Posts Tagged ‘Raises’

Cinema5D’s real-world experience raises concerns about EOS R6 overheating

25 Jul

Canon has made it known that heating issues place limitations on video recording with its new EOS R5 and R6. However, as Johnnie Behiri of Cinema5D has pointed out in his new ‘First Look’ video, the practical impact is ‘completely different’ than you might expect, from seeing an estimated capture time on paper.

To test out his pre-production EOS R6 camera, Behiri shot a mini-documentary in Japan titled ‘Never Say No.’ While the mini-doc, which is sandwiched inside the ‘First Look’ video, looks fantastic, capturing it wasn’t nearly as great an experience as Behiri was hoping.

A screenshot from the video showing what the camera’s display looks like after the unit overheats.

Behiri starts the video by saying that he had hoped to report back on the in-body image stabilization (IBIS) and autofocus capabilities of the EOS R6, but that those features ended up taking a backseat to the limitations created by overheating while shooting.

‘When you see [the time limitations] on paper and experience it in the field, it’s completely different,’ says Behiri. While he shot most of the mini-doc at 4K/24p, he at times had to resort to shooting footage at 1080/24p so he could get the footage he needed after his EOS R6 unit overheated. He even went so far as having to use fans and bags of ice to cool his camera down.

A still image Behiri shares in the video showing his attempt to cool off the camera using a household fan.

Wrapping up his experience with the pre-production EOS R6, Behiri says ’It’s a tool [and] on one hand it has a lot of useful features and really nice features [but] on the other hand, [those features are] a bit meaningless because you can’t work with the camera and execute what you want.’ He effectively summarizes his experience with the camera saying that ‘instead of controlling the camera […] the camera controls you.’ He says ‘it will overheat badly and you don’t know how long it will be until you can shoot again.’

‘Instead of controlling the camera […] the camera controls you.’

Behiri shared an accompanying blog post on Cinema5D that further dives into his experience with the camera. While he was happy to report that its autofocus ‘worked like a treat’ most of the time and he appreciated the camera’s articulating screen, that’s where the positives end. He notes rolling shutter was ‘horrendous’ during his time filming and ultimately concludes that the camera is ‘not working for [him].’

Even a bag of ice (which we don’t suggest you use on your unit) failed to keep the camera shooting, even at 4K/24p.

While this was a pre-production unit, Behiri notes Canon representatives told him it was ‘almost final.’ He was also shooting pretty much the exact type of assignment you’d expect the EOS R6 to be perfect for and the weather in Japan, although warm at around 82 degrees F, was far from extreme.

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KitSplit gear rental company raises $2.1m in seed funding

03 Mar

Camera gear rental company KitSplit has announced that it raised $ 2.1m in seed funding from investors that include 3311 Ventures, HearstLab, Entrepreneurs Roundtable, NYU Innovation Venture Fund, and others. The funds will, in part, help the company grow its presence in Los Angeles, according to TechCrunch.

KitSplit is an affordable—and increasingly popular—gear rental company that boasts a large customer base including notable companies like National Geographic and NBC. For renters, KitSplit provides access to a large roster of gear, including lights, camera, lenses, and even VR equipment, which are listed for rent by both individuals and businesses.

The company acquired then-competitor CameraLends last year, a business move that made it the largest rental company in the world.

According to company CEO Lisbeth Kaufman, who spoke with TechCrunch, digital media companies have expressed ample interest in KitSplit’s platform. “We’re reimagining the Hollywood production studio as a local marketplace,” said Kaufman. “We want to make resources like gear and staffing and location more accessible to all content creators.”

Though KitSplit offers rentals throughout the entire US, the company is currently focusing on the Los Angeles and New York City markets where it is hiring.

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Craigslist poster raises the bar on terrible car photography

23 Sep

A Craigslist post offering a 1990 Mazda RX-7 for sale is going viral today thanks to the photos of the car… and it’s not because they’re good.

For whatever reason, the ad’s author decided the best way to photograph his or her car for this ad was to take pictures of the car with their cell phone, and then take pictures of the pictures displayed on their cracked, hazy smartphone screen.

The original Craigslist post, a link to which hasn’t been shared publicly to avoid disrupting the seller’s efforts, was spotted by Murilee Martin and shared with Autoweek. And yes, the pictures are exactly as bad as described.

The reasoning behind this photographic decision aren’t known and probably never will be. But instead of sharp, colorful, detailed photos of a car what we get are hazy, in some cases out-of-focus shots of a red vehicle that is difficult to make out through the cracks in the screen.

Even by Craigslist standards these are bad. By car photography standards? It’s like something out of a horror film.

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Light raises $30M and provides update on L16 multi-lens camera

08 Jul

Light, the startup that is developing the L16 multi-lens computational camera, has raised $ 30M in venture capital in a series C round of funding led by GV (formerly Google Ventures). The company says it will use the additional funds to scale its global supply chain in order to deal with customer demand.

The company has also announced some changes to the L16’s specification after listening to feedback from its pre-order customers. Many voiced a preference for a wider angle of view at the short end of the zoom range, and the L16 will now provide a 28-150mm optical zoom equivalent instead of the initially announced 35-150mm.

Additionally, the camera will ship with 256GB of built-in memory instead of the 128GB listed in the original specifications. You can see the fully updated L16 specifications here and watch the video below to see how the prototype cameras are being manufactured.


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SherpaFund raises money after Everest avalanche

23 May


In April of this year an avalanche on Mount Everest took the lives of 16 sherpas who were preparing a route for their climbing clients. In the wake of this tragedy, a group of photographers have banded together to create, which will sell a collection of photographs to help the Sherpa families in crisis and establish long-term support for the wider community. Learn more

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Lomography raises more than $1M for production of new Petzval lenses

09 Aug


Lomography’s campaign to raise funds to bring the centuries-old Petzval lens back into production via Kickstarter has now raised more than $ 1 million – ten times the original target. The ‘New Petzval’ lens looks and functions much like the originals, with a brass exterior, and the aim is to produce it in both Canon EF- and Nikon F- mounts. The lens is expected to be available next spring. 

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Lomography raises more than $1M for production of new Petzval lenses

09 Aug


Lomography’s campaign to raise funds to bring the centuries-old Petzval lens back into production via Kickstarter has now raised more than $ 1 million – ten times the original target. The ‘New Petzval’ lens looks and functions much like the originals, with a brass exterior, and the aim is to produce it in both Canon EF- and Nikon F- mounts. The lens is expected to be available next spring. 

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