminar 4’s AI Sky Replacement tool. However, Skylum has added Water Reflection and Water Ripples sliders. You can control the intensity of the reflection and even add user-adjustable ripples to the reflection by using these new sliders.

Image credit: Daniel Kordan

In addition to the new water reflection capabilities of Sky AI, Skylum is also adding the ability to browse through your library of skies in a thumbnail viewer in 2021. The browser will show you a preview of each sky, whereas in Luminar 4, you have a list of the names of different skies, but no visual preview.

Sky AI is one of many exciting new features coming to Luminar AI. You can discover more about Skylum’s Luminar AI and view preorder options by clicking here.

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Skylum shows how new Templates feature in upcoming Luminar AI update can save you time

01 Oct

Ahead of Luminar AI’s release this holiday season, Skylum Software has shared additional information about how Templates will work in the upcoming all-in-one photo editing software and how Templates can be used to save photographers a lot of time and energy when processing many images.

In many traditional photo editors, users must adjust different sliders to get the desired results when processing images. There are often available presets, which will speed up the editing process, but presets have limitations, and photographers are often left feeling like their creativity has been removed from the editing process. Ideally, many of us want to save time without sacrificing creative control. Skylum believes that Luminar AI’s Templates will remove the frustration and overcome the limitations of presets in other photo editors.

Photo credit: Elia Locardi

The artificial intelligence in Luminar AI has been integrated throughout the entire editing process and has been trained with ‘expert input from artists, photographers, colorists and scientists.’ Alex Tsepko, Skylum’s CEO, says, ‘With Luminar AI, we wanted to ensure that AI not only was easy to use, but that it also provided creatives a way to express themselves. Through our unique 3D depth-mapping and segmentation technologies, we’re able to recognize the contents of a photo, recommended edits and then allow creatives to refine every aspect of that recommendation. Doing this lets creatives retain their unique style in their edits without tedious, manual work. Professional results, but in a fraction of the time.’

Artificial intelligence starts operating as soon as you open an image in Luminar AI. The software identifies the contents of an image, analyzes potential problem spots, and evaluates the depth of the image. Luminar AI then offers a list of carefully selected Templates for users to select from.

Users can test out different Templates and see how they impact their image. Skylum states that a preview is created in less than a second. When you evaluate a specific Template you can even see which AI tools were utilized in the Template. For beginners, it should prove useful to see which tools are used to create different images and how each tool changes the look and feel of a photo.

Photo credit: Javier Pardina

Templates will offer novices a variety of ideas to help choose the direction they want to take an image. For advanced photographers with more editing experience, they can choose when and how they want more advanced manual control over their image edits. They can pick and choose which AI tools they want to utilize and then create their own templates for future use on single images or when batch editing. Skylum states that utilizing templates will allow photographers to save ‘up to 90% of their time spent editing.’

You can learn more about Luminar AI here. For a list of Frequently Asked Questions about Luminar AI, click here. Luminar AI is available for preorder at a special price, which you can learn more about here. As the release of Luminar AI approaches this holiday, stay tuned for more information, including a planned hands-on preview ahead of the full public release of Luminar AI.

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Skylum announces LuminarAI, an AI-powered app designed to change how you edit photos

04 Sep

Skylum Software has increasingly utilized artificial intelligence in its editing software, including its flagship raw photo editing software, Luminar. Skylum has used AI for tasks such as automatically adjusting the color and exposure of an image and even replacing the entire sky in an image. With the newly-announced version of Luminar, aptly dubbed LuminarAI, Skylum has taken the implementation of AI even further.

Skylum has designed LuminarAI to automate as much of the photo editing process as possible while never removing the user from making creative decisions with their images. The idea is to streamline the process and make photo editing more accessible for beginners while offering even more powerful editing tools for experienced users. As Skylum puts it, LuminarAI uses artificial intelligence to remove ‘boring and complex tasks without sacrificing professional quality.’

Image credit: Skylum Software

Of LuminarAI, Skylum CPO Dima Sytnik says, ‘LuminarAI will bring an entirely new, non-conventional approach to the world of photo editing, focusing on the results instead of the process. We’ve designed LuminarAI from the ground up to change how people interact with their images. We’re really excited to see what LuminarAI can do for creatives everywhere.’

Artificial intelligence begins operating as soon as you select an image in LuminarAI. The software analyzes your image and recommends certain templates to help improve a specific image. Although AI is present throughout the entire process, you retain complete control over which edits are made and how they are applied.

LuminarAI can automatically crop and straighten your images via CompositionAI and automatically adjusts exposure and color via AccentAI, a feature longtime Luminar users will recognize. To add detail and texture to your image, LuminarAI includes StructureAI.

LuminarAI includes SkinAI to easily retouch skin and remove blemishes. There is also IrisAI, allowing the user to quickly enhance a subject’s eyes. Image credit: Skylum Software

The portrait retouching process includes numerous new AI-powered tools for photographers. If you’d like to change the shape or relative size of parts of the subject, you can utilize BodyAI and FaceAI to gently sculpt. If eyes are truly the window to the soul, you’ll want to use IrisAI to enhance a subject’s eyes. Skin retouching is often a time-consuming process in software such as Photoshop, but in LuminarAI, Skylum includes SkinAI to quickly remove imperfections and blemishes in the skin without making the subject look fake or unnatural.

Image credit: Skylum Software

Landscape photographers will be able to enhance the sky in their image with the existing Sky Enhancer feature, but there’s a new AtmosphereAI tool as well to add additional details to the sky. Of course, you will still be able to entirely replace the sky in your photo using SkyAI in LuminarAI. Within SkyAI, you can add warmth to the scene and even add rays of light.

LuminarAI includes numerous features aimed at enhancing landscape images. You can replace the sky, add rays of light, add warmth to the scene, enhance the sky and more. Image credit: Skylum Software

LuminarAI is releasing this holiday for macOS and Windows. The software will be available as both a standalone application and as a plug-in. To learn more about LuminarAI and to preorder via early-bird pricing, visit Skylum’s new LuminarAI page.

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Skylum releases Luminar 4.2, includes AI Augmented Sky and new portrait enhancements

19 Mar

Skylum has announced a new version of its Luminar 4 software, Luminar 4.2. The free update includes a major new feature, AI Augmented Sky. The new AI Augmented Sky feature allows photographers to place various objects directly into the sky, leading to new ways to create digital art. In addition to AI Augmented Sky, Luminar 4.2 includes new portrait tools and general performance improvements.

The new AI Augmented Sky feature can be found in Luminar 4’s Creative tab. This tool allows users to select objects from Luminar’s database or import their own. The included objects are: Aurora, Balloons, Birds (three choices), Clouds (six), Eagle, Fireworks (three), Lightning (two), Moon (two), Mountains (four), Plane (two), Planet (four) and Rainbow (two).

Luminar leverages its artificial intelligence to automatically detect the sky in a selected image and place the chosen object, including creating masks for foreground objects such as trees or buildings. Luminar also includes content-aware technologies, allowing the object and overall image to blend together naturally.

In the before and after comparison above, my original image had a completely bare sky. Using Luminar 4.2’s new AI Augmented Sky functionality, I added clouds and mountains to the image. The software did a good job masking out the trees along the horizon and matching the clouds and mountains to the existing scene.

You have control over the placement and size of the chosen object. You can also adjust its opacity, the color temperature and the strength of the software’s blending tools. If you have any issues with the automatic masking, you can also customize the mask manually with brush, radial, gradient and luminosity mask tools. The mask refinement strength and defocus can be adjusted as well through sliders.

In this before (top) and after (bottom) comparison, you can see that I added clouds and an additional hot air balloon to my image. I resized the added hot air balloon and placed it where I wanted for my preferred composition. When adding the clouds, the software identified the blue panel on the balloon as sky, which resulted in clouds appearing on the balloon. This was easily addressed by manually erasing that part of the balloon using the mask brush tool.

During my time with the software ahead of its public release, I experienced varying levels of success using the AI Augmented Sky feature. In some cases, the feature worked well, especially for adding clouds to an otherwise bland sky. Even when working around trees and other fine details, the software did well, especially when working with a blue sky. Around very fine branches, even when adjusting the strength of the mask, there were some occasional problems. I experienced less success when working with darker skies, including dark gray skies. Also, the software doesn’t automatically detect and mirror objects for reflections in water, which can make it difficult to create a convincing image in some cases.

Of the new AI Augmented Sky feature, Co-Founder and Chief Product Officer of Skylum, Dima Sytnyk, said, “We’re really excited to see how photographers use the AI Augmented Sky to create digital works of art. AI Augmented Sky can be used to make everything from subtle tweaks, like moving the moon in the sky, or to totally transform the world around us. The possibilities are endless!”

In addition to AI Augmented Sky, Luminar 4.2 includes enhancements to its built-in portrait tools. The software includes new architecture for the Face Features Detection Neural Network, which allows for the software to better detect different faces in multiple positions, bad or mixed lighting and faces with heavy makeup. Luminar 4.2 can also detect multiple faces in a group photo. By utilizing the software’s improved face detection technology, Luminar 4.2 can now help users restore skin in overly shiny areas and slim faces via a slider adjustment.

In this before (top) and after (bottom) comparison, you can see the impact of the new Shine Removal tool inside Luminar 4.2’s AI Skin Enhancer. The result was subtle in each image I processed.

These portrait enhancement tools join existing tools such as AI Skin Enhancer, face lighting, eye whitening, eye enhancement, dark circles remover, eye enlargement, eyebrow improvement, lip saturation, lip redness, lip darkening and teeth whitening. As with the AI Augmented Sky feature, the shine removal and Slim Face 2.0 features have automatic masks but can be manually edited.

The new shine removal tool can be found in the AI Skin Enhancer section of the Portrait tab in Luminar 4.2 and works on a 0-100 slider scale. The tool works well on different skin types and in my experience, did a good job of convincingly reducing the shine without adversely affecting texture or color balance in the image. It works better than simply reducing highlights in an image.

In this before (left) and after (right) example, I utilized the new Slim Face 2.0 tool. Even using 100 percent slimming, the final result is quite subtle. In this example, I was particularly impressed by how the software handled the model’s hand against her face and her hair partially obscuring her right eye. The face detection technology is highly impressive.

The new Slim Face 2.0 adjustment is found in the AI Portrait Enhancer section and is also a 0-100 sliding scale. While I’m unlikely to use this feature when processing portraits, its implementation is very good. The software does an excellent job of convincingly slimming a face while keeping proportions looking natural and maintaining the overall quality of the image file. I tried it on a variety of portraits and found it to do a good job in every instance. Alongside the existing AI Portrait Enhancer tools, the new Slim Face 2.0 function fits in nicely.

In addition to the key new features of Luminar 4.2, the software includes various upgrades and other enhancements. The Relight Scene technology in the AI Sky Replacement tool has been improved, providing better and more natural colors. There are also improvements to the ML Cache, which will increase the speed of interaction with the machine’s processor. Windows users will find faster previews on multi-core systems and third-party plugin implementation to be able to use plugins such as Aurora HDR, DxO Nik Collection and Topaz plugins inside Luminar 4.2. Luminar 4.2 also includes a new user manual, making it easier for users to find information on the software’s included tools and functionality.

In Luminar 4.2, the Relight Scene technology has been reworked, resulting in more natural colors. In the example above, I replaced the original sky with a very different sky and the software did a nice job changing the overall image to represent the change. It’s impressive how Luminar 4.2 is able to deal with not only the objects in the scene, but the reflection as well, including the ripples in the water.

Luminar 4.2 is available now as a free update for existing Luminar 4 users. If you are interested in trying Luminar 4 for the first time, you can download a free trial from Skylum. For a limited time, if you purchase Luminar 4 for $ 89 USD, you will also receive the Inspiration Looks pack, a $ 49 value, free of charge. You can also upgrade to the Plus Edition, which includes the Inspiration Looks pack and the California Sunset skies for $ 99. There is also a bundle with Luminar 4 (with bonuses) plus Aurora HDR 2019 for $ 169. You can learn more by visiting Skylum.

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Skylum teases Luminar 4 AI Skin Enhancer and Portrait Enhancer filters

18 Sep

Skyulm software continues to tease new features of its Luminar 4 software that is scheduled to be released this fall. Like the AI Sky Replacement and AI Structure filters we have already heard of, AI Skin Enhancer and Portrait Enhancer make use of machine learning to automate tasks like selections, masks and layers stacking, reducing the time it takes to get your retouching projects completed.

Modifications can also be synced across a series of photos and the technology is capable of adapting to each individual frame and make the right adjustments in order to maintain a coherent style across all images.

Skin Enhancer uses AI technology to automatically detect faces and skin in a photo. Photographers can then easily remove skin imperfections and smooth the skin. At the same time, textured detail, such as hair or skin pores are preserved to maintain a natural look.

Portrait Enhancer offers a collection of tools to modify your subjects’ faces in order to enhance or highlight certain features:

  • Face-aware Lighting adjusts the lighting for the face only, emulating a flash or reflector that is aimed at the face
  • Eye Improvement sharpens and whitens the eyes
  • Dark Circle Removal does what it says on the tin and removes dark circles or shadows below the eye.
  • Red Eye corrects the red issue effect that is caused by flash use
  • Face Contouring can make a face appear slimmer
  • Eye Enlargement gently increases the size of your subject’s eyes
  • Eyebrows thickens and darkens eyebrows
  • Lips and Teeth Enhancement enhances color of the lips and can whiten teeth

Most tools are controlled by simple sliders and built-in presets can make the process even faster.

Luminar 4 will run as a standalone application or a plugin for Adobe applications like Photoshop, Lightroom Classic and Photoshop Elements, or Apple software like Photos for macOS and Aperture.

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Skylum teases AI Sky Replacement filter for Luminar 4.0

15 Aug

Skylum plans to launch Luminar 4 this Fall, an upgrade for its popular photo editing software. The company recently announced that one of the major features that will be included in the latest version of the software is the AI Sky Replacement Tool. Skylum has been developing its artificial intelligence technology for years and is confident in the accuracy they provide photo editors.

The video above, published yesterday, walks us through the user interface. However, their Director of Education hosting the short clip warns that the feature is still in beta version and the layout may look different when it is released for public use. The AI Sky Replacement Tool takes photos with basic, bland skies and makes them more interesting with a variety of templates including moody clouds and majestic sunsets.

Enhancing the sky on a photo is a pretty straightforward process. Photo editors simply select the AI Sky Replacement filter from the filters catalog on the right-hand side, adjust the camera amount slider, and next use the texture slider to select different skies. One user in the videos comment section pointed out that using the same selection of skies could create a repetitive effect for photographers across the board. Fortunately, Skylum will allow users to upload their own sky files.

As the video clip illustrates, the AI Sky Replacement Tool automatically detects the sky, identifies its angle, and applies a replacement to make the photo more dynamic while maintaining a realistic look. The software is able to detect exactly where the sky begins and ends. The author walks through a few examples where the artificial intelligence employed can detect columns on a building and semi-transparent areas found with trees and shrubbery. Accent AI can be used to life foreground shadows as well.

The AI Sky Replacement tool is one of the many AI tools that will be released with Luminar 4 this Fall. For those who want to be the first to know about updates, and when it’ll be released, email sign up is available here.

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Skylum Luminar 3.1.1 update brings speed improvements and new features

12 Jun

Skylum has updated its photo editing software Luminar to version 3.1.1, bringing improvements and new features to both the Windows and Mac versions of the application. The company says the new version of its software improves navigation on Windows and Mac by enabling users to right-click on an image and go straight to the folder in which it is stored.

For Windows users, right-clicking on an image also now presents the option to view other images that were taken on the same day. Skylum presents these two features as a way to easily find other content that may be related to a current project, such as other images taken during the same photo shoot.

For Mac users, Luminar version 3.1.1 can create albums faster and now supports changing the software’s language independent of the operating system’s settings. Both the Windows and Mac versions of the software have received launch time improvements, as well, drastically reducing the software’s startup time.

Luminar version 3.1.1 is available now. Windows users can find the update by clicking ‘Help > Check for update’ in the top toolbar; Mac users can update by clicking ‘Check for updates’ in the Luminar 3 menu option in the system’s top bar.

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Skylum announces development of AirMagic drone imaging software

25 Feb

Skylum software, the company behind the Luminar and Aurora HDR applications has announced it is developing a dedicated software for enhancement of aerial images captured with drones.

The application for Windows and Mac will be called AirMagic and is AI powered “to transform photos made with a drone from great to breathtaking.” It will become available sometime in spring.

Looking at the teaser video above AitMagic is capable of detecting what drone camera an image has been captured with. It can then scan the scene for haze, skies, and presumably other image elements and artifacts, before automatically adjusting exposure, color and other parameters for an optimized end result.

It looks like AirMagic will be targeted at users who prefer automated enhancement over manual optimization but we’ll hopefully know more in the near future. No information on pricing has been released yet.

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First look: Skylum Luminar 3 adds support for photo libraries, Digital Asset Manager to follow

07 Dec
Skylum Luminar 3’s layout.

Luminar’s library is set to open soon, but expect construction to continue through at least next year.

The long-awaited update to Skylum Software’s photo editor adds in-app photo library management, which the company says is the first step toward building out a complete Digital Asset Manager (DAM). Called ‘Luminar with Libraries’, this version more directly competes with applications that organize your photos, such as Adobe Lightroom Classic CC and Lightroom CC. Luminar 3 arrives December 18, runs on macOS and Windows, and is a free update for owners of Luminar 2018.

This version more directly competes with applications that organize your photos, such as Adobe Lightroom

That’s mixed news for photographers contemplating a switch from Adobe’s applications, especially since Skylum has been teasing a Luminar DAM for well over a year (and just barely hitting their promise to ship it in 2018). Acknowledging the situation, Skylum is making further updates to Luminar free throughout 2019.

Luminar 3 is a free update for current owners of Luminar 2018. Owners of Aurora HDR, Photolemur, and legacy products can upgrade for $ 49 until December 18. New preorders cost $ 59 until that date, and $ 69 thereafter. There’s no subscription pricing model.

Library vs Digital Asset Manager

Here’s what Luminar with Libraries offers:

  • The Library component is integrated into the application, not existing as a separate app. It keeps track of all the images you throw at it in a browsable image gallery. Photos can be imported from cameras or memory cards, or you can point Luminar at existing folders on your hard disk. Unlike apps such as Apple Photos or Lightroom CC, Luminar doesn’t squirrel the images away to its own folder or container. It creates a central catalog file to track file locations and edits, but the originals remain wherever you put them in the first place.
  • In the Library, you can rate photos from zero to five stars, mark them as flagged or rejected, or apply any of five color labels.
  • You can create albums and populate them with photos.
  • A few shortcuts act like smart albums, revealing photos based on their capture dates, import dates, and recently edited dates.
  • In the Info panel, a limited set of EXIF data is shown, such as the camera, lens, focal length, ISO, aperture, shutter speed, and exposure compensation.
  • You can filter the library based on any of those attributes.
Filter images based on the criteria the Library offers.

Luminar with Libraries covers the basics of wrangling files and making them easily available for editing, but a full DAM provides a deeper level of interacting with one’s photos. Not included in this release is the ability to apply keywords or IPTC metadata, any kind of text-based search, a way to expose and take advantage of location data, or synchronization of images between computers or devices. The interface for importing photos relies on traditional Open dialogs instead of a way to preview the shots.

Editing Changes

Luminar 3 is still the same editor as it was before, with a few enhancements. Presets are now ‘Luminar Looks,’ which sounds like just a rebranding attempt, but actually rolls presets, LUTs, and some AI-enhanced operations into one-click actions.

“Luminar Looks” isn’t simply advantageous alliteration, but a merging of presets, LUTs, and some AI processing.

More significantly, the inclusion of the library into Luminar makes it possible to apply edits to one image and sync them among many other similar photos.

Sync edits from one image to several similar shots.

The Windows version includes improvements to Luminar’s color management to get consistent color among displays and devices, plus a host of bug fixes and performance boosts.

What’s Next

Skylum plans to release frequent updates throughout 2019 to add features and expand the library’s features. In its Luminar Roadmap, the company lists targets for the first half of the year that include:

  • Improved handling of Raw + JPEG image pairs (instead of treating each part separately).
  • The ability to create virtual copies of photos.
  • A Smart Search feature for locating shots “using keywords, EXIF information, and file names” (suggesting keyword support will be forthcoming).
  • IPTC core data editing and syncing among images.
  • Features that use AI technology “when editing skin on portraits, architecture, removing objects or simply applying masks on your images.”
  • A Lightroom migration tool.

Although Luminar 3 won’t arrive with a fully-formed DAM, as many photographers were hoping, incorporating the photo library into the application is still a big deal. Melding the library and the editing tools in the same environment streamlines the overall workflow. It allows you to work on a range of images quickly, without the hassle of opening and saving individual images (and deciding where the edited versions live). It’s a big reason why people stick with Lightroom or use alternatives such as Capture One, Alien Skin Exposure, or ON1 Photo Raw.

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Skylum partners with EyeEm to launch global photography scholarship

16 Nov

Software company Skylum and mobile image sharing community EyeEm have teamed up and launched a global photography scholarship that is open to anyone interested in photography. Skylum Software will be supporting 10 artists on the EyeEm platform with $ 10,000 to help them focus on their photography.

In addition the selected photographers will be able to create editing presets for the Skylum Luminar software. The presets will be available to purchase on the Luminar marketplace as part of a special collection. Revenue from preset sales will be shared 1/3 with the artists.

Skylum CEO Alex Tsepko said: “Our focus has always been to provide artists with the best photo enhancement tools, and collaborating with a creative community like EyeEm to empower next generation of creatives is just a natural fit”.

If you want to apply for the scholarship you’ll need an EyeEm acccount, have an impressive portfolio, and convince the decision makers that your work is standing out. Submissions are open from now until December 2. You’ll find more information and the submission form on the EyeEm website.

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