Posts Tagged ‘Passage’

Holloway Roads: Tunnels Eroded by Passage of People Over Time

21 Oct

[ By WebUrbanist in Culture & History & Travel. ]

holloway tunnels

Holloways (or: hollow ways) are desire paths gone wild, reflecting centuries or even millennia of informal, slowly transforming them from flat paths to sunken lanes and, in some cases, semi-subterranean tunnels worn right into the Earth.

holloway roads

Eroded by foot traffic, farm animals, laden carts and the passage of water, many of these remarkable half-tunnels are thought to date back to Roman times. Their development is often aided by the presence of softer ground materials like sandstone and chalk.

holloway paths

Over time, trees can be found on either side, reinforcing the impression of a completely-enclosed tunnel. Some plants also thrive in the peculiar light and temperature conditions formed by these passageways.

holloway flowers

In times of war, holloways have served as passages as well as defensive positions, effectively serving as already-existing trenches for troops in the Civil War and World Wars. In Germany, a network of holloway hiking trails winds for dozens of miles at up to 15 feet deep. In the Middle East, many holloways are thought to be thousands of years old.

holloway france

holloway rock

holloway black white

While most examples formed naturally over time, some younger ones were simply created for irrigation or other purposes, their presence then reinforced by foot or vehicle traffic over the years. Photographs by Jean-François Gornet, Olybrius, Romain Bréget, Jean-François Gornet, David Coombes, Nigel Mykura, Jibi44, Tim Green, Andrew.

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[ By WebUrbanist in Culture & History & Travel. ]

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Photo collages record passage of time in ‘slices’

07 Aug


In his series ‘Time is a Dimension,’ photographer Fong Qi Wei stretches the boundaries of still photography to produce images that convey the passage of time. Rather than using time-lapse, he has created a series of photo collages, each composed of many ‘slices’ taken in a 2 to 4 hour timespan. The resulting images capture the changing colors of sunrise and sunset in a way a single still or video clip can’t match. Click through and take a look at some of his work.

News: Digital Photography Review (

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Sammy’s Adventures: The Secret Passage Official Trailer

20 May

In Shaw Cinemas 2 December 2010 (Thurs) – Join Sammy the sea turtle on a fun and exciting fifty-year journey through the ocean. This wonderfully crafted, 3D animation combines entertainment with an important environmental message. Born on a Baja, California beach in 1959, new hatchling Sammy must do what his fellow newborn sea turtles are doing: race across the beach to the ocean before they are captured by a seagull or crab. After a slow start, Sammy is nearly at the water’s edge when a seagull snatches him. In the air and struggling to escape, Sammy notices another turtle in the beak of a nearby seagull. Thinking quickly, Sammy spits sand into the seagull’s eyes causing the two birds to collide and drop the young turtles to the ground. Sammy lands upside down, while the other turtle lands right side up. Her name is Shelly and, thanking Sammy for rescuing her, she encourages him to turn over and continue the last leg of his dash to the ocean. But exhausted after an eventful day, Sammy is unable to muster the strength to go any further. Thankfully, Sammy has landed on a wooden raft that the tide carries out to sea. Thus begins Sammy’s incredible ocean journey. Along the way he meets his best friend, a fellow turtle named Ray, and overcomes obstacles both natural and man-made while trying to fulfill his dream of travelling around the world. Throughout his voyage, Sammy never forgets about Shelly — the turtle he saved on his first day and loves passionately from afar

Video tutorial on creating a floor plan in Live Interior 3D by BeLight Software ( Home and office interior design software for Mac OS X Video by Pasha Kyrylchenko Audio by Ray East