Posts Tagged ‘Prismatic’

The filmmakers who took a stroll on Yellowstone’s Grand Prismatic are facing jail time

08 Nov

Three of the four Canadian filmmakers who were caught roaming onto Yellowstone’s Grand Prismatic hot spring have pled not guilty to charges of foot travel in a thermal area and disorderly conduct. Hamish McNab Campbell Cross was the only member of the group representing clothing brand High on Life to plead guilty to his charges. He’ll pay a fine of $ 8000 and accepts a five year unsupervised probation.

The remaining three have received court-appointed lawyers and may face a bench trial if they do not accept plea deals. The Jackson Hole News and Guide reports that the group’s previous attorney, who removed himself from the case due to a conflict of interest, mentioned that the US Attorney is considering jail time.

The Grand Prismatic incident is just one of quite a few recent cases park vandalism. Stiffer penalties for offenders may help reduce incidences of vandalism, but is an $ 8000 fine enough? Do the filmmakers pleading not guilty deserve jail time? Tell us what you think in the comments.

Related: Opinion: Park vandals need to be stopped

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Prismatic Graffiti: Bending Light into a Spectrum of Wall Murals

20 Aug

[ By WebUrbanist in Art & Installation & Sound. ]

light art making

These intricately choreographed dances of light and color are at once static but ephemeral, lasting longer than conventional light graffiti but nonetheless made of impermanent light.

light wall art

light art graffiti

Stephen Knapp is a sculptor and muralist who has worked in metal and glass, but his latest array of light paintings turn the latter toward a new and more indirect purpose.

light in gallery museum

light art glass detail

His pieces are not sketched, programmed or otherwise visualized in advanced, but emerge as he begins cutting, polishing, shaping and places pieces of glass on the wall. Unlike many light graffiti artists, the work does not rely on a photographer capturing a fleeting moment, but can be put up on museum walls indefinitely.

light art prisms

light reflected art mural

“The fun of what I do with light, is that there is nothing in our visual memory that prepares us for what I’m doing,” says Knapp. “The fact that what I create can just be done with light, that there is no paint on these panels, is absolutely astounding to people. What I am trying to do most of all here is challenge any traditional notion of perception. What is it? Is it real? Is it not real? Does it matter?”

His work has been featured in galleries around the world from Boise to Naples and a solo exhibition is currently on display at the Pensacola Museum of Art.

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[ By WebUrbanist in Art & Installation & Sound. ]

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Prismatic Launches iOS Version 2.0

20 Dec

Prismatic for iOS
Prismatic 2.0 for iOS released this morning.

I’ve been a big fan of the news aggregator Prismatic ever since it originally launched on the web. As far as I’m concerned, there is no better site on the internet today for aggregating all of the news stories that *I* care about than Prismatic. It’s the ultimate personalized news feed.

On Prismatic, I enter my interests (subjects, topics, companies, people, TV shows, etc.) and Prismatic offers me up a daily feed of pretty accurate stories that I will be interested in. Prismatic has completely replaced my old RSS reader for me and is my go to place each day to view my favorite stories, personally tailored to my interests. The design is fast and elegant and easy to use. Prismatic currently indexes 5 million new stories every day and contains over 10,000 interests you can follow.

Prismatic for iOS

On Prismatic I can like or dislike stories and Prismatic uses a machine learning algorithm to tailor my future posts even more to my interests.

With the new iOS version Prismatic gets even more social than it’s been in the past. I can follow people and things that my friends like are included in the algorithm for what I’m presented.

While I spend a lot of time working on my photos or spending time on social networks when I’m on my computer, Prismatic is the perfect companion to my iPhone, where I want to quickly find great articles that interest me while I’m on my commute or walking around mobile. You can easily share stories you find and like directly from Prismatic to Twitter or Facebook.

Congrats to Bradford Cross and his team at Prismatic on today’s launch. Go get the new Prismatic for iOS in the APP store and check it out. I think you’ll be impressed by how many great stories are personalized to you — especially great photography stories. :)

More from Matthew Ingram at GigaOm here.

Thomas Hawk Digital Connection

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