Posts Tagged ‘Scarfs’

Urban Wraps: Neighborhood Scarfs Make Videos Wearable

07 Dec

[ By WebUrbanist in Design & Products & Packaging. ]


Cut. Print it. That’s a wrap. One section (or scene) at a time, these designers are turning areas of Brooklyn into fashionable products that abstract the motion and colors of a place, converting them into a physical scarf.

neighborhood scarf design dumbo

nice city urban scarf

First they film a given neighborhood; next they stretch out and process the results; finally they print it out along the length of the scarf. So far they have five to sell but hopefully more to come.

wearable city apparel design

The Brooklyn Block “are a passionate bunch with back ground in interaction, architecture and urban design” whose “goal is to create remarkably thoughtful and exploratory products.”

neighborhood printed scarf 1

neighbordhood printed scarf 2

neighborhood printed scarf 3

One could accuse them of being a bit gimmicky, but a few brief rebuttals for would-be critics: first, on the aesthetic side, the scarfs are quite attractive, and second, on the conceptual side, there is something to be said for the patterns and colors of a place, whether the memories they conjure are consciously or subconsciously recognized. Finally, “The Brooklyn Block offers products that tell stories” – if nothing else, these are neat conversation pieces for those curious about their origins.

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[ By WebUrbanist in Design & Products & Packaging. ]

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