Posts Tagged ‘Remotes’

Gear Guide Update: Phottix Ares Remotes

26 Aug

At $ 55 a set, the Phottix Ares remotes bring a ton of value to the table, making them our recommended pick for photographers building out a beginner’s lighting kit. For many photographers, in fact, these are the only remotes they will ever need.

See the newly updated Gear Guide: Remote Triggers post for more info.

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PocketWizard Plus X Remotes Break the $100 Barrier

01 Mar

This is what I have wanted from PocketWizard for a long time: a sub-$ 100 remote.

Basically, the new Plus X transceiver has everything you really need—and nothing you don't. Full details below.

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Q&A: Will My Old Flash Fry My New Remotes?

22 Feb

Reader Samora Chapman asks:

I'm new to all this and I dug up my dad's Vivitar 285HV. I just got some Phottix radio triggers. Is it okay to connect them to the old Vivitar? Im scared of frying them!

Ah, the trusty old Vivitar 285. The older ones are great flashes, but with one potentially fatal flaw. You don't want to go sticking that flash on just any camera or remote… Read more »

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