Posts Tagged ‘Posters’

Nikon releases limited edition camera posters for 100th anniversary

12 Jul

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If a gunmetal grey Nikon D5 doesn’t really suit your fancy, and the thought of weighing down your stationary with a crystal Nikon effigy just doesn’t get the blood pumping, then maybe Nikon’s latest 100th anniversary product will hit the spot. Nikon has teamed up with portfolio and printing company Level.Press to create a series of limited edition camera posters that are actually pretty sweet.

There are 10 posters in all, each of them showcasing a different iconic Nikon camera model alongside the year the model was released as well as a small blurb about that model’s history. In order, they are the Nikon I, Nikon SP, Nikon F, the Calypso, Nikon Photomic FTn, Nikon F2 Photomic, Nikon F3, the Nikonos-V, the Nikonos-RS and the Nikon D1.

“These ten designs, each of an iconic Nikon camera and limited to just 100 first edition prints, will be printed on archival fine art paper, hand-numbered, embossed with a special seal and beautifully framed to your liking by Level Frames,” reads the product description on Level.Press. “Beautiful enough to adorn a home, office or studio, these 19.5″ x 19.5″ limited edition posters are the perfect gift for yourself or anyone passionate about photography and the simple, functional, classic design of these historic Nikon cameras.”

Perfect if you can afford them… that is. Given the high quality of the prints and the limited run, the framed posters sell for between $ 127 and $ 173 depending on how much matting you want. Not bad, when you really think about it, but quite a chunk of change for a poster.

Still, we like it a lot better than that crystal thing.

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Blood Red: 30 Vintage Soviet Accident Prevention Posters

03 Jul

[ By Steve in Design & Graphics & Branding. ]

In Soviet Russia, accident prevent you! That’s the message rendered in classic commie-propaganda style via these thirty soviet accident prevention posters.



Graphic workplace accident prevention posters are nothing new, neither are they the purview of any one nation. That said, this selection of vintage Soviet accident prevention posters reflects a period in Russian history that was drenched in blood, sorrow, violence and loss – and not only on the factory floor.




Oleg Atbashian, a former citizen of the Soviet Union who moved to the United States in 1994, doesn’t recall ever seeing these horrifying-to-the-point-of-being-comical posters. Atbashian worked as a metal worker apprentice at a large Ukrainian factory when he was a teenager and later, as a visual agitprop (agitation and propaganda) artist specializing in posters directed at construction workers. Atbashian was in the right place; just at the wrong time.




Indeed, Atbashian’s USSR of the 1970s was quite a different place from the fledgling “communist paradise” of Lenin and Stalin. “They (the posters) reflect the zeitgeist of a completely different, less sensitive generation of Soviet citizens,” explains Atbashian, “who were so used to being disciplined, humiliated, and terrorized by the authorities that the least of their concerns would be to question some silly presumptive posters that described them as a herd of bumbling idiots being gored by machinery.” Geez Oleg, tell us what you really think!



Just as the communist system of government represented a clean break from the Czarist regimes which preceded it, graphic art in the nascent Soviet Union aspired to blaze a new trail in lockstep with the policies and philosophies of the Red Revolution.

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Ironic Typography Posters That Show the True Photographer’s Life

09 Oct

There is a chance you’ve seen a few posters with quotes about photographers on Facebook, Pinterest, Tumblr or other social-media platforms before. I’m talking about quotes like “Owning a camera does not make you a photographer” or others like “Life is like photography–we develop it from the negatives,” which all the photographers tend to share. Today, I’d like to bring Continue Reading

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21 Retro Travel Posters Feature Fantasy & Sci-Fi Destinations

25 Dec

[ By WebUrbanist in Technology & Vintage & Retro. ]

Ever wanted to be the next companion of Doctor Who, wished you could ride along on the Firefly-class Serenity, or wondered what it would be like to cruise the galaxy with the rebels (or imperial fleet) of Star Wars? Created to look like vintage travel posters, these faux advertisements give a new spin to science-fictional and other fantastical worlds.

Steve Thomas is working on selling posters, but for now has a galactic travel calender you can buy. His Star Wars series features such dubious destinations as Mos Eisley and the Swamps of Degobah, and offers transit via imperial shuttles, star destroyers or for the more adventurous: Jawa sandcrawlers, rebel escape ships and the Millennium Falcon.

Adam Levermore was “commissioned me to create a series of travel posters for Joss Whedon’s film, Serenity [and designed] these as WPA-style travel posters for the planets and locations from the movie. They were a huge success, and remain one of Quantum Mechanix’s top sellers. The highest praise came from Whedon himself, when he posted on the Whedonesque blog, calling the posters “extremely cool” and “masterfully designed.”

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Camouflage Posters Turn 3D Reality into 2D Illusions

16 Oct

[ By Steph in Art & Photography & Video. ]

Blurring the line between reality and fiction, this urban camouflage photo series by French photographer Fred Lebain features posters that blend in almost perfectly with their environments. Lebain visited New York and took photographs of various scenes, went home to France and turned them into posters, and then came back and installed the posters were the photos were taken.

Called ‘A Spring in New York’, the series reads like slight blips in time, where scenes are glimpsed on a day not too long past, when few things were different – perhaps the amount of sunlight, or the number of people in the background.

The posters curling at the edges or blowing slightly in the wind lends a curious effect to the final images. The scene is wrinkling; reality is threatening to peel away like paper.

In some scenes, the posters really do act as camouflage, hiding part of the photographer so that only hands or feet can be seen.

The series is reminiscent of Liu Bolin, ‘The Invisible Man’, a Beijing-based artist who paints himself into his surroundings so convincingly that it’s often hard to spot him. See more examples of urban camouflage, including body painting and bizarre urban camo suits.

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