Posts Tagged ‘Remains’

Ghost Loos: Visible Remains of London’s Underground Bathrooms

23 Mar

[ By WebUrbanist in Abandoned Places & Architecture. ]

underground toilet

Tentatively titled “Toilets at Dawn,” this photo series documents the strange phenomena of underground public bathrooms of urban London, now deserted but many dating back to Victorian times.

abandoned loo gentlemen staircase

Photographer Agnese Sanvito has taken to capturing these abandoned urban relics in the best light possible, often by shooting them in early-morning hours.

abandoned historic bathroom ironwork

Living, at the time, in a cesspool of industry and publicly-discarded human waste, Victorian Londoners gladly paid a penny or two to get out of the streets and into subterranean restrooms. Though most of these were neglected in the years following World War II, their surface remnants still stand in many places.

abandoned bathroom entry space

“They’re part of the fabric of the city, but because they’re not in use no-one pays attention to them, they are forgotten spaces,” says Agnese. “At the moment, I have just photographed those in the area that are near to me. It’s a work-in-progress, I don’t know where it’s going. Now my friends call sometimes and say, ‘I’ve found another one.’”

abandoned bathroom station historical

Once prominent and highly functional, most of these remainders go largely unnoticed in the bustle of the city, until you start spotting them, then searching out more.

abandoned alley bathroom entrance

Some are obscured trees, weeds or rubbish, but underneath you can still find gorgeous detailing and meticulous ironwork. Others have even been converted into everything from restaurants to private homes.

abandoned bathroom london victorian

Today, more conventional, above-ground, and generally less-exciting restrooms (some for free, others for a fee) have largely replaced these vintage curiosities.

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Sony branches off audio and video business but remains committed to sensor development

20 Feb

Sony has announced that it will be branching off its audio and video departments into a separate subsidiary. Sony previously spun off its VAIO PC business one year ago, and the creation of new departments aims to make the company into a profitable entity. Read more

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Frightening Archaeological Finds: 15 Odd Human Remains

03 Apr

[ By Steph in Culture & Cuisine & Global. ]

Human Bones main

What bizarre and terrifying ‘treasures’ from long-gone ancient civilizations are still hidden in crypts, caves and deep within the earth? Most archaeologists may spend their days painstakingly brushing sand off pieces of pottery, but occasionally, they unearth evidence of the darker side of humanity – cannibalism, sacrifice, mass murder, deadly paranoia about vampires and witches, and even chemical warfare. These 15 archaeological finds of ancient human remains are among the most grisly, frightening and fascinating.

Vampire of Venice

Human Bones Vampire of Venice
Among the corpses of medieval plague victims was one very curious find: a skull with a brick shoved so forcefully between its jaws, they were broken. The technique was used on suspected vampires in Europe during this time, especially when natural biological processes after death resulted in dark blood-like liquid streaming from the mouth. Researchers have determined that not only was this elderly woman feared a vampire after her death, she may have been accused of witchcraft before she met her end. Most people didn’t live to be her age, estimated at 60-71 years, and many medieval Europeans believed that the devil gave the elderly powers to cheat death. Older women were particularly suspect because it was assumed that they had little to live for, and were vulnerable to offers of power.

The Screaming Mummies

Human Bones Screaming Mummies 2 Human Bones Screaming Mummies

Imagine opening a sarcophagus to find a mummy that seems to be screaming for all eternity. In the past, when ‘screaming mummies‘ were discovered, archaeologists assumed that they must have been buried alive or killed in some other painful manner. Now, however, they usually agree that mummies are commonly found with their jaws open due to their heads falling back after death. The most famous screaming mummy is Unknown Man E, an Egyptian mummy found in 1886, who could be the murderous son of Ramses III. Another is even more shocking, with its hands covering its face in apparent terror; it was among the remains of the Chachapoya Indians of Peru.

Pile of Headless Vikings

Human Bones Headless Vikings

Evidence of a shocking massacre was discovered when archaeologists unearthed 51 thousand-year-old skulls – along with another pit containing their headless bodies – in Weymouth, UK. Found in 2009, these young male Vikings were brutally slain sometime between 910 and 1030 CE. Analysis of their teeth confirmed that they were from Scandinavia. They were likely war captives of the Anglo-Saxons, executed by having their heads hacked off.

Neanderthal Cannibals

Human Bones Neanderthal Cannibals

The bones of twelve neanderthals found in a cave in Spain were cut and snapped, indicating that they were likely ‘processed’ by fellow neanderthals as food. The possible family group, which included three adult males, three adult females, three adolescents, two children and an infant, is one of the most significant examples of cannibalism among neanderthals. “There are many different markings in many different bones in all 12 individuals, including traditional cut marks to disarticulate bones and remove muscle insertions, snapping and fracturing of long bones to extract the marrow,”researcher Carles Lalueza-Fox told LiveScience.

Bathhouse Baby Disposal

Human Bones Bathhouse Babies

How and why were the bones of nearly 100 infants discarded like trash in a late Roman, early Byzantine sewer beneath a bathhouse in Israel? Found in 1988 in Ashkelon, the remains indicate that the babies died before three days of age, and show no signs of disease or skeletal malformation. While scholars hypothesized that the babies were girls, since female infanticide was common during that time, tests have since shown that many were male. The reasoning behind their death is still a mystery.

The First Leper

Human Bones First Leper

The earliest archaeological evidence of leprosy is found in a 4,000-year-old skeleton unearthed in India in 2009. Leprosy is difficult to study because the bacteria that causes it is tricky to culture for research, and scientists are still unsure of exactly when and where it originated. This skeleton was not only the oldest leper ever found, it was also the first evidence of leprosy in ancient India, supporting the idea that the disease migrated between Africa and Asia during a period of urbanization, growing population density and new trade routes.

Murdered Bog Bodies

Human Bones Bog Bodies

The peat bogs of northwestern Europe have turned out to be one of the richest sources of ancient human remains in the world, preserving bodies so perfectly that they sometimes still contain blood and stomach contents. ‘Bog bodies‘ such as the Grauballe Man, pictured, date from 8,000 B.C.E. to the early medieval period. It seems that these people were not buried in the peat bogs, nor did they simply die there – they died violently. Researchers believe they were most likely sacrificed, or executed as punishment for crimes or perceived flaws.

Skulls Used as Cups

Human Bones Skull Cups

Three human skulls found in Gough’s Cave, Somerset, England were carefully worked into the shape of bowls, indicating that they were used to drink from. At 14,700 years old, these are the oldest skull cups ever discovered, and they were surrounded by other human remains that had been snapped to get to the marrow inside, suggesting cannibalism.

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Frightening Archaeological Finds 15 Odd Human Remains

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Metallica – The Memory Remains [Official Music Video]

10 Jan

VIDEO INFORMATION Director: Paul Andersen Filmed in October 1997 in Van Nuys, CA Video Premiere Date: November 4, 1997 ALBUM INFORMATION Release Date: November 18, 1997 Peak Chart Position: #1 Producer: Bob Rock with Hetfield & Ulrich Recording Location: The Plant Studios, Sausalito, CA SONG INFORMATION Written By: Hetfield/Ulrich First Release: ReLoad CREDITS James Hetfield – Guitar, Vocals Lars Ulrich – Drums Kirk Hammett – Guitar Jason Newsted – Bass Producer: Bob Rock with Hetfield & Ulrich Engineer: Randy Staub Additional Engineering by Brian Dobbs Assistant by Kent Matcke, Darren Grahn, Gary Winger and Bernardo Bigalli Digital Editors: Mike Gillies, Darren Grahn and Paul DeCarli Recorded & Mixed at The Plant Studios, Sausalito, CA at various points in time between May 1995 and February 1996 and July and October 1997 Mixed at The Plant Studios, Sausalito, CA from September to October 1997 Mixed by Randy Staub & Mike Fraser Additional Editing at Plantation Studios, Maui, Hawaii Mastered by George Marino Additional Percussion by Jim McGillveray Hurdy-Gurdy on Low Man’s Lyric by David Miles Additional Vocals on The Memory Remains by Marianne Faithful Marianne Faithfull appears courtesy of BMG Classics Front Cover Artwork: Piss & Blood by Andres Serrano Photography: Anton Corbijn Design & Layout: Andie Airfix at Satori Management: Q Prime, Inc. All songs © 1997 Creeping Death Music (ASCAP) © 1997 E/M Ventures Click the link and grab your FREE Apple iPad 3!! Enjoy!!!
Video Rating: 4 / 5


Happy Tree Friends – Remains To Be Seen

20 May

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An 18-year-old driver competes on the international racing circuit with the help of his friends, family and his father’s high-tech race-car, The Mach 5.