Posts Tagged ‘OpenPlan’

Constant Motion: Open-Plan, Puzzle-Piece Apartment Design

19 Sep

[ By WebUrbanist in Design & Fixtures & Interiors. ]

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A small cubic condo with windows on only one side hardly seems an obvious candidate for a complex and dynamic plan, but from concept through execution, this design embodies its creator’s and clients’ visions for space in motion.

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open plan concept diagram

As the diagrams by designer Alex Bykov illustrate, the layout started with a central kitchen, acting as a modern-day hearth and center of activity around which the rest of the mostly-open rooms revolve.

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The raised-level library area, framed in richly variegated plywood, feels like a cozy and separate space, but also remains an extension of the main volume. Its shelving shapes play into the puzzle theme that inspired the overall plan.

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The steps leading up to this little library serve two purposes, acting as stairs but also forming a corner breakfast nook on the main floor – another one of many turns and angles throughout the project that add to its dynamism.

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Constant Motion Open Plan Puzzle Piece Apartment Design

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[ By WebUrbanist in Design & Fixtures & Interiors. ]

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