Posts Tagged ‘Shattering’

Slow motion video shows glass shattering at 343,000 fps

21 Jul

YouTube channel ‘The Slow Mo Guys’ has posted a new video showcasing its fastest frame rate content to date: 343,915 fps, to be precise. The duo behind the channel, Dan and Gav, used a Phantom v2511 camera to record glass Pyrex dishes shattering with speeds starting at 28,546fps. At its fastest frame rate, the camera captured the glass shattering at a rate 13,756 times slower than real time.

At the fastest frame rate, the Phantom camera recorded for a duration of 5.1 seconds and during that time captured 19.5 hours’ worth of video footage. 

If you’re having trouble sleeping, you can check out the full 19+ hour slow-motion shatter video here. 

Via: Bokeh

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Shattering Objects using PolyFX in MoGraph 2

06 Nov

Get a 3D object to shatter then blend back to its original state using CINEMA 4D’s MoGraph 2 module. For more info on CINEMA 4D and MoGraph 2, see
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