Posts Tagged ‘Share’

Ether Share Buy Erfarenheter

30 Jun

Att välja Ether Share Buy de bästa kryptosystem som finns på marknaden är en mycket viktig aspekt av handeln. Om du inte är medveten om detta kan det sluta med att du förlorar mycket pengar i det långa loppet. Om du vill göra mest vinst på kortast möjliga tid måste du göra din hemläxa väl. Här är några av de grunder som du bör känna till innan du väljer de bästa mynten att handla på marknaden med.

Ether Share Buy

En av de första sakerna du måste titta efter i de bästa valutorna som finns på marknaden är deras inflationsgrad. För att förstå detta måste du först förstå vad inflation är. Inflation är helt enkelt en ökning av priserna utan att varor och tjänster minskar. Till exempel är en enårig dollar värd mycket mer om några månader, eller hur? Så om du väljer att investera i de bästa råvarorna för det här århundradet vore det klokt att hålla utkik efter de valutor som enligt prognoserna kommer att uppleva den högsta inflationen under de kommande tio åren.

Ett annat grundläggande övervägande när det gäller att investera i de bästa valutorna är deras historik när det gäller handel och gruvdrift. Man kan inte bara välja vilket gammalt system som helst att investera i idag. Det finns hundratusentals valutor som handlas på marknaden och endast ett fåtal utvalda är lönsamma. Därför är det nödvändigt att du forskar väl om de olika systemen som finns tillgängliga för att veta vilket av de tillgängliga kryptosystemen som är det bästa att investera i.

Ett av de enklaste sätten att avgöra vilken av de bästa valutorna att investera i är genom att titta på den underliggande tillgångens egenskaper. Detta kallas tillgångens egenskaper och de är kända som Ripples. Låt oss ta en titt på två exempel på de bästa valutorna att investera i under det kommande decenniet. Den första typen av tillgång är aktier. Ett index som följer värdet av olika typer av företag kallas aktier. Så om vi tittar på de tio främsta valutorna som kommer att styra aktiemarknadens värde i framtiden är det troligt att dollarn kommer att fortsätta sin uppgång eftersom värdet på aktier i USA och Europa förväntas stiga.

Den andra typen av tillgångar är guld. Det finns en stor sannolikhet för att guldpriset kommer att stiga under det kommande decenniet. Om du håller på med handel och inte har teknisk kunskap om vilken av de bästa valutorna du ska investera i bör du prova de bästa kryptovalutorna som sannolikt kommer att öka i värde under detta årtionde. Bland de möjliga valutorna att investera i Ether Share Buy finns euron, den japanska yenen, den australiska dollarn, schweiziska francen, den kanadensiska dollarn och det brittiska pundet. Var och en av dessa valutor har sina egna för- och nackdelar och du bör noggrant studera dem innan du investerar i dem.

Även om det är lätt att bli lockad av de dåliga nyheterna om att investera i kryptovalutor finns det ingen dålig investering när det gäller mynt. Anledningen till detta är att de flesta investerare som är nya i den här branschen slutar med att förlora sina pengar eftersom de inte har rätt kunskap om vilka av de bästa valutorna de ska investera i. Så när du letar efter de bästa valutorna att investera i är det viktigt att du blir bekant med alla dessa. Detta beror på att endast genom att bli en registrerad användare av en onlinehandelsplats kan du få tillgång till alla de bästa kryptovalutorna som finns tillgängliga i världen idag.

Det finns många fördelar som är förknippade med att investera i de bästa kryptokurvorna, bland annat det faktum att de handlas på den globala marknaden. Därför är det lätt att handla med de bästa valutorna och du kan också förvänta dig god avkastning. Att investera i de bästa valutorna kräver dock att du lär dig hur systemet fungerar, grunderna i ekonomi och företagsledning. Om du till exempel är en investerare som är ny på att investera på altcoin-marknaden, är det bättre om du får hjälp av professionella personer som experter och handlare.

Det finns många fördelar som du kan njuta av när du investerar i de bästa valutorna i världen. En av dessa är att när du väljer de bästa kryptosurferna kan du vara säker på att värdet på din investering alltid kommer att vara stabilt. Eftersom värdet på varje mynt varierar beroende på utbud och efterfrågan är det viktigt att du investerar i de bästa valutorna och sedan handlar med dem enligt dina behov. När värdet på en valuta fluktuerar kan du alltså enkelt sälja dina tillgångar och investera i de nya.

Det bästa sättet att investera i de bästa kryptosurfarna är att se till att du är välinformerad om de olika faktorer som påverkar värdet på ett visst mynt och du har också en expert som kan lära dig hur du väljer de bästa valutorna att investera i. När du vill göra vinster från handeln med den bästa kryptosurf bör du alltså se till att du utbildar dig om marknadens ekonomi och affärsmodeller. Här är nästa intressanta blogginlägg: Bitcoins i Tyskland.

The post Ether Share Buy Erfarenheter first appeared on Hur man använder kryptovalutor på rätt sätt.

Hur man använder kryptovalutor på rätt sätt

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DPReview TV: We share our 2021 predictions while freezing our asses off

30 Dec

It’s time for our annual predictions episode! Chris and Jordan tell us what to expect from each camera company in 2021. And like true Canadians, they do it while ice fishing.

Subscribe to our YouTube channel to get new episodes of DPReview TV every week.

  • Introduction
  • Canon
  • Pentax
  • Fujifilm
  • Leica
  • Nikon
  • Sigma
  • Olympus
  • Panasonic
  • Sony
  • See you next year!

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The New Corona Photography Workflow- Shoot Privately but Share and Participate Publicly

27 May

The post The New Corona Photography Workflow- Shoot Privately but Share and Participate Publicly appeared first on Digital Photography School. It was authored by Herb Paynter.


The bad medical virus

While the planet seeks a solution to the pandemic problem, may I suggest we use this opportunity to participate in an innovative photographic exercise? This might be just the spherical ray of light (corona) we photographers need in the midst of a dark and scary time. Fortunately, photography is a very personal process. We all use digital devices to capture interesting subjects and express emotions, but none of those devices are multi-person in function. So why not step up your personal photography and share your projects more openly online with a Corona photography workflow.

There are two obvious opportunities available to everybody that are both extremely safe while being very public. Why not join both the Facebook groups of your local photo club as well as the DPS Facebook group and (safely) start sharing more openly with thousands of your closest friends?

corona photography workflow - flower - purple flower

I’m appealing to the leadership of every photo and camera club to provide online assignments and challenges based on the subject of light. Publish each submission publicly and give recognition to all entries.

The assignments and challenges can be announced on club Facebook pages and posted (in larger sizes) on club websites. This will not only promote activity within the clubs but will share those talents with the rest of the world’s photo enthusiasts. This kind of effort will show the heart of the digital photo community and will widen the family circle and lift the spirits of millions.

Digital photography is a very dynamic and growing lifestyle, especially with the increased photographic capabilities of today’s camera phones. Photo clubs are comprised of all echelons of experience and all levels of equipment and now includes a growing number of phone photographers.

We’ve all seen some pretty amazing examples of great pictures captured by camera phones, with several clubs even featuring dedicated internal groups. The software features within these phones are both mind-boggling and beyond the capabilities of many very expensive dedicated digital cameras.

Add to this the ability of camera phones to immediately (and extensively) edit and post images to all forms of social media.

The good digital viral process

The New Corona Photography Workflow- Shoot Privately but Share and Participate Publicly

Lifestyle photography is widely accepted, and the sharing of images is commonplace in our world culture. Since we all travel with these mini-marvels, virtually everybody can participate in this Corona photography workflow project, and with little effort, it will go viral quickly. This kind of virus is good. This way, personal creativity can be unleashed and shared almost without limits in either subject matter or interpretation.

If well-coordinated, it can unite the minds and emotions of people and redirect emotions to a positive place while the medical world works diligently on an effective solution to the medical problem.

Social community should be a goal that is openly promoted and encouraged by local photo clubs sponsoring “socially distanced” group activities and photo opportunities. Photo challenges can be organized online through a number of social media. During a time of world crisis like we are currently facing, the nervous human psyche can either suffer fear-overload or be creatively redirected. This is one avenue that we can all travel safely.

corona photography workflow - flower

Shared activities need not stop; they simply need to be redefined as virtual group activities. This new sharing can become interpersonal and actually create stronger bonds between individuals who otherwise might not participate in typical meetings.

Social media has proven to provide a community sharing process that is even more inclusive than literal clubhouse meetings. This digital extension of the photo community clubhouse has a very real chance to involve persons from all aspects of society and age groups.

Keeping your distance

Digital cameras offer the ability to capture images from a distance and thus maintain and observe the six-foot protection rule. Even if you don’t have a telephoto or zoom lens, the higher resolution of cameras and phones allows image enlargement to reveal distant detail – especially since Internet images are usually restricted to around 1500 pixels (long dimension). No longer are photographers restricted to close proximity to the subject to capture significant detail.

This resolution restriction can actually work to your advantage in this respect: you can enlarge images to a greater magnification with no noticeable loss of detail.

Keeping your distance also allows you to capture images more candidly and thus more naturally. This is how you turn a limitation into an advantage.

The New Corona Photography Workflow- Shoot Privately but Share and Participate Publicly

While the normal reticence of sharing in public is a barrier that holds back some from participating in public meetings, with this online Corona photography workflow, sharing ideas and experiences might just break that barrier for some and provide them a fresh opportunity to participate. Now they can share a voice and increase personal involvement in a (socially and medically) safe environment.

In social media, everybody is on level ground and has an equal chance to “speak up” and participate. Sharing is a vital part of the human experience, and this unique opportunity could provide that social spark that we need to get through this situation and be better for it.

The Internet provides both good and not-so-good subject material and expression, but within the individual online club environment, this behavior can be more carefully monitored and even protected.

The challenge

Here’s what I propose that we adopt and promote without hesitation…


If you are not currently a photo club member (either local or online), join (at least) one right now; I am a member of several.

Each local club has a website and a Facebook page. Even if you only read DPS articles and rarely comment, this will give you a chance to speak out (in a silent way) and let us hear from you!

Search your favorite social media for online groups and clubs. There are dozens available, and many are geared to unique kinds of photography. There is rarely a fee involved, and your involvement is welcomed.

I just started an online Facebook group called “Corona Camera Club” just to push back on the negative connotation and put a new twist to the term. This will be a group based on light, not darkness. The basic “focus” of the group will be on the lighter side of photography. I invite everyone to join in and start sharing photos and posting positive experiences. There’s enough negative energy in the world right now, let’s turn up the light and keep it positive.

Club and group leaders

Post challenges to your members based on weekly (or monthly) themes. Keep these themes upbeat and creative. Provide online access to articles and presentations that would normally be presented in your local club meetings.

Contact all your members individually and encourage them to enlist one friend every week to join the group. This Corona photography workflow effort is like an old fashioned block party where all neighbors gather and share food and activities. Okay, we can’t eat online, but we can interact more frequently.

Don’t hesitate to research group sharing opportunities available to businesses and online schools to conduct interactive meetings and turn them into online clubhouses. I certainly invite your current members to join our CCC Facebook group too. Let’s make this a universal family project.

Get creative

Take this opportunity to show your creative imagination. Share images that are upbeat, positive, and inspiring. We all need to be realistic about the problems and risks and our physical activities are restricted, but our minds can run wild. Use this time to brighten eyes and uplift spirits. I’m using this post to try out a personal interpretation of some of my nature shots.

Finally, make your contributions and comments often and regular. Since this Corona medical crisis has limited our physical gatherings, let’s just gather online and channel our energies in a more positive collective enthusiasm. Use your computer, your tablet, and your phone to connect with friends and loved ones using all the services that are available. Love and camaraderie are contagious too, and this kind of infection is all good.

corona photography workflow - flower - plant

Let’s determine to find the lighter side of this dark cloud and turn the threatening negative into a big positive. When this scary time is over, the new friendships and associations will be all the deeper, and we can resume our lives on a higher level.

Remember, the word corona only recently has been defined by a virus. One of the dictionary definitions of corona describes the super bright crown of light that surrounds the Sun. It’s time to get out of the darkness and dive into the light.

Let’s participate in this Corona photography workflow and give this word a new meaning as we lighten up.

The post The New Corona Photography Workflow- Shoot Privately but Share and Participate Publicly appeared first on Digital Photography School. It was authored by Herb Paynter.

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Research firm claims Sony had nearly half of the image sensor market share in 2019

18 Feb

Sony held nearly half of the image sensor market share in 2019, according to Japanese research firm Techno Systems Research (TSR). The detail was spied by PulseNews, which points out that Sony’s 49.1% market share greatly eclipsed the second biggest market share, 17.9%, held by Samsung. The South Korean company recently launched its 108MP Nonacell image sensor with its new Galaxy S20 Ultra smartphone.

The news isn’t surprising. In December, Sony revealed that its semiconductor business was working 24/7 through the holidays in an effort to keep up with the demand for its image sensors. The company is building a new facility in Nagasaki in order to boost production capacity due to this demand; it is expected to go online in April 2021.

Samsung remains the biggest competitor to Sony’s image sensor business. In 2018, the South Korean company announced that it would expand the production capacity of its own image sensor business and that its ultimate goal was to overtake Sony. Based on the TSR data, the company still has a long way to go toward reaching that milestone.

Still, Sony’s image sensor business may have a rocky future. Earlier this month, Sony expressed concerns about the ongoing novel coronavirus outbreak in China where the company has four large factories. According to Sony CFO Hiroko Totoki via the Nikkei Asian Review, the impact of the coronavirus on the company’s supply chains could potentially cause enormous disruption to Sony’s image sensor business.

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Massive Decline in Digital Camera Sales, Plus Nikon Sees Market Share Decrease

11 Jul

The post Massive Decline in Digital Camera Sales, Plus Nikon Sees Market Share Decrease appeared first on Digital Photography School. It was authored by Jaymes Dempsey.

Earlier this week, Nikkei revealed the latest digital camera market trends.

And for camera manufacturers, things are looking dismal.

The market share breakdown

First, let’s take a look at the market share breakdown:

  • Canon: 40.5% (an increase of 3.9% from 2017)
  • Nikon: 19.1% (a decrease of 2.7%)
  • Sony: 17.7% (a decrease of 0.7%)
  • Fujifilm: 5.1% (an increase of 1.3%)
  • Olympus: 2.8% (an increase of 0.1%)

Notice that Canon had the biggest gains, followed by Fujifilm and Olympus. Nikon’s market share took the biggest hit, with Sony seeing a decrease, as well.

For Nikon, these numbers are not encouraging. The 2.7% drop in market share suggests the company’s latest big move – its leap into the full-frame mirrorless market – hasn’t held up well against the competition.

In some ways, this might be expected. Nikon is a small company compared to competitors such as Canon and Sony, and this puts a clear cap on its resources for innovation. On the other hand, Nikon has remained a dominant player in the digital camera market for decades.

Which begs the question:

Are we about to see Nikon losing its footing?

Unfortunately for Nikon and the other camera manufacturers, the bigger problem has little to do with reshuffled market shares, and everything to do with surging smartphone camera technology.

Because, as Nikkei’s report revealed, digital camera unit sales are down 22% from 2017.

This may come as a surprise to some, who see mirrorless cameras representing the future of photography. After all, mirrorless camera innovation is at an all-time high, with Canon and Nikon just recently joining the fray.

But here’s the issue:

As impressive as mirrorless cameras have become, smartphone cameras are still far more attractive – at least for the casual photographer. They’re smaller than the smallest mirrorless body. You always have them with you. And the simple camera interface, bolstered by features such as ‘swipe to change the exposure,’ make smartphone photography an extremely enticing option.

So in the wake of smartphone camera improvements, would-be DSLR and mirrorless photographers are consistently turning to companies like Google and Apple to satisfy their photography needs.

And it’s a trend we’re likely to see into the future.

So now I’d love your input:

  • Do you think that smartphones will completely replace hobbyist digital cameras?
  • Could you see yourself using a smartphone camera instead of a DSLR or mirrorless body?
  • What do you think about Nikon’s decline and Canon’s rise?


Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post’s poll.

The post Massive Decline in Digital Camera Sales, Plus Nikon Sees Market Share Decrease appeared first on Digital Photography School. It was authored by Jaymes Dempsey.

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Sony bumps Nikon from #2 spot as its global ILC market share increases 4% year-over-year

24 May
An illustration in Sony’s financial documents that shows how its Digital Imaging Business is positioned.

In a recent conference call with investors and analysts, Sony broke down the numbers and statistics of its digital imaging business for the 2018 fiscal year (FY2018). While there’s plenty of interesting tidbits to pull out, the most significant is that Sony is now reporting it has 24 percent of the global still camera market based on revenue, an increase in four percent compared to FY2017.

Sony’s global market share, based on revenue, from its FY2017 report.
Sony’s global market share, based on revenue, from its FY2018 report.

According to Sony’s report, its interchangeable lens camera (ILC) market share increased from 19 percent in FY2017 to 23 percent in FY2018, moving them to second place behind Canon and ahead of Nikon. Meanwhile, its compact camera market share increased from 26 percent in FY2017 to 29 percent in FY2018, moving them to the number one spot globally.

Despite Sony’s increase in the global market share, based on revenue, Sony’s report shows the still camera market as a whole decreased from ¥1,400 billion to ¥1,300 billion, a drop of 7.1 percent. Interestingly, this decrease is identical to the 7.1% drop in global digital camera unit sales according to the most recent report from the Camera & Imaging Products Association (CIPA).

Moving away from still images, Sony also reported that while its global market share in the video camera market remained at 29 percent, the overall market size, in revenue, dropped dramatically from ¥390 billion to ¥300 billion, a massive decrease of 23 percent.

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Nikon mirrorless system beta testers share first impressions in latest teaser

20 Aug

Nikon has posted teaser number five for its full-frame mirrorless system that will be announced in just three days. In this one, early users of the camera share their first impressions, and there’s also a quick glimpse of an F-mount adapter.

You can find the rest of Nikon’s teaser videos here.

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Instagram now lets you share other people’s photos in your Stories

21 May

Another day, another new Instagram feature. Now the makers of the popular mobile image sharing platform have announced a new way to share posts from people you are following to one of your Instagram Stories—if you see a post in your feed that you consider share-worthy, you can now share it as a sticker in a Story where your friends and followers will be able to see it.

The process is easy. You simply have to tap on the paper airplane button below the post. You’ll then get a button that allows you to create a Story. If you tap this button you will see the post you want to share as a sticker with customized background. As usual, this sticker can be moved around, scaled and rotated. If you tap on it again you can pick different style options.

The viewers of your Story will see the original poster’s username and can click through to the original post and see the creators other posts. Also, you can only share posts from public accounts and, if you want to prevent your own posts from being shared in stories, you can do so by opting out in the settings.

The new and expanded sharing function takes Instagram one step closer to its parent platform Facebook, increasing the potential for Instagram content to go “viral” inside its own platform. The feature is already available in the Instagram Android app and will be migrated to iOS in the coming days.

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Why brand market share shouldn’t matter to you

11 Mar
The best-selling camera with 8 buttons, in the western Tri-state area, last Tuesday between 11:47 and 11:49.

“We’re #1 in full frame*,” scream the press releases from the three big full frame camera makers. And, given the price and apparent appeal of the Sony a7 III, I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s more screaming once it hits the shelves.

The precise wording changes, as does the length of the list of caveats that follows that all-important asterisk but, I’d argue: what doesn’t change is that it’s simple boosterism. And you should pretty much ignore it.

There are a couple of reasons I say this. The first is that, even if you take all the footnotes (in this month, in that territory…) into account, the numbers don’t really tell you very much.

These announcements mainly tell you whose turn it is to be king for the day

Part of this is because you’re cherry-picking data from a small sample: there are only three big brands in the sector and very few products being launched. This means the launch of a new model inevitably causes a sales spike and this can see one brand jump in front of the others in the sales chart. A new model will sell more through pre-orders than an existing competitor that, post launch spike, has been selling steadily for 23 months. So, rather than saying which camera is king, these announcements mainly tell you whose turn it is to be king for the day.

Existing commitments

It’s interesting, of course, when similar models, such as Nikon’s D850 and Sony’s a7R III get launched around the same time. But even though they are targeted at pretty similar customers, the winner of the sales race doesn’t tell you much about the cameras because there’s already a degree of brand loyalty baked into the market.

Investment in lenses and accessories means that anyone already shooting full frame is very unlikely to switch systems. So, if we assume a good proportion of new full frame sales are being made to exactly these photographers, you realize much of the current popularity was defined years ago.

And this doesn’t just apply to people who’re already shooting full frame. The manufacturer-promoted (though arguably mythical) concept of the upgrade path can lead to people feeling committed, or to commit themselves to a system, even if they aren’t shooting full frame.

There’s tremendous inertia to overcome before any brand can make headway in the pro sector. Even once Sony’s 400mm F2.8 becomes available, it’s not going to displace all those Canon ‘L’ lenses overnight.

All these issues are amplified at the high/pro-end of the market. Not only are many pro-orientated lenses much more expensive, thereby increasing the financial commitment to a system, but there’s also a chance that some of your kit belongs to your employer or that you’re already a member of one brand’s pro support network.

So a lot of sales figures are more about whether a brand has convinced its existing user-base to modernize/upgrade, rather than about stealing customers away from other systems.

Further inertia

To cause any significant amount of brand switching a camera would have to be compellingly better. And people have to recognize it.

Canon stole a huge march over Nikon in the early days of autofocus and the sea of white lenses that flanks the sidelines of sports games are a testament to that, as much as anything else. Canon could release a stinker (or, in the case of the EOS-1D III, a camera that develops the reputation as one), but that’s not going to drive customers away unless they release a series of duds and the competition is doing something noticeably better. Again, this counts double for professionals.

To cause any significant amount of brand switching a camera would have to be compellingly better. And people have to recognize it.

Even if one brand does fall behind, its users may not notice. For a while Canon lagged behind in dynamic range, but that didn’t see any mass exodus because many Canon shooters, having not experienced the difference and having adapted to the capabilities of their existing cameras, simply didn’t notice. After all, you can’t miss what you’ve never had. So it’s unlikely many Canon photographers felt any impetus to switch, even though there was a real-world photographic benefit to doing so. Now that Canon has essentially closed that gap and opened up a new front with the development of Dual Pixel AF, the moment has passed.

So while we felt the EOS 6D II was a bit disappointing, compared with its rivals it’s still good enough that existing Canon buyers will stick with ‘their’ system and perhaps never be aware that the grass might be greener just one field over.

Until the fog clears, it’s all bluster

Which is to say: these numbers don’t tell you anything at all about how good the respective brands’ cameras are.

They might tell you something interesting about whether a new technology is finding a foothold in the market, but without a lot more context, it’s hard to meaningfully interpret even that. For instance, no matter what Sony proclaims, it’ll probably take a few more years to establish whether mirrorless is making inroads into DSLR sales or to what extent it’s simply expanding the market.

These numbers don’t tell you anything at all about how good the respective brands’
cameras are

I can see that sales success of the system you’ve bought into can give some reassurance that it has a future, but should you care about how one brand is performing relative to another? Since the numbers tell you next-to-nothing about camera quality or even much about what’s happening in the market, I’d argue most discussion of sales rankings are simply fanboyism. And the canny stirring of it by marketing departments.

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Posted in Uncategorized This website lets anyone create and share then-and-now photos

04 Jan

If you’re both a photography fan and history buff, then you might want to check out a platform called The website/social network, which launched a couple of months ago, allows anyone to share interactive then-and-now images—so-called “rephotography”—that compare a modern version of a location or subject with an older image of the same spot. is the brainchild of retired computer science professor Oliver Vornberger, and it’s extremely easy to use. Users simply upload both a before and an after photo, then place markers on a few points on the images so that the system knows how to align them.

Speaking to PetaPixel in November, Vornberger said that a student of his is working on improving the platform’s algorithm so that manually placing markers isn’t necessary. Eventually, the whole system should be as easy as uploading a before and after picture, and letting the website do the rest of the work.

In addition to automatically aligning images—taking the hard work out of creating these comparisons manually— serves as an exploration platform for finding rephotography from other users. Rephotography created by users can be searched using descriptions, username, titles, tags such as date or location, and category such as interior, nature, and people.

To check out the platform for yourself, or upload a few before and afters of your own, click here.

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