Posts Tagged ‘publishes’

ShareGrid publishes the ‘Ultimate Anamorphic Lens Test’

06 Sep

ShareGrid, a peer-to-peer gear rental service, has published the results of its Ultimate Anamorphic Lens Test, which evaluated 42 ‘vintage’ anamorphic lenses representing lens families from 13 companies. Using ShareGrid’s ‘quad player’ interface, it’s possible to compare video test results from up to four lenses simultaneously, and the results can be very interesting.

Brent Barbano, a cinematographer and ShareGrid co-founder, emphasizes that these aren’t just casual tests, but result from a full-blown three-day production shoot that took months of planning and involved producers, directors, DPs, and production managers, including many technical experts and cinematographers from the filmmaking industry.

The test is a follow-up to the company’s 2016 Ultimate Vintage Lens Test, which evaluated 40 classic circular lenses. By using an identical setup for both tests, right down to the same model in front of the camera, it’s even possible to compare results from anamorphic lenses with circular lenses. Want to compare a 50mm ARRI / Zeiss Master Anamorphic with a 50mm ARRI / Zeiss Master Prime Spherical? No problem!

Think anamorphic lenses are just for motion picture work? Not so fast. As the test’s Director Mark LaFleur points out, “Any photographer who wants to make a big splash within the photography world should start shooting anamorphic, because your work will immediately stand out from the pack.”

The producers used an identical setup, including the same model, for both anamorphic and circular lens tests, making it possible to compare results between both types of lenses.

Courtesy of ShareGrid

According to Barbano, one of most important factors contributing to the success of the project was enthusiastic support from the filmmaking community, including dozens of volunteers. “The overwhelming amount of people who wanted to be involved in some way was the coolest part about the whole thing,” he says. “We had people donating their time. We had people donating their lenses. We ended up absorbing crew members out of nowhere, which was really, really cool.”

If you want to learn more about anamorphic lenses, ShareGrid has also published a great explainer page, and Director Mark LaFleur has written a detailed overview of the testing process.

We had a chance to spend a few minutes with Barbano and LaFleur to learn more about how the tests were performed and what they discovered along the way.

What inspired you to test all these lenses?

Mark LaFleur: I’m a cinematographer. And I’m kind of obsessed with lenses. I wanted to get tests out there because I was using my equipment for my own jobs, but was also renting my equipment to other people. I knew that with a really good test video, I wouldn’t have to convince someone about the look of a lens or try to describe it to them. We live in a time when a lot of people are able upload decent video, but sometimes when you find a test, you don’t know if the data is accurate.

But when you compare lenses on a level playing field, you really see differences between them. ShareGrid’s idea for a quad player to play lenses simultaneously, combined with the way I wanted to conduct and present the tests, really created one of the better lens tests that exists.

Director of Photography Kyle Stryker and 1st Assistant Camera Seda Kisacik set up a shot with their model, Kori.

Photo by Joseph Adams

Why test vintage anamorphic lenses?

Brent Barbano: We were obsessed with vintage lenses from our last test. Mark owned a set of Lomo anamorphics at the time, so we included them in the spherical vintage test. When those went up and everyone was looking at the screen, everyone was just like, “Wow!” It just renders everything completely different.

Anamorphics are incredibly popular. It’s what everyone is yearning for. So we’re giving our audience exactly the types of tests they need. We wanted to put something out there to set the bar, the standard for real, accurate, good information. There are no winners in this test. Every brand fits its purpose. Whether it’s price, availability, or size. They’re all beautiful in their own unique way.

“There are no winners in this test. Every brand fits its purpose. Whether it’s price, availability, or size. They’re all beautiful in their own unique way.”

How did you select the lenses you tested?

Brent: There were some categories we wanted to hit. We wanted to get benchmark lenses, the best of the best, like the ARRI / Zeiss Master Anamorphics and the Cooke Anamorphics. But we also wanted to get really cheap, very affordable options, like the Iscorama Pre-36 Adapter. That’s a very popular option in the indie budget film community. We wanted to cover really old lenses, which we got with the old Panavision Auto-Panatars, which should be in a museum. We also have the Atlas Orion 65mm prototype lens, which was announced this year at NAB. It’s not even out in production yet. So we have the newest anamorphic you can get vs. one of the oldest.

Mark: Also, any set that’s included in this test is something you can either buy or rent. Even something that’s rare like the Todd AOs or the Cineovisions. You can get them from a rental house even if you’re in a smaller city in the middle of the country. They can ship them to you.

What was involved in testing each lens?

Mark: We had a few tests including a real-world test, which is with a model in a room that gives us a lot of depth so we can see what out-of-focus elements look like, with bright highlights and straight lines. In that one setup, you really get a good sense of the character of a lens. We also did a couple lens flare tests and a distortion test. We also put every lens on a lens projector. In the cinematography community, every lens tech has a projection room. And that’s how they can basically diagnose a lens, by just shining pure light through it from the rear element out the front and onto a wall.

Each lens was subjected to several tests, including ‘real-world’ and technical evaluations.

Courtesy of ShareGrid

How can someone use these tests during production planning?

Mark: You can go out and take any lens in this test, bring it home, and shoot beautiful images. You can even go to a rental house and they’ll take every lens off the shelf for you and you can sit there in that rental house and test them all out. But you’re in a rental house, under fluorescent lighting with white walls and focus charts. It’s not the environment you’re going to be shooting in. We wanted to create a test that made the characteristics of a lens pop. Its bokeh, its sharpness, its breathing, its color, its vignetting, its distortion. The only way to do that is to have a side-by-side, A-B comparison. Or, with the quad player that ShareGrid’s doing, an A-B-C-D comparison.

What about people who may be using a DSLR or mirrorless camera instead of an ARRI or RED? Will the results of these tests be useful to them?

Brent: Absolutely. I think the problem is that anamorphic is intimidating. I think optics and visual cinematography can seem intimidating. And we believe that this resource will hopefully demystify everything and open the doors. And yeah, if you can’t afford some of these lenses, you can afford an Iscorama if you’re doing an indie production. But like Mark said, Cineovisions, Lomos, these lenses are up on ShareGrid. They’re pretty affordable, and they get rented all the time by music videos, commercials, indie productions, and young filmmakers.

“…at this point, the indie filmmaker with a DSLR is shooting more anamorphic right now than anybody else.”

Mark: I would say at this point, the indie filmmaker with a DSLR is shooting more anamorphic right now than anybody else. There are a lot of people getting these anamorphic adapters and doing DIY anamorphic lens building and using a Panasonic GH4 which has a four by three sensor. Anamorphic is getting to a point where it’s completely acceptable for, I would argue, almost any budget. Even the smallest budgets. If you’re a DSLR owner, you can rent anamorphic lenses for a very small amount of money and go out and shoot.

Lens tests were run as a full production shoot, including experts representing every step of the production process.

Courtesy of ShareGrid

Can you provide some guidance for people who aren’t experienced with anamorphic lenses? What should they look for in the test results?

Mark: If you’re a photographer, I mean, an image is an image, and I think any photographer could jump in and make pretty well-informed judgment calls on things that they like or don’t like. Any photographer who wants to make a big splash within the photography world should start shooting anamorphic, because your work will immediately stand out from the pack.

We conducted our test procedure exactly the same as our spherical test, so we have the same location, the same model, the lights… the same everything. Someone who doesn’t know anything about anamorphic lenses can use the quad player to pick lenses from the spherical test, so it’s possible to view a real side-by-side comparison of what a 50mm spherical vs. 50mm anamorphic looks like.

What did you learn from testing all these anamorphic lenses?

Brent: Lenses are beautiful. No matter if old or new, they’re all amazing in their own unique way. Lenses are not perfect, they’re never going to be perfect. And that’s okay. Because when you look at how they manipulate the world that we see with our eyes every day, they make it look just so beautiful. That was the really cool takeaway for me.

Mark: I couldn’t put that any better. People will tell you, “This is the best lens,” or, “Use this one,” or, “This one’s good,” or, “This one’s bad.” And what I really liked about the test was that there really was no winner. Every single lens, regardless of how expensive it is or how much clout its name brand gives it, if you took a blind test, if you took these 13 lens sets, and you asked 13 people to pick their favorite, you’d get 13 different answers. Including the cheapest lens.

A crew shot along with some of the lenses included in the test. According to cinematographer Brent Barbano, community support was one of the most important aspects of the production.

Courtesy of ShareGrid

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Corephotonics publishes white paper on dual-cameras and image fusion

16 Jul

Not too many smartphone users have heard of Corephotonics, but the Israeli technology company is one of the innovation drivers in the area of dual-cameras, with its zoom technology currently shipping in devices ranging from Xiaomi, to OPPO, to OnePlus and others. It’s also the company behind the 5x zoom camera with folding optics that was displayed at MWC by Oppo.

Now Corephotonics has published a white paper titled “Image Fusion – How to Best Utilize Dual Cameras for Enhanced Image Quality” that was authored by the company’s Director of Product Marketing, Roy Fridman, and Director of Algorithms, Oded Gigushinski.

The paper looks at the challenges that have to be overcome when adding a second camera in either Wide + Tele or Color + Monochrome setups, such as calibration issues, how to switch between cameras in a way that enhances user experience and how to optimize image quality using algorithms and software tools.

The document is written in an easy-to-understand way and makes for interesting reading for anyone who wants to dive a little deeper into the dual-cam and image fusion topics. If that describes you, you can find the white paper on the Corephotonics website.

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Imaging Resource publishes Sigma 135mm F1.8 gallery

03 May

Imaging Resource took a look at Sigma’s fast 135mm telephoto prime lens, calling it once of the sharpest lenses they’ve ever tested.

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DJI publishes film shot entirely with Inspire 2 drone

18 Nov

A couple days ago DJI introduced a pair of new drones with some very impressive specifications, especially when it comes to video. One could even argue that DJI just leapfrogged traditional camera manufacturers when it comes to video capabilities, and impressively so.

To highlight the potential of the new Inspire 2 drone, DJI worked with cinematographer Claudio Miranda, ASC (Life of Pi) to produce a 13-minute short film called The Circle, shot entirely on the Inspire 2. It’s an impressive piece of work and gives you a sense of what the new drone and camera are capable of.

If you want to learn more, Dan Chung over at NewsShooter has published a short article exploring the implications of these new drones and cameras, including some behind-the-scenes videos from the filming of The Circle. There’s also a video with the colorist who graded the film from Raw footage shot on the Inspire 2. If you’re interested in aerial photography, or even where video technology on small cameras is headed, it’s worth a look.

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Google publishes gallery from upcoming Pixel smartphone

11 Oct

$ (document).ready(function() { SampleGalleryV2({“containerId”:”embeddedSampleGallery_0409860841″,”galleryId”:”0409860841″,”isEmbeddedWidget”:true,”standalone”:false,”selectedImageIndex”:0,”startInCommentsView”:false,”isMobile”:false}) });

Google’s camera product manager Issac Reynolds has posted the first gallery from the company’s upcoming Pixel smartphones, which received the highest DxOMark Mobile score to date. While we can’t be sure if any processing has been conducted, we think the results  look promising. You can view and download the originals on Reynolds’ Google Photos page.

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ESPN publishes iPhone 7 Plus photos from US Open

13 Sep
 Photo by Landon Nordeman for ESPN

Last week Apple announced its new iPhone 7 models, including the dual-cam equipped iPhone 7 Plus that combines a 28mm wide angle lens with a 56mm ‘tele’ variant. In the camera app this setup allows you to zoom optically and create a simulated shallow depth-of-field.

At the launch event Apple showed off some sample images but now it has, as it usually does, given the device to a couple of sports photographers to demonstrate what the camera can do in the capable hands of professionals. ESPN photographer Landon Nordeman used the iPhone 7 Plus to shoot at the US Open in New York City.

As you can see below, some of the samples look pretty impressive, although none of them appear to make specific use of the shallow depth-of-field simulation feature. More samples from the Open are available on, and you can see more from Sports Illustrated photographer David E. Klutho’s coverage of an NFL game.

Photo by Landon Nordeman for ESPN
Photo by Landon Nordeman for ESPN
Photo by Landon Nordeman for ESPN
Photo by Landon Nordeman for ESPN
Photo by Landon Nordeman for ESPN
Photo by Landon Nordeman for ESPN
Photo by Landon Nordeman for ESPN
Photo by Landon Nordeman for ESPN

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French newspaper publishes issue with no photos

18 Nov


At a time when the journalism industry is struggling to stay in business, photojournalists have been hit especially hard. Earlier this year, the Chicago Sun-Times laid-off its entire staff in favor of giving reporters iPhones. The French newspaper Libération showed its support for photographers by publishing its November 14th issue with all the images removed. See the spread

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Korean site publishes sample images from Sigma 18-35mm F1.8 DC HSM

23 Apr


Korean website has published what it claims are sample images from the new Sigma 18-35mm f/1.8 DC HSM lens, purporting to show its performance in a range of different shooting situations, on both a Canon EOS 600D and 5D Mark III. We doubt very much that the site had Sigma’s permission to publish the images from what is almost certain to be a pre-production lens, but if you’re curious, you can click through for a link to the original ‘preview’ at

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PDN publishes 2013 list of 30 emerging photographers to watch

08 Mar


Photo District News (PDN) recently released its annual list of 30, ‘new and emerging photographers to watch’. The portfolios of these commercial, fashion and editorial photographers from around the world were selected from more than 300 submissions made by industry professionals. Their work will be published in the magazine’s April issue, providing valuable exposure in the US for these photographers as they seek to establish careers in print and online media.

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Nikon publishes Nikkor lenses 80th anniversary video

08 Feb


Nikon has published a YouTube video to celebrate the 80th anniversary of its Nikkor branded lenses. The video offers behind-the-scenes look at the manufacturing process from making the glass to final assembly of the lens. In a press release, the company has also listed out few milestones of the brand’s  history – starting with the first shipment of Aero-Nikkor aerial photographic lenses in the year 1933. Click through  to watch the video.

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