Posts Tagged ‘Paparazzi’

Royal Family expresses concerns over alarming measures used by paparazzi seeking photos of Prince George

15 Aug

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have expressed concerns with some of the recent tactics used by paparazzi trying to photograph their two-year-old son. The letter details some of the methods photographers have used to try and get their shots, including hiding in sand dunes and using other children to lure Prince George into view at playgrounds. Read more

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Guide on how to “be a Paparazzi” (feat. L Gaga* & Nikon D3s)

17 Oct

We got asked a question about what it takes to be a paparazzi and what equipment one needs. In this video, we get Kai Mk. 2 to chase a celebrity who is in town. *Ladyboy Gaga is a fictional character, not to be confused with any other Gaga.

The Nikon Coolpix S800c is the first Android powered camera to hit the market and we got our hands on it. After spending some time with it, we can definitely say that there is much to love about this camera. At Rs. 20950 the S800c is a camera that offers more than just camera features, but for a full run-down on the in-and-outs of this camera, watch out for our full review.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

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