Posts Tagged ‘Posed’

How to Mix Lifestyle and Posed Photography Styles to Add Variety

28 May

The post How to Mix Lifestyle and Posed Photography Styles to Add Variety appeared first on Digital Photography School. It was authored by Jackie Lamas.

As photographers, we take time to hone in our craft and practice many hours getting it right. When it comes to photographing people, there are two main approaches in directing clients to get the photos you want. I’ll explain the difference between both, and how to apply the two during the same session to get the most variety in the final gallery that your clients will absolutely love!

Mixing posed and lifestyle can add variety to your photos.

What is lifestyle photography?

Lifestyle photography is when you capture your clients a little more naturally than you would if you were posing them. It’s all about letting the session unfold naturally all while you photograph your couple, family, or individual being themselves.

Lifestyle can mean going for a walk through a botanical garden with your clients.

It’s also about showcasing the person in their daily life or routines too. For example, joining a family as they casually hang out at their home and bake together. Or joining a couple for coffee and a stroll through the park.

Going for coffee while you photograph your clients can also be considered lifestyle.

Lifestyle photography can be both natural or styled. Styled simply means curating the look so that even though the person is hanging out drinking coffee on their sofa, they are dressed and using items that make the photos have a cohesiveness.

Using a styled home can also offer a great location for lifestyle photos of a couple hanging out in the living room.

Much of what you see on Instagram can be considered lifestyle photography.

What is posed photography?

Posed photography is when you are directing your clients to sit, stand, and well, pose exactly how you would like them to. This gives you a more controlled and directive role in addition to being the photographer.

Directing people to pose a certain way is posed photography.

Posed photography can be really beautiful and usually lies in the editorial, fashion, or fine art styles of photography. However, posed photography can be used in every session where you want to control the final pose in your photo.

How to mix both styles to get variety

In a portrait session, it doesn’t matter if it’s family or just one person, mixing the two styles can really help add variety in the final images that you deliver to your client.

Mixing styles

When you’re starting the session, begin with posed photography because most clients are nervous at the beginning of a session. Getting them comfortable posing, and being more direct in how you want them to stand can help them to feel more comfortable in front of the camera.

The photo on the left was lifestyle, and the right is posed. Same family, same session, two different styles that add variety to the final images.

While you’re posing, show your client exactly how you want them to pose rather than merely instructing, which can get confusing.

For example, instead of saying “put your left hand on your right elbow,” you would instead go over to where they are standing and show them how you want them to put the left hand on their right elbow.

This is a quicker way to help your client visually see what you want them to do.

After you’ve posed your client enough, and they seem a little more comfortable in front of the camera, go for the lifestyle approach.

Tell your client to relax and walk around the area. If it’s a family, for example, ask them to walk and talk to each other while telling a funny joke. Make sure to keep your camera at the ready during these times. That way you can achieve photojournalistic style photos that make lifestyle so meaningful.

With children, you can capture them playing with their toys and also get posed photos during the same session.

As you go through the session, keep alternating between posed and lifestyle. You can also pose your clients, a couple, for example, so that they’re facing each other, take a few photos and then ask the couple to say one nice thing about the other.

This is a great way to transition from posed to lifestyle. You will get authentic expressions from the couple because you are putting them in a particular pose then giving them something to do that will seem natural. It’s a perfect mix of the two styles at the same time.

If you’re more comfortable with lifestyle and candid photography styles, don’t be afraid to stop your clients in mid-walk, hug, or whatever they are doing naturally to hold the pose. This is a transition from lifestyle to posed.

Mixing the two styles offers your clients more variety as well as an overall great experience. They will feel more comfortable being in front of the camera because they were allowed to be themselves while you also stopped to make sure to get posed photos as well.

Using both styles will give the session a more fluid flow and also allows your clients to have a good time during the session. This is especially important when photographing children. Letting them play and have a good time while mixing in posed photos will give them a fun experience.

In conclusion


Mixing the two styles, lifestyle and posed photography, will add variety to your client’s photos and will also ensure that they have a great experience without feeling stiff or uncomfortable in front of the camera.


The post How to Mix Lifestyle and Posed Photography Styles to Add Variety appeared first on Digital Photography School. It was authored by Jackie Lamas.

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Yoga Joes: G.I. Action Figures Posed in Complex Meditative Positions

18 Oct

[ By WebUrbanist in Art & Sculpture & Craft. ]

yoga rock stack

G.I. Joe and other toy soldier figures are rarely found in anything but anxiety-prone positions, ready to do battle with the imaginary enemy. But in this quirky collection, they tackle a fresh foe: difficult and sophisticated yoga positions.

yoga in nature

yoga position solider

yoga action figure

yoa pose joe

These posed characters can be found doing downward-facing dogs, lotus headstands and scorpions but also more complex positions like firefly, scorpion, peacock, side plank and king pigeon.

yoga silhouette

yoga figurine

yoga headstand

yoga and lizards

Started in 2014 by artist Dan Abramson, the collection has grown to include ever more sophisticated poses and postures which, in many cases, require more work for the figurines’ creator in making their molds. The pieces are sold in themed collections, ready to be used as toys or staged in nature for funky photo shoots.


yoga 2

yoga 3

yoga 4

yoga 5

yoga joes

“My hope is that advanced Yoga Joes inspire beginners to reach for the stars or, at the very least, to reach for their foot backward over their head” says Abramson. “I hope they inspire seasoned yoga masters to expand their own practice by showing off next to them on Instagram. But whatever your skill level, I truly hope they inspire calm and focus, and hopefully more than a few smiles and laughs.”

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Now You Can Have Perfectly Posed Portraits

21 Jun

Over the last week at dPS our writing team have focused their efforts on creating a great series of tutorials on the topic of posing subjects for portraits. They’ve covered 8 fantastic topics that have had some great feedback.

In case you’ve missed any I’ve listed them below but am also including 8 more portrait posing tutorials below from our archives.

Photograph Books Gives Us Wings by Maxim  Guselnikov on 500px

Books Gives Us Wings by Maxim Guselnikov on 500px

Also – if you’re looking to go even deeper into this topic check out our best selling Portrait Posing eBook – Striking the Pose by Gina Milicia and her Portrait Posing Printables Set for more great teaching.

Here are out 8 Portrait Posing Tutorials

  • Portrait Posing Tips- How to Help People to Relax and Take Better Photos
  • 5 Unposing Tips for Kids for More Natural Photos
  • How to Pose People for Headshots
  • 24 Photos of Perfectly Posed Portraits
  • Portrait Tips for Posing Women
  • How to Pose Groups for Portrait Photography
  • 10 Fantastic Natural Wedding Posing Tips
  • Tips for Posing Muscular Female Body Types

8 Great Portrait Posing Tutorials and Guides from our Archives

  • 8 Posing Guides to Inspire Your Portraiture
  • 5 Fail Proof Portrait Poses
  • Beginner Tips for Posing People with Confidence
  • Tips for Posing Men
  • Unposed Posing: Tried and True Tips for Photographing Families in Natural and Fun Ways
  • Posing Tips – Waistlines, Thighs and Bust lines
  • How to Pose Hands in Portraits
  • Pose for Effortlessness

Portraits posing 468x190px

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The post Now You Can Have Perfectly Posed Portraits by Darren Rowse appeared first on Digital Photography School.

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24 Photos of Perfectly Posed Portraits

12 Jun

Editor’s note: this week we will be featuring a series of articles on posing for portraits. Look for a new one each day. If you miss any make sure you subscribe to our newsletter and you’ll get a reminder of all our articles once a week.

When doing a portrait there is a lot to think about. You have to find a good location and background. The right lens needs to be selected. Camera settings are a consideration. The light needs to be just right.

But if that’s all you focus on you’re forgetting something rather important. The person in front of your camera. They need direction and reassurance on how to position their body to look their best. As the photographer it is your job to help them, and it is our job to help you. So here are some ideas to get started posing people in your portraits. You can also check out the dPS ebook Portraits: Striking the Pose or our set of posing guides 67 Portrait Poses (printable).

Photograph * * * by Sergey Lukankin on 500px

* * * by Sergey Lukankin on 500px

Photograph Stairway to heaven by Seemanta Dutta on 500px

Stairway to heaven by Seemanta Dutta on 500px

Photograph *** by Irina Dzhul on 500px

*** by Irina Dzhul on 500px

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transylvanian hunger by Moga on 500px

Photograph **** by Brian Ingram on 500px

**** by Brian Ingram on 500px

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Mehmet Haci by Ahmed Mustafa on 500px

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N by Nikolay Tikhomirov on 500px

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falling leaves by annabella photography on 500px

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The post 24 Photos of Perfectly Posed Portraits by Darlene Hildebrandt appeared first on Digital Photography School.

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Secret Lives of Superheroes: Realistically Posed Action Figures

26 Feb

[ By Steph in Art & Photography & Video. ]

secret lives of superheroes 1

The secret lives of superheroes are far more mundane than you might imagine, with the Black Widow helping the Hulk trim his armpit hair, Spiderman scrubbing Captain America’s shield, Thor taking selfies and Wolverine getting fresh with the ladies. Indonesian photographer Edy Hardjo uses high-quality action figures and minimal Photoshop to create funny lifelike scenes of characters from the worlds of DC Comics, Marvel and beyond.

secret lives of superheroes 2

secret lives of superheroes 3

Intrigued by how closely some of the figures resemble the actors that play the characters on film, Hardjo began to wonder whether he could use them to tell some new stories of his own.

secret lives of superheroes 7

The figures are posed in comedic little scenes that play on each character’s personality.

secret lives of superheroes 4

secret lives of superheroes 5

Hardjo relies mostly on the lifelike qualities of the figures themselves, but also uses Photoshop just enough to digitally remove stands and obvious joints.

secret lives of superheroes 8

secret lives of superheroes 9

Behind-the-scene photos showing how each scene is posed can be seen on the artist’s Facebook page.

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