Posts Tagged ‘Perfectly’

10 Portrait Composition Tips to Frame Your Subject Perfectly

16 Feb

How you compose and frame your portrait is important for creating visual impact and connection with the viewer. It can dictate the mood and feel of the portrait, making it feel inviting or uncomfortable. Knowing a few rules, and how to break them effectively is a good place to start. In this article I’m going to give you some general Continue Reading

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Perfectly Clear App for Android updated to version 4, iOS update to follow

31 Jan

Athentech has released the latest version of its auto-enhancement photo editor Perfectly Clear App for Android, bringing it up to version 4. With the latest update users are given several new features for further improving their photographs, as well as new detection algorithms for the Next Generation Beautify feature specifically. Click through for more details

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Can’t Stop the Music: Submerged Turntable Plays Perfectly

15 Feb

[ By Steph in Art & Installation & Sound. ]

Submerged Records 1

What will become of all that humans have created when we’re no longer on the planet to preserve it? This project by artist Evan Holm is both a nod to the grief that the mere thought of losing so much art, architecture, music and other culturally significant creations can incite, and hope for a new beginning. ‘Submerged Turntables’ play music perfectly even when placed underwater, spinning in a black pool.

Submerged Records 2

Watching the record swirl in the water is an eerie sight, powerfully evoking visuals of the monster floods we’ve watched wipe out human settlements in epic disaster movies as well as in real life. The knob to control the record player is built into a branch that hangs over the pool. The video below shows the process of setting up the installation.

Submerged Records 3

“There will be a time when all tracings of human culture will dissolve back into the soil under the slow crush of the unfolding universe,” says Holm. “The pool, black and depthless, represents loss, represents mystery and represents the collective subconscious of the human race. By placing these records underneath the dark and obscure surface of the pool, I am enacting a small moment of remorse towards this loss.”

Submerged Records 4

“In the end however this is an optimistic sculpture, for just after that moment of submergence; tone, melody and ultimately song is pulled back out of the pool, past the veil of the subconscious, out from under the crush of time, and back into a living and breathing realm. When I pe

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[ By Steph in Art & Installation & Sound. ]

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Perfectly Clear for iPad — Photo Correction (Automatic) App Review

06 Feb

Perfectly Clear for iPad — Photo Correction (Automatic) Description ???Special Promo??? Get Perfectly Clear for iPad this week only for .99! ?????? Your skin… flawless Your memories… perfectly preserved Perfectly Clear for iPad — Correct your iPad pictures in 1 click! Our lab-quality corrections make sure your photos are perfect… with just 1 click! We’ve taken all the amazing features and functionality from our award winning Perfectly Clear iPhone app, re-designed it and optimized the workflow for the iPad, and added even more powerful automatic corrections and functionality to create the ultimate iPad correction app! No effort is required to create and then share beautiful looking images with this fun-to-use app. Watch as the Perfectly Clear automatic corrections peel off your original photo to reveal a bright, color corrected, crisp photo with flawless skin and details you didn’t see in your original. Perfectly Clear also provides the ability to fine tune the automatic corrections with easy to use sliders and presets. Behind the scenes the Perfectly Clear app applies various patented corrections (from 10 years of scientific research), automatically delivering you a beautiful photo you can’t wait to share. Perfectly Clear for iPhone is powered by the same robust correction technology licensed to many of the largest photography companies, retailers, and labs around the world. To learn more about what sets our digital corrections
Video Rating: 2 / 5

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Real-Life Tetris: Items Fit Perfectly in Street Sculptures

23 Jan

[ By Delana in Art & Sculpture & Craft. ]

self contained

Those of us who grew up playing Tetris credit the game with teaching us everything from patience to time management to packing skills. For Swedish artist Michael Johansson, Tetris also seems to have instilled a love of organization. Johansson’s Tetris-like organizational art pieces are fun and satisfying in that everything-in-its-place kind of way.

Tetris - Witte De With


Johansson collects used objects which have already enjoyed a long life and turns them into larger-than-life sculptures. He seems to have a magical sense of space, fitting items of different sizes and shapes perfectly into doorways, windows, and all types of unlikely spaces.

tetris geozavad

mind the gap

Because the objects are old and show some signs of wear, Johansson believes that his art gives them a new past – a “fake history.” He lovingly crafts these combinations of (usually) unrelated items into sculptures that rely not only on the skill of the artist, but also the size, shape and color of the objects themselves.

michael johansson real life tetris

tetris Nikolaj Kunsthal

Without the whole, each individual part of these sculptures would not make sense as art. And like Tetris, it is the coming together of many pieces that really makes the projects fun. One can step back and look at the amazing tableau of these combined objects or step closer to appreciate each individual object. Either way, Johansson’s real-life Tetris leaves us all feeling like winners.

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[ By Delana in Art & Sculpture & Craft. ]

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How to Get Your Lightroom Catalogue Perfectly Organized

14 Jan

Did you know that ‘getting organized’ is one of the top ten New Year’s resolutions? It’s true! So let’s roll up our sleeves and get to tidying up your lightroom editing process. Lightroom, after all, is an archive of your work, a database of your creative content. Having a streamlined system will allow you to minimize your editing and post-processing Continue Reading

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A Perfectly Valid Choice: Light That Isn’t There

14 Dec

I'm as guilty as the next guy when it comes to over-the-top lighting. And why not? It's fun, it's cool and it can amp up an otherwise boring scene.

But that kinda stuff is not always necessarily the best choice. Often the best light is light that doesn't call attention to itself, but rather allows your camera to see a scene the way your eye would normally see it.

Take this biz portrait for example, which looks pretty natural but in fact is lit by three different sources. Read more »


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App Review: Perfectly Clear for iOS

04 Dec


Smartphones aren’t just about catching grab-shots and applying heavy processing filters to cover up any flaws. As the cameras get better, processing to get the best out of those images becomes increasingly important. Perfectly Clear, a processing app for iOS devices, provides a host of tools to fine-tune your mobile photography (or edit any photos when away from your computer). It even has a tool to correct the iPhone 5’s notorious purple flare. Click here to see what we thought.

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Henry & Aaron’s Perfectly Adequate Christmas Special

02 Dec

Christmas can be torture. NOT SUITABLE FOR CHILDREN. Henry & Aaron’s Perfectly Adequate Christmas Special is a very special one-off episode created to celebrate Henry & Aaron being selected as finalists in the inaugural MOVIE EXTRA WEBFEST. Written by Henry Inglis & Aaron McCann Produced by Lauren Elliott This has been a Perfectly Adequate Production 2010. CAST Henry – Henry Inglis Aaron – Aaron McCann Danny Danielson – James Helm Santa Claus – Paul “Werzel” Montague Supermodel – Rebecca Frost Cops – Stefan Radanovich and Clint Lawrence Children – Caleb Helm, Zoe Templeman CREW Directed by Antony Webb Director of Photography Ben Berkhout Sound Recordist James Helm Special FX Make-up Kate Anderson Special Props Jeremy Shaw Stills Photographer Imogen Inglis Music Louis Inglis Additional Music Ash Gibson-Greig Special thanks to: Naomi Lynch Stefan Radanovich Karen Cameron Eileen McCann Westpoint Star Mercedes-Benz Liz Sideris FTI Fremantle
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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