Posts Tagged ‘Photojojo’

Enter the Photojojo Weekly Photo Challenge!

16 Jun

Here in the Photojojo office, we love, love podcasts. We listen to comedy podcasts, music podcasts, educational podcasts, and even podcasts for making podcasts.

That last one inspired and encouraged us to start our very own podcast about something we also love SO much – photography! And the Photojojo Photo-a-Week Challenge was born.

Read on for some info about how to enter our podcast challenge and learn about some of our other favorite photography podcasts.

Read the rest of Enter the Photojojo Weekly Photo Challenge! (477 words)

© Meg for Photojojo, 2017. |
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Win One Hundo Photojojo Bux

26 Aug

Everyone knows that our warehouse has a tiny dino infestation problem.

It’s adorable.

Those little critters have a habit of crawling into boxes before we ship them out and we love to see where they end up.

This week, post a photo of your #photojojodino and we’ll pick our favorite to win a $ 100 Photojojo Gift Card and three $ 50 runners-up. Winner’s chosen 8/31.

Read the rest of Win One Hundo Photojojo Bux (42 words)

© laurel for Photojojo, 2016. |
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DIY Photo Stands: How to Train Your Photojojo Dinos

24 Jan

Extra photos for bloggers: 1, 2, 3

You just got your Photojojo package (yay!). And what’s this? A stowaway-a-saurus!

Learn how to train your newly found dino friends to sit, stay, and speak–er– hold a photo!

Gather up those stowaways and put them to good use by turning them into photo holders.

In a few easy steps, you can turn your dino collection in to a dino photo collection! (ooooh ahhhhhh)

*Don’t worry, no dinosaurs were hurt in the making of this tutorial.

Turn Your Dinos into Roaring Photo Stands
Read the rest of DIY Photo Stands: How to Train Your Photojojo Dinos (630 words)

© Margo for Photojojo, 2013. |
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