Posts Tagged ‘Sketching’

Offcut Cityscapes: Sketching Sculptures with Band Saws

18 Apr

[ By WebUrbanist in Art & Sculpture & Craft. ]

offcut sculptural cityscapes

An adept furniture maker is familiar with scrap – but this designer-and-artist has turned leftover materials into something just as fantastic as his normal finished projects.

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James McNabb has crafted fine wooden designs using lasers and routers, but the band saw drove this stunning series of abstract city landscapes shaped into circles and in some cases patterned after furniture, from tables and shelves to chandeliers.

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He began shaping the individual pieces without picturing them as architectural, but by arranging them on a grid, the sense of buildings emerges from each work.

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As he assembles each from uniquely-cut shapes, individual structures may be similar but no two compositions are alike.

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Like many stellar artists of history and the present, his creativity comes from a departure from but includes education in traditional forms and techniques – his beautiful furniture forms the basis for these more innovative offshoots.

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[ By WebUrbanist in Art & Sculpture & Craft. ]

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Book Review: Sketching Light by Joe McNally

31 Jul


Bestselling author Joe McNally (The Moment It Clicks and The Hotshoe Diaries) has written another accessible, entertaining book – Sketching Light: An Illustrated Tour of the Possibilities of Flash. In contrast to his earlier volumes, which were often rich with images and reminiscences from his storied editorial career, his latest book is more technical, covering methods for creating and shaping light using all manner of strobes. This is far from a prescriptive ‘how to’ guide though, says Adam Koplan.

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