Posts Tagged ‘Minimum’

Labyrinthine Loophole: Bar Entry Maze Beats 500 Meter Minimum Distance Law

17 Apr

[ By WebUrbanist in Architecture & Offices & Commercial. ]

Following a Supreme Court of India ruling that bars must be a minimum of 500 meters away from highways, one intrepid watering hole wrapped itself in a 250-meter maze to effectively circumvent the law. Handed down earlier this month, the ruling has closed down liquor-serving establishments across the country prompting some to get creative.

Owners of the Aishwarya Bar in North Paravoor, a Kochi suburb, maintain: “We have done nothing illegal. The plot behind the bar also belongs to the owner and we have constructed an extended way to reach the bar. Now it is 520 meters from the highway. We are set to approach the circle inspector of excise with the new route map to authorize the reopening of the bar.”

Perhaps most remarkably: since the purpose of the law relates to walking distance (rather than linear), officials have given their blessing to this unusual solution — he intent of the legislation, after all, is to reduce intoxicated driving accidents. With that potential code violation remedied, the only accusation left leveled against the establishment related to changing around the property without a building permit, resulting in a small fine.

The solid-walled fence shaping the labyrinth was installed at minimal cost in a matter of days, expanding into adjacent property also owned by the bar’s manager. Pub crawlers, meanwhile, may find themselves somewhat lost when loaded, but at least there are no dead ends. However, bars like this one may still find themselves with fewer customers since the federal ruling also prohibits roadside signage directing drinkers to pubs. Other specific exceptions have been granted on a case-by-case basis, but this particular solution may lead to a series of similar approaches.

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Minimum flash duration of 1/63,000sec makes the Profoto D2 the fastest TTL monolight in the world

17 Sep

Flash manufacturer Profoto has launched what it is describing as the fastest TTL monolight heads in the world. The Profoto D2 studio flash heads have a shortest output duration of 1/63,000sec, can run at a rate of 20 bursts per second and can sync with camera shutter speeds as short as 1/8000sec. The heads come in two output varieties, 500Ws and 1000Ws, with both featuring full TTL control for Nikon and Canon users via the company’s AirTTL 2.4GHz radio system. The heads can also be controlled in manual mode with 10 stops of output in 1/10th stop increments.

The heads are available to order now, retailing for $ 2000/£1554 for the Profoto D2 1000Ws AirTTL Monolight and $ 1500/£1194 for the Profoto D2 500Ws AirTTL Monolight.

For more information see the Profoto website.

Press release

Profoto releases the D2, the world’s fastest monolight with TTL

With the ability to freeze action at up to 1/63,000 of a second, to shoot bursts of 20 images per second and sync with camera shutter speeds as fast as 1/8,000 of a second the D2 is redefining the definition of speed in monolights.

“For a photographer, every new day is a new challenge. So for them, speed isn’t one thing – it’s many. That’s why we created the D2 to be remarkably fast in every way” says Johan Wiberg, Product Manager at Profoto.

A photographer might need to freeze action with absolute sharpness. The D2 brings pin sharp clarity with a flash duration of up to 1/63.000 of a second, which makes it faster than most high end studio packs on the market. Better still, it offers supershort flash duration across the full energy range.

If flash duration is exceptionally fast, recycling time is equal to it. With the D2 you can shoot up to 20 flashes per second . That allows you to catch 20 versions of the same moment, and quite often that’s the difference between capturing a good image and a great image.

Bringing yet another dimension to speed is Profoto’s High-Speed Sync technology (HSS). This allows the D2 to sync with the fastest shutter speeds available. An advantage when you need to catch a deep blue sky or take full control of ambient light.

The D2 can also help to speed up workflow because it’s equipped with patented TTL technology. You can point-andshoot and the D2 will automatically adjust its output for perfect exposure. But manual mode is available at click of a button, so switching between both modes with settings intact just makes everything move faster.

In terms of output, the D2 is available in 500Ws and 1000Ws versions. At full power you’ll easily overpower the sun, or fully illuminate a larger Light Shaping Tool. Both versions come with a super wide 10 f-stop energy range and superior color consistency over the entire range. So leave the ND filters at home and add just a hint of light if needed.

Above all, this is Profoto Light Shaping equipment. So the design is smooth and minimal, it’s intuitive to use, the build quality as you’d expect, is rugged and sturdy, and it can be used with more than 120 different Light Shaping Tools.

“We designed the Profoto D2 to be the world’s fastest monolight,” says Johan Wiberg, Product Manager at Profoto. “But the speed is not a gimmick. We truly believe that more speed allows you to be more creative and consistently take better images regardless of what challenge you face – with the D2, you’re always up to speed.”

For high volume production when you shoot thousands of images per day, like packshot photography, there is an optional Quartz flashtube available.

The D2 is released Sept 15, 2016. Both the 500Ws and 1000Ws versions are available in different kits configurations.

Learn more at

Articles: Digital Photography Review (

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Minimum Shutter Speed for sharp images w/ sample pictures. A neglected topic

30 Oct https

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Posted in Nikon Videos