Posts Tagged ‘Pier’

End of Elevated Parks? UK Garden Bridge & US Pier 55 Projects in Doubt

28 Apr

[ By WebUrbanist in Architecture & Cities & Urbanism. ]

It has been a challenging few weeks for architect Thomas Heatherwick, whose proposals for elevated green urban spaces in both London and New York City face uncertain futures. While the specifics vary, there may be lessons for elevated parks that spans both cases — and if these fail to move forward, it could spell the end of a decade-long trend for lofted public parks.

The Garden Bridge project in London has long been criticized based on its cost and officials are getting serious about making sure the investment (especially tax dollars) will pay off. The design has been touted as a kind of High Line Park for England’s capital, but unlike the High Line it is a brand new construction project (not adaptive reuse) and not positioned to revitalize areas of its city.

At the heart of the issue, unsurprisingly, is money: an initial projection of £60,000,000 has blossomed into an estimated cost of around £200,000,000. Shockingly, even cancelling the project now would result in a bill of over £40,000,000, despite the fact that construction has not even started. While £70,000,000 in private funding was secured at the outset, the rest would have to be covered by taxpayer money, which is less than popular with the public. As of now, the mayor’s financial inquiry has resulted in a recommendation to scrap the project.

According to a governmental report on the project, “Decisions on the Garden Bridge were driven by electoral cycles rather than value for money,. From its inception when there was confusion as to its purpose, through a weak business case that was constructed after contracts had been let and money had been spent, little regard has been had to value for money.” It is unclear whether the project is stalled or slated for abandonment, but it looks unlikely to proceed at this point.

Meanwhile, across the pond, Heatherwick’s proposed Pier 55 project (images by Luxigon), an elevated park stretching out over the water next to Manhattan, is also stalled out, at least for now. Its permit was recently revoked in part based on environmental studies that concluded it would disrupt local marine habitats. There are also concerns that it will block views along the waterfront.

The 10,000-square-foot, $ 200,000,000 park was designed to replace a disused pier in the heart of New York City, but once again it lacks some of the conditions that made the High Line a viable solution, particularly its lack of reuse. Perhaps the elevated parks trend is coming to an end, or (more likely): it is too often pitched as a solution, even in cases where there is no obvious problem to be solved.

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Pier Park: Undulating Landscape to Hover Over Hudson River in NYC

30 May

nyc floating park

Following the success of the hovering High Line, an elevated park set on re-purposed rail tracks, New York City aims to pull off another park space in an unused space, this time at Pier 55 floating along the waterfront near the Chelsea endpoint of the High Line.

pier park

pier gardens

Designed by British architect Thomas Heatherwick, also behind a garden bridge project for London, the park will be supported on pier-like columns that branch out to hold up the green space above. This new park is as spread out and open as the High Line is linear and streamline, also offering experiences at different elevations compared to its relatively flat cousin.

pier wandering

pier pressure

“The pier will be a place of discovery, where visitors can wander and wonder, finding something new around every corner: places to lounge, eat lunch, or just lie in the grass,” said Heatherwick Studio. With its open spaces and various levels, the park is well-suited to hosting events and performances in the open air.

pier deck

pier space

pier side

The project is being funded by Barry Diller and Diane Von Furstenberg, who have pledged personal money and set up a non-profit to fund it. After a series of lawsuits and delays, the architects have now been given the go-ahead by the US Army Corps of Engineers and Hudson River Park Trust.


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Super Pier: Green-Roofed Modular Cargo Container Mall for NYC

02 Oct

[ By WebUrbanist in Architecture & Offices & Commercial. ]

superpier interior design

A massive 14,000-square-foot green roof is the latest addition to a city-approved pier conversion plan, part of an overall scheme to convert Pier 57 in New York City into an extensive modular shipping container mall on the water.

pier 57 historic landmark

superpier renovation project

Developed by Youngwoo & Associates and designed by LOT-EK, famous for their extensive work with cargo containers, the SuperPier project will rent out retail space to stores in containers plugged into the larger existing structural framework.

pier 57 rooftop zone

Shade structures and seating are provided throughout to park area, allowing people to explore and rest along the length of the transformed open space. A series of plants organized to bloom in various seasons will add color year-round.

pier 57 section diagram

The project includes restaurants, an amphitheater and observation decks, all tucked into the currently-disused pier building.

superpier logo instpiratoin

superpier usage diagram

As an historic landmark, external modifications like the park above must be carefully hidden from view, ultimately informing the design of the finished shapes and spaces. The result is a combination of historical facades and fresh interior and rooftop strategies.

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Rocket Boat Pier 39 San Francisco by ULTIMATE YACHTSHOTS NIKON D90

27 Sep

Rocket Boat Pier 39 San Francisco by ULTIMATE YACHTSHOTS NIKON D90
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Nikon D90 movie how to: Follow the video to learn how to properly expose for a scene. – Put the camera at iso 200, 400, or 1600 or whichever is needed – Use a small aperture such as F8 – Use a lens with adjustable aperture – Press AE-L/AF-L hold before going to LiveView – Press LiveView, press OK to record, and then adjust the aperture manually until the exposure looks good. You should now have a much better exposed scene by following these steps.
Video Rating: 5 / 5