Posts Tagged ‘Offbeat’

Odd Glory: A Salute To Offbeat American Flag Art

16 Oct

[ By Steve in Art & Drawing & Digital & Street Art & Graffiti. ]


America‘s stars & stripes flag evokes different feelings in different people, such as artists whose creative expression is displayed via Old Glory.



Visual artist Dave Cole created “Memorial Flag” from roughly 18,000 plastic toy soldiers and lots of red, white and blue paint. The work was displayed at the 21c Museum in Durham, NC in 2005, where it was given a place of honor as the first artwork visitors to the museum would encounter.

Too Big To FAILE



This striking zig-zag flag was painted by street-art collaborative FAILE for the Underbelly Project, held at an abandoned Brooklyn subway station in the summer of 2010. FAILE was one of 103 street artists from all over the world who participated in the unusual art exhibition – unusual because it was (a) illegal and (b) closed the very same night it opened because of (a).

“More Barn!”



Call it a case of advertising patriotism: a billboard in Wingdale (Dutchess County), New York now serves as a huge, unmoving flag made from painted wood slats and hundreds of round drawer knobs. Someone somewhere is having a LOT of trouble getting dressed in the morning.



“Prayer Rug for America” by Arab-American artist Helen Zughaib is on display at the Reginald F. Lewis Museum of Maryland African American History & Culture. The work is “an Islamic prayer rug fashioned with the colors and the stripes of the United States flag,” explains Associate Curator Asantewa Boakyewa, “and her interpretation or take on it is really that this is a painting for healing.”

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Strange Sights of France: 12 Offbeat Travel Destinations

28 Sep

[ By Steph in Destinations & Sights & Travel. ]

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You haven’t really seen France if you’ve never toured a mansion made of pebbles, taken a ride on a gigantic animatronic elephant, checked out Nazi bunkers turned guerrilla art or gazed upon row after row of horrifying anatomical curiosities. These 12 offbeat and little-known sights in Paris and beyond go a bit off the beaten path for a whole new look at one of the world’s most popular tourist destinations.

Palais Ideale: Palace of Pebbles
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A postman named Ferdinand Cheval spent began building his “Palais Ideale” from scratch using pebbles in 1879, looking for interesting stones along his route and carrying them back in his pockets. As he grew more involved with the project, he began toting them in baskets, and then wheelbarrows. Each night when his shift ended, he would join the stones using cement, lime and mortar by the light of an oil lamp. It took him over twenty years to complete his masterpiece, which is filled with hundreds of incredible tiny sculptures. He also spent over eight years building his own mausoleum nearby, and was buried there in 1924.

Le Moulin Jaune
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“The Yellow Windmill” is a quirky amusement park an hour’s drive southeast of Paris, with a bright yellow castle and a garden full of strange art installations and circus-like performances. The whole thing was dreamed up and run by a Russian avant-garde performance artist named Slava Polunin, who’s best known for “revolutionizing the art of clowning.” He can be spotted paddling down the Grand Morin river on his bed.

Paris’ Own Kowloon Walled City
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Paris would have had a lawless Kowloon City of its very own, almost exactly like the one that was razed in Hong Kong in 1993, had one 18th century vision for a “proletariat citadel” ever come to pass. The labyrinthine cluster of interconnected buildings in Paris’ 18th arrondissement at the intersection of rue Eugene Sue and rue Simart was built to host 10,000 workers, becoming one of the densest blocks in the city. The idea was that it could function as its own autonomous citadel resistant to the forces of suppression. Internal courtyards are so small, daylight barely pierces them all the way to the ground, and when it was first built, it very likely looked a lot like the real Kowloon. It never became nearly as squalid, however, so it’s not in danger of being demolished.

Pigeon Castles in the Countryside

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What look like bizarrely tiny castles dotting the French countryside (and other areas of Europe) are not made for humans at all, but rather pigeons. People once built ‘pigeonniers’ (or dovecotes in English) to house the birds, which were raised for their meat, eggsand fertilizer. But by the 14 century, they became a symbol of status, and only landed estates of a certain size were allowed to have them. As other types of meat became more available after the Middle Ages, pigeonneirs fell out o favor, and today many stand as ruins while others are carefully preserved. (images via Daniel Jolivet, alain cielas, patrick janicek)

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Offbeat & Off the Grid: 15 Surprisingly Mobile Solar Gadgets

12 Aug

[ By Steph in Gadgets & Geekery & Technology. ]

Mobile Solar Main

Solar power projects go truly off-the-grid in mobile applications that range from practical if goofy solar panel-equipped Ray Bans to donkeys that stroll around with photovoltaics mounted to their backs. While some are just for fun, others have the (solar) power to bring electricity to remote places, or get around restrictions that hold back renewable energy progress.

Shrub Rover Solar-Powered Camouflaged Car
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It looks like an ordinary shrub. Then it starts inexplicably rolling along the ground as if it has gained sentience a la the plot of a particularly terrible horror movie from the 1950s. The Terrestrial Shrub Rover by Justin Shull is a solar-powered, foliage-covered vehicle that lets drivers explore new territories in disguise (as long as you wait to actually drive it until after dark.) Cameras on the outside display the car’s surroundings on screens within so you can see where you’re going.

Pop-Up Solar Power Station
Mobile Solar Pop Up Station

Solar installations can be costly and time-consuming to install, but load them into a shipping container so that they can pop right out when it’s opened and you’ve got a convenient mobile solar power station. The Ecos PowerCube is available in 10-foot, 20-foot and 40-foot ISO shipping container footprints with solar panels hidden within protective drawers. Batteries inside the container store power. Once unrolled, the panels increase the size of the array to three times the footprint of the shipping containers.

Solar-Powered Wheelchair
Mobile Solar Wheelchair

The winning entry in a competition for inventions that can make a significant difference to people with disabilities, this solar-powered wheelchair can run continuously on the power of the sun. Designed by students at the University of Virginia, the wheelchair features a custom-built 11-square-foot solar panel that doubles as a sun shade and enables the wheelchair to travel indefinitely at 1mph without drawing power from the battery.

Autonomous Solar-Powered Lawnmower
Mobile Solar Mower

The equivalent of a Roomba for your lawn, this open-source robotic lawn mower runs entirely on solar power so you don’t have to sweat it out on a hot summer day. No need to even control it via remote, since it’s totally autonomous. If you’re handy with electronics, you can try making one yourself – instructions are available at Open Electronics.

Freshwater Floating Solar Power Plant
Mobile Solar Freshwater Plant

The world’s largest freshwater solar power plant will be installed over reservoirs and lakes in India’s southern state of Kerala in a $ 72 million, 50 megawatt project. Using freshwater gets around the problem of landowners overcharging for solar developments, with projects paying rent to the owners of the bodies of water. The total cost will end up being around 15 percent lower than equivalent land-based projects.

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World’s Weirdest Hotels: 14 Unique Offbeat Accommodations

06 May

[ By Steph in Boutique & Art Hotels & Travel. ]

World's Weirdest Hotels Main

There are art hotels with unusually creative and strangely-themed decor, and then there are hotels shaped like giant anuses, which are in a different class altogether. Hotels so strange and unusual that they qualify as roadside attractions whether you spend the night or not include a massive toilet, an operable crane, a survival pod with disco decor, a giant beer can and a manor where you can eat breakfast with giraffes hovering over your shoulder.

Hotel Shaped Like a Giant Anus, Antwerp, Belgium

Weirdest Hotels Anus
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It’s unlikely that you’ve ever thought to yourself, “Gee, I’d love to spend a night or two inside a giant anus,” but you have that opportunity anyway if you’re ever traveling through Antwerp, Belgium. Hotel Casanus began as a tongue-in-cheek work of art but is now actually a functioning rental on a small, isolated island as part of the 30-acre Verbeke Foundation Sculpture Park.

Giraffe Manor, Nairobi, Kenya

Weirdest Hotels Giraffe Manor

It’s certainly not every day that you can enjoy a gourmet meal in a quaint historic mansion as giraffes lean in through the windows over your shoulder. Giraffe Manor is located on a 140-acre sanctuary for one of the most endangered subspecies of giraffes in the world, Rothschild’s giraffes. The manor, which has ten guest rooms, offers up plates of giraffe food that you can feed to these hungry guests so they don’t go after your breakfast.

Sand Hotel, Dorset, England

Weirdest Hotels Sand Dorset

What’s the opposite of an ice hotel? A hot-weather alternative that’s no less ephemeral is the Sand Hotel in Dorset, England. Made of 1,000 tons of sand by British sculptor Mark Anderson, the hotel featured open ‘rooms’ that could be rented for only $ 21 a night.

Sewer Pipe Hostel, Mexico City

Weirdest Hotels Sewer Pipe

In case staying inside an anus sculpture is too extreme for you, perhaps a sewer pipe will be more accommodating. Mexico City’s TuboHotel is made up of stacked, reclaimed concrete sewer pipes with little more than a queen bed and a lamp inside.

Mount Gambier Jail Hotel, Australia

Weirdest Hotels Jail Australia

The spartan rooms of the Mount Gambier Jail hotel in Australia don’t look much different than they did when actual prisoners were staying there, and little has been changed about the entire facility since it was a functioning jail. It’s far from luxurious, but that’s kind of the point: the hotel markets itself as an ideal place to stay for penny-pinchers and the broke.

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