Posts Tagged ‘Ribbon’

Ribbon of Light: Replacing LA’s Most Iconic Historical Bridge

16 Mar

[ By WebUrbanist in Architecture & Cities & Urbanism. ]

bridge from above

Quite possibly the most filmed and photographed bridge in the world, the Sixth Street Viaduct, spanning the Los Angeles River, is a challenging icon to replace, but the Ribbon of Light aims to try.

sixth street viaduct original

The famous Art-Deco viaduct in question, built in 1932, has been featured in dozens of films, television shows, music videos and video games, including Grease, Gone in 60 Seconds, Terminators 2 and 3, Madonna’s ‘Borderline’ video and episodes of Lost and 24.

Some sequences show most recognizable part (directly over the LA river) being driven across, but many are shot from the river below. Unfortunately for fans, its was deemed seismically unstable thanks to compromised concrete supports, despite its historic landmark status with the city.

sixth street viaduct replacement

Architect Michael Maltzan, responsible for its replacement, has made his design an epic ode to its iconic curves, reprising and repeating them across a much longer portion of the new structure.

bridge at night

The new structure features arched trusses to be illuminated at night, suspended over a series of parks and paths being developed below and alongside it. A series of staircases and ramps will allow pedestrians and bikers to move up, down and across it as well.

new viaduct and park

The architects are clearly cognizant of the landmark they are replacing, and, in a way, are preserving its visibility through these repetitive forms, which actually extend much further out on either side than the original arches.

under bridge park

From the architects: “The project foresees a multi-modal future for the city, one that accommodates cars, incorporates significant new bicycle connections, and also increases connectivity for pedestrians to access the viaduct, not only at its endpoints, but along the entirety of the viaduct, linking the bridge, the Los Angeles River, and future urban landscapes in a more meaningful relationship.”

la river ribbon bridge

“These pairs of repeated concrete arches and cable-supported roadway deck are simultaneously elegant and efficient. The design approach unifies and optimizes the architecture of the viaduct through repetition, creating a unique configuration through the repeated use of arches, roadway and pier forms: an iconic structure.”

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[ By WebUrbanist in Architecture & Cities & Urbanism. ]

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Windows 8 – Toggle Hiding / Minimizing the Ribbon in Explorer

16 Oct

Prevent the ribbon in Windows 8’s Explorer from automatically disappearing after you select an option.

In Windows 8, when you select a menu item from the Ribbon in Explorer, by default the ribbon hides itself. This way you can keep more screen real-estate for actually looking through your files and folders.

However, if you are configuring which files to view, altering how you want icons displayed, or rotating images, you may find it irritating that the ribbon disappears each time you select an option, check a box, etc. While you can select the menu bar again to access the option, why should you have to do this each time?…

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Microsoft Excel 2010 – Stop Accidentally Showing the Ribbon Shortcut Keys

16 Oct

While navigating through worksheets in Excel 2010, pressing slash on the keyboard shows the ribbon shortcut keys. Learn how to prevent this from happening.

While navigating through cells in a Microsoft Excel 2010 worksheet, have you ever seen letters and numbers appear next to options in the Ribbon like the below screenshot?

If so, you may have accidentally pressed the slash (/) key. Doing so activates the menu to satisfy compatibility with Lotus 1-2-3 users, who would normally press this key to access menu options. However, many younger accountants and computer users barely remember this program, if at all, and do not need this ‘feature’ occurring when their fingers slip pressing arrow keys. To disable this:…

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Microsoft Word 2010 – Create Lists Without the Ribbon

13 Sep

Create bulleted, numbered, and multilevel (such as outline) lists without using the Ribbon.

Do you often need to create bulleted, numbered, and multilevel (e.g. outline) lists in your Microsoft Word 2010 documents?

Forgo the Ribbon and create lists just by typing. Word 2010 automatically converts the following characters into a list and will format your text appropriately. Note that to end a list, press the Enter key twice. Pressing Shift+Enter goes to the next line without advancing the list counter….

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