Posts Tagged ‘Precariously’

Dr. Seuss Tower: Get a Look Inside Precariously Stacked Cabins

08 Apr

[ By Steph in Architecture & Houses & Residential. ]

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The mysterious eight-story stacked cabin house spotted among the trees in a remote area of Alaska is even cooler than previously thought, now that filmmakers have caught up to creator and self-described “frustrated architect” Phillip Weidner. In a two-minute documentary by Great Big Story called ‘We’re Not in Whoville Anymore,’ Weidner calls his Frankenstein creation ‘Goose Creek Tower,’ and reveals his motivation for building it, along with a few of its most notable features.

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“I like building. I just designed it out of my head, we didn’t have blueprints. We drew it out on cardboard, plywood, just as we were going. I started to build a 40 by 40 scribed log cabin, and I realized I could put pillars on top and put another house on top of the house. And I just kept going. We got to 185 feet and we stopped because two hundred feet is federal airspace.”

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Previously, we got a look at the outside of the structure overlooking Mount McKinley and the Denali National Park via Alaska Aerial Footage, which captured a dizzying video of its full height against the snowy landscape.

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The tower remains pretty bare-bones, with all of the framing complete but no windows or finished surfaces. There are even more levels than you can see from the outside, as the interior winds from one split-level platform to the next. Weiner, a former attorney, reveals that a hidden escape tunnel at the basement level leads to a safe room.

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“I wanted to be able to see,” says Weidner. “And that’s the reason I went up. You could see for at least three hundred miles. And of course when the northern lights are out, you can really see ‘em. I hope that Goose Creek Tower will inspire other people to do worthwhile things, not just in building but whatever they do with their life. And every time I go up there, it’s a different experience. It kind of gives you a sense of the enormity of the universe.”

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[ By Steph in Architecture & Houses & Residential. ]

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Extreme Cliff Living: Modular House Dangles Precariously

06 Sep

[ By Steph in Architecture & Houses & Residential. ]

Modscape Cliff House Main

Only the uppermost portion of this ambitious five-level home is visible when approaching from land, preserving the views for others and making for one dramatic way to live adjacent to the sea. Cliff House by Modscape Concept is a response to the demand in Australia for residences to be built along extreme parcels of rocky land on the coast.

Modscape Cliff House 2

Modscale Cliff House 3

The clients approached Modscape to explore options for a vacation home on the southwest coast of Victoria, where they own a piece of land that could prove a challenge for more conventional architectural solutions.

Modscape Cliff House 4

The architects took inspiration from the way barnacles cling to the hull of a ship, hanging the home off the side of the cliff instead of perching it at the edge. This configuration makes it feel like an extension of the cliff face, opening up incredible views of the water.

Modscape Cliff House 1

The prefabricated, modular house would be anchored to the cliff using engineered steel pins, with entrance through a carport on the top floor.

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Parasitic Architecture: 15 Precariously Perched Structures

26 Aug

[ By Steph in Architecture & Cities & Urbanism. ]

Parasitic Architecture main

These parasitic buildings commandeer wasted urban space, often siphoning utilities from their host buildings. Some are additions that make no attempt to blend into the original structures, some are serious solutions for making the most of existing space, and others make artistic statements on fringe society and sustainable growth, but all illustrate that there are still many corners and crevices of our cities that could be put to use.

ParaSITE Inflatable Shelters

Parasitic Architecture Inflatables

Michael Rakowitz creates inflatable ‘paraSITE shelters’ for the homeless, often specifically designed to suit individual needs, which narrowly fit within the definitions of legal temporary structures since they’re not much larger than a sleeping bag. They’re often made on a budget of less than five dollars using trash bags, ziploc bags and clear waterproof packing tape, and attached to the ventilation systems of adjacent buildings. One man, for example, requested as many windows as possible, because “homeless people don’t have privacy issues, but they do have security issues. We want to see potential attackers, we want to be visible to the public.”

Urban Tree Huts by Tadashi Kawamata

Parasitic Architecture Tadashi Tree Huts

Tadashi Kawamata’s rustic pine tree houses are normally found where you would expect them – in trees (though sometimes in unexpected places, like New York City’s Madison Square Park.) But sometimes, they’re attached like man-made bird nest to urban locations, like lamp posts, bridge trusses, scaffolding and luxury apartment buildings.

Stone Villa  on Top of a Chinese Condo Tower


An eccentric Chinese man spent six years creating his very own mountain paradise – on top of a Beijing high-rise – illegally. It has everything you’d expect from a luxury residence including boulders, trees, gardens, winding paths, viewing platforms and pools, hauled up through the building to adorn his private penthouse retreat. Unsurprisingly, other residents in the 26-story building have complained about construction noise and even flooding. The Chinese government has ordered the professor to remove the 800-square-meter villa.

Prefab Parasite

Parasitic Architecture Calder

Empty vertical surfaces could become the basis of parasitic living spaces made out of prefab panels. The dwellings could be affixed to any wall or pylon strong enough to support them using a mountain plate. This particular design, by Lara Calder Architects, features paneling made of compressed bamboo and recycled paper. It measures about 400 square feet, and features an open-air rooftop terrace. A combination staircase and service shaft connecting the home to power, sewer and water is the only part touching the ground.

Excrescent Utopia: Parasite Architecture for the Homeless

Parasitic Architecture Homeless Utopia

British architecture graduate Milo Ayden De Luca envisions parasitic structures for the homeless that could cling to the sides of lamp posts . Made of cheap and readily available materials like pulleys, nylon and rope lines, the structures are translucent and nearly weightless.

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Parasitic Architecture 15 Precariously Perched Structures

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