Posts Tagged ‘Millions’

Erfarenhet av Bitcoin Millions Erfarenheter

28 Sep

Att välja Erfarenhet av Bitcoin Millions de bästa kryptosystem som finns på marknaden är en mycket viktig aspekt av handeln. Om du inte är medveten om detta kan det sluta med att du förlorar mycket pengar i det långa loppet. Om du vill göra mest vinst på kortast möjliga tid måste du göra din hemläxa väl. Här är några av de grunder som du bör känna till innan du väljer de bästa mynten att handla på marknaden med.

Erfarenhet av Bitcoin Millions

En av de första sakerna du måste titta efter i de bästa valutorna som finns på marknaden är deras inflationsgrad. För att förstå detta måste du först förstå vad inflation är. Inflation är helt enkelt en ökning av priserna utan att varor och tjänster minskar. Till exempel är en enårig dollar värd mycket mer om några månader, eller hur? Så om du väljer att investera i de bästa råvarorna för det här århundradet vore det klokt att hålla utkik efter de valutor som enligt prognoserna kommer att uppleva den högsta inflationen under de kommande tio åren.

Ett annat grundläggande övervägande när det gäller att investera i de bästa valutorna är deras historik när det gäller handel och gruvdrift. Man kan inte bara välja vilket gammalt system som helst att investera i idag. Det finns hundratusentals valutor som handlas på marknaden och endast ett fåtal utvalda är lönsamma. Därför är det nödvändigt att du forskar väl om de olika systemen som finns tillgängliga för att veta vilket av de tillgängliga kryptosystemen som är det bästa att investera i.

Ett av de enklaste sätten att avgöra vilken av de bästa valutorna att investera i är genom att titta på den underliggande tillgångens egenskaper. Detta kallas tillgångens egenskaper och de är kända som Ripples. Låt oss ta en titt på två exempel på de bästa valutorna att investera i under det kommande decenniet. Den första typen av tillgång är aktier. Ett index som följer värdet av olika typer av företag kallas aktier. Så om vi tittar på de tio främsta valutorna som kommer att styra aktiemarknadens värde i framtiden är det troligt att dollarn kommer att fortsätta sin uppgång eftersom värdet på aktier i USA och Europa förväntas stiga.

Den andra typen av tillgångar är guld. Det finns en stor sannolikhet för att guldpriset kommer att stiga under det kommande decenniet. Om du håller på med handel och inte har teknisk kunskap om vilken av de bästa valutorna du ska investera i bör du prova de bästa kryptovalutorna som sannolikt kommer att öka i värde under detta årtionde. Bland de möjliga valutorna att investera i Erfarenhet av Bitcoin Millions finns euron, den japanska yenen, den australiska dollarn, schweiziska francen, den kanadensiska dollarn och det brittiska pundet. Var och en av dessa valutor har sina egna för- och nackdelar och du bör noggrant studera dem innan du investerar i dem.

Även om det är lätt att bli lockad av de dåliga nyheterna om att investera i kryptovalutor finns det ingen dålig investering när det gäller mynt. Anledningen till detta är att de flesta investerare som är nya i den här branschen slutar med att förlora sina pengar eftersom de inte har rätt kunskap om vilka av de bästa valutorna de ska investera i. Så när du letar efter de bästa valutorna att investera i är det viktigt att du blir bekant med alla dessa. Detta beror på att endast genom att bli en registrerad användare av en onlinehandelsplats kan du få tillgång till alla de bästa kryptovalutorna som finns tillgängliga i världen idag.

Det finns många fördelar som är förknippade med att investera i de bästa kryptokurvorna, bland annat det faktum att de handlas på den globala marknaden. Därför är det lätt att handla med de bästa valutorna och du kan också förvänta dig god avkastning. Att investera i de bästa valutorna kräver dock att du lär dig hur systemet fungerar, grunderna i ekonomi och företagsledning. Om du till exempel är en investerare som är ny på att investera på altcoin-marknaden, är det bättre om du får hjälp av professionella personer som experter och handlare.

Det finns många fördelar som du kan njuta av när du investerar i de bästa valutorna i världen. En av dessa är att när du väljer de bästa kryptosurferna kan du vara säker på att värdet på din investering alltid kommer att vara stabilt. Eftersom värdet på varje mynt varierar beroende på utbud och efterfrågan är det viktigt att du investerar i de bästa valutorna och sedan handlar med dem enligt dina behov. När värdet på en valuta fluktuerar kan du alltså enkelt sälja dina tillgångar och investera i de nya.

Det bästa sättet att investera i de bästa kryptosurfarna är att se till att du är välinformerad om de olika faktorer som påverkar värdet på ett visst mynt och du har också en expert som kan lära dig hur du väljer de bästa valutorna att investera i. När du vill göra vinster från handeln med den bästa kryptosurf bör du alltså se till att du utbildar dig om marknadens ekonomi och affärsmodeller. Här är nästa intressanta blogginlägg: Kapitalrisk vid handel med Bitcoincash.

The post Erfarenhet av Bitcoin Millions Erfarenheter first appeared on Hur man använder kryptovalutor på rätt sätt.

Hur man använder kryptovalutor på rätt sätt

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Posted in Photography


B&H Photo releases detailed statement refuting allegations it defrauded New York out of millions in sales tax

22 Nov

Update: (November 20, 2019): We have added more details regarding the entity Mr. Gerstel claims is an ‘anonymous’ accuser and have added more context on the taxation and rebate process.

B&H Photo spokesperson Jeff Gerstel has released a statement rejecting the New York Attorney General’s lawsuit that claims that B&H allegedly failed to report and pay for additional sales tax when customers received discounts on certain purchases.

In an email sent to DPReview, Gerstel says ‘the [New York] Attorney General is trying to create a new tax on discounts [and] wants consumers to pay sales tax for what they actually pay plus an additional tax on discounts they receive.’ Gerstel adds ’this makes no sense and there is no law that requires consumers to pay this tax on discounts.’

Gerstel goes on to say that ‘these claims are without merit’ and claims ‘the entire consumer electronics retail industry takes the identical approach to what we do’ — an assertion Gerstel later backs up in his email using pricing examples from other electronic retailers. Gerstel adds:

B&H has done nothing wrong and it is outrageous that the Attorney General is attacking a New York company that employs thousands of New Yorkers while leaving the national online and retail behemoths unchallenged. The Attorney General wants to charge New Yorkers a tax on money they never spent. It’s wrong and we won’t be bullied. We will fight these allegations aggressively. B&H is not a big box store or a faceless chain; we are a New York institution, having operated here for nearly 50 years with a stellar reputation. The New York State Department of Taxation and Finance has done countless audits and never once – not a single time – mentioned any issue with this widespread retail industry practice.

To highlight how much additional sales tax consumers could pay on items, Gerstel provided the following chart with example prices using popular items from B&H Photo’s inventory:

Under a headline titled ‘Pay Tax on What You Pay, Not on What You Save,’ Gerstel writes:

Consumers pay sales tax based on what they actually pay. If you buy a $ 150 item on sale for $ 100, you pay $ 100 and pay tax on $ 100. If the Attorney General’s office has their way, customers could have to pay sales tax on the $ 100 actual sale price, plus an additional tax on the $ 50 discount that they received. Common sense, and the law, says that this new tax on discounts makes no sense. That’s why virtually the entire consumer electronics industry takes the same approach to sales tax collection that B&H does.

Gerstel provides context and precedent for his claims by showing how the same Canon EOS Rebel T7 camera kit, which retails for $ 650 and is currently on promotion for $ 499, is priced and taxed by six other (unnamed) retailers, as well as B&H Photo:

The formatting was done in tables via email, so it’s a bit messy, but you can view the full-resolution image to see the details from each of the unnamed retailers.

Following the above graphic, Gerstel explains that ‘retailers who sell consumer electronics collect New York sales tax in the identical manner as B&H, following the rule of both the law and common sense.’ He also notes that it’s not B&H Photo’s responsibility to ‘charge’ tax, but instead to collect and remit it accordingly. Therefore, he says, ‘any increase in the sales tax that retailers are obligated to collect will result in a charge that would be passed through to customers.’

It’s worth noting that just because other retailers charge the same sales tax at checkout doesn’t necessarily mean they’re not appropriately paying taxes on the rebates they’ve received from the manufacturers — income that, according to the lawsuit, B&H hasn’t paid taxes on to the tune of millions.

According to his statement, Gerstel is claiming the full tax price would be passed on to customers. However, as noted in the examples he provided, the customer is only required to pay the sales tax on the amount they’re paying for the discounted product. B&H Photo, on the other hand, would be responsible for paying the remaining difference between the discounted price and the full price, which is refunded to them through the manufacturer. Gerstel himself notes that it’s their job to ‘collect and remit’ sales tax collected from the customer, but what he fails to mention is the tax on the remaining money B&H receives from the manufacturer to make up the full cost of the products.

The email wraps up by noting B&H Photo’s ‘crystal clear’ tax history wherein B&H Photo ‘has been audited by the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance regularly’ without the Department of Taxation ever once raising this issue with B&H Photo in the past. He goes so far as to call these allegations an ‘unfair smear campaign.’

Gerstel concludes with two questions of his own for the New York Attorney General. Under the headline ‘Where is the State Tax Department?,’ he writes:

The New York State Department of Taxation and Finance – the agency responsible for sales tax – is not part of this case. Why not? The tax department has audited B&H for years and has approved our tax reporting for many years.

Under the headline ‘Strange Contingency Structure,’ Gerstel says:

‘In the most bizarre twist of this suit, there is an anonymous LLC accuser that could receive 25 percent of any funds recovered by the Attorney General. It is surprising that the Attorney General is trying to create a new tax on discounts, which would enrich an anonymous entity. We believe the Attorney General should disclose who stands to gain financially from this action.’

Gerstel’s assertion appears to be that B&H Photo is playing by the rules every other electronics retailer adheres to when collecting sales tax on items with discounts in the form of instant rebates, and for unknown reasons B&H Photo is being singled out.

In regards to the ‘anonymous’ LLC Gerstel mentions, the lawsuit notes the entity is RD Litigation Associates, LLC, a domestic limited liability company registered in Monroe County, New York. No registered agent is given, but the entity’s address is listed as 1600 Bausch & Lomb Place in Rochester, New York (Google Maps).

The lawsuit specifically labels RD Litigation Associates, LLC as a ‘whistleblower’ in the lawsuit. New York takes part in the SEC Whistleblower Awards, which can distribute between 10-30% of the money collected if the lawsuit is successful and fits a number of critical guidelines. Thus, Mr. Gerstel’s claims that the noted LLC is ‘anonymous’ is a bit of a stretch and the 25% the LLC gains to stand falls within the 10-30% as laid out in the SEC guidelines. Yes, B&H might not know the alleged whistleblower, who appears to be represented by RD Litigation Associates, LLC (if it’s not RD Litigation Associates itself who filed the complaint), but the LLC itself is rather well documented as required by law.

We contacted the New York Attorney General’s office for comment and were directed to the press release the New York Attorney General’s office published last week regarding the alleged sales tax fraud and told ‘[the New York Attorney General does] not have any further comments beyond what is mentioned in our release.’

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B&H Photo accused of dodging millions in taxes in newly filed lawsuit

16 Nov

A newly filed lawsuit by the State of New York accuses electronics retailer B&H Foto & Electronics Corp of alleged tax fraud. The lawsuit, which was recently published on the New York Attorney General’s website, claims that B&H ‘intentionally underpaid sales tax on millions of dollars in receipts from its sales of cameras and other consumer electronics.’

The lawsuit claims that B&H failed to pay approximately $ 7 million in sales taxes on reimbursements it received from manufacturers on products sold with instant rebates to consumers. Specifically, the lawsuit alleges that when a customer would purchase an item with an instant rebate through B&H, and the manufacturer of the camera gear would subsequently reimburse B&H for the difference, B&H didn’t pay taxes on that reimbursement money, which would be considered income. This ‘arrangement,’ the lawsuit alleges, took place for 13 years and was brought to the state’s attention by a whistleblower.

The lawsuit likewise claims:

B&H knew that it should have been paying the tax. B&H has repeatedly and explicitly acknowledged—internally, to outside vendors, and to a competitor—that under New York tax law, it owed sales tax on these reimbursements … And, even after B&H learned that the State was investigating it for failing to pay the sales taxes due on these reimbursements, B&H continued to underreport its sales taxes while simultaneously admitting to others that it knew the sales tax was, indeed, due.

The lawsuit goes into great detailed about alleged communications within B&H that reportedly prove the company knew that it was supposed to pay taxes on instant rebate reimbursements. In a statement to The Verge, however, B&H said that it ‘has done nothing wrong,’ and that the New York AG has ‘decided to attack’ a local company while ‘leaving the national online and retail behemoths unchallenged.’

New York is seeking repayment of the back taxes, interest, penalties, and damages related to the alleged tax fraud.

We have contacted B&H with a request to comment on the lawsuit and allegations; we will update this article accordingly if we receive a response.

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Facebook now says ‘millions of Instagram users’ had their passwords stored in plaintext

19 Apr

Last month, Facebook shared a blog post detailing how passwords of Instagram, Facebook and Facebook Lite users were stored in plaintext on its servers. At the time, Facebook said only ‘tens of thousands of Instagram users’ were affected. Now, Facebook has updated the post to say ‘millions of Instagram users’ had their passwords stored in plaintext on its servers.

Facebook claims ‘these stored passwords were not internally abused or improperly accessed’ and says it will notify the users with exposed passwords. Krebs on Security reports more than 20,000 Facebook employees had access to the plaintext passwords, some of which date as far back as 2012.

Regardless of whether or not you’ve been notified by Facebook of a breach, it would be a good idea to change your Facebook and Instagram passwords as well as the passwords on any other login that shares those passwords.

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Polaroid wants Fujifilm to pay millions in royalties for Instax Square format

17 Nov

According to a report by World Intellectual Property Review, Fujifilm has filed a complaint for declaratory judgment, asking a US district court to clear the company of any wrongdoing after it was allegedly threatened with trademark litigation by Polaroid over the borders around its Instax Square images.

According to the suit, PRL IP, the brand licensor and marketer of the IP rights for Polaroid instant cameras, has turned against Fujifilm, “by suddenly demanding millions of dollars in annual royalty payments, on threat of a lawsuit.”

Fujifilm says Polaroid sent the company a letter in January 2017 stating that the “square form” of photographs taken by Fujifilm’s Instax camera is “essentially identical” to the trademark and trade dress rights owned by Polaroid. In March, another letter said that Polaroid would have “no choice but to take appropriate action to protect” its IP rights if Fujifilm would not take its Instax Square film off the market.

A third letter, sent in June, demanded royalty payments, and the complaint goes on to say that “on November 8, 2017, Fujifilm was notified that a negotiation meeting between the parties scheduled for the following day was cancelled because the lead investor expressly instructed defendants to pursue litigation unless Fujifilm complied with demands.”

PLR IP owns the US trademarks covering the borders surrounding instant photographs, but Fujifilm’s claim says that after filing for bankruptcy and discontinuing many product lines in 2008, Polaroid has been “unable to return to profitability through product sales” and now seeks “to generate revenue from what remains of the Polaroid IP portfolio”.

Fujifilm is asking the court to declare that its Instax film photos do not infringe any Polaroid IP rights, and is requesting cancellation of Polaroid’s trademarks.

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Kodak will lay off 425 employees after reporting millions in losses

14 Nov

Kodak recently disclosed its third quarter fiscal results, revealing that it had a GAAP net loss of $ 46 million on $ 379 million in revenues during its Q3 2017. This marks a sharp downturn of fortunes for Kodak, which saw $ 12 million in net earnings during the same quarter last year. “An overall print market slowdown and rising aluminum costs have impacted our commercial print business,” explained Kodak CEO Jeff Clarke in a release.

Clarke went on to explain that Kodak is, “taking immediate actions to accelerate cost reduction and reduce investments to sharpen our focus as we continue to actively pursue changes to the Kodak product and divisional portfolio.” According to New York Upstate, “accelerate cost reduction” translates to the Eastman Kodak Company cutting 425 jobs.

The quarter had its upsides for Kodak, however, which reports that its Kodak Sonora Plates saw a 24% growth in Q3 and its Flexcel NX revenue grew 2% year-on-year. Overall, Kodak’s CFO David Bullwinkle said the company anticipates generating cash during Q4 2017. “We plan to improve our cash balance through reducing working capital and through cost actions,” Bullwinkle explained, “including focusing investments in technologies most likely to deliver near-term returns.”

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Photobucket breaks billions of photos online, upsets millions of users

04 Jul

If you’re an avid Photobucket user, you woke up to a nasty surprise this past week: the photo storage and hosting service changed their terms, breaking billions of images online in one fell swoop, without so much as a courtesy notice.

Some explanation is probably in order.

Photobucket has been allowing free users to host and link to images on its servers since 2003. If you wanted to host your photos on Photobucket and display them on some 3rd party site (also known as hotlinking) you could do that without being a paying member. This is an extremely useful—not to mention bandwidth-intensive—service to offer, and it’s one of the reasons Photobucket has managed to amass over 10 billion photos uploaded to its servers by over 100 million users.

But starting last week, the company changed its terms and membership structure, and what once was free will now cost users a whopping $ 400 per year. Suddenly, billions of images Photobucket users had hotlinked online no longer showed up. Entire forum threads, like this one found the photo blog by PetaPixel, are now devoid of images.

Instead, you have this graphic on display… over and over:

As you can imagine, Photobucket users are not happy about the change. Any time a free service turns into a paid one there’s bound to be some griping, but going from free to $ 400/year is an extreme jump by any standard.

On the one hand, it’s easy to justify Photobucket’s decision from a business standpoint: advertising revenues are dropping, and hosting that many images has to be incredibly expensive. But doing it so suddenly, without so much as a courtesy warning, has users turning to social media to vent their frustration.

Some are calling it ‘blackmail’ and ‘extortion,’ others are saying it’s business suicide, and droves of users are bidding an angry farewell:

Whatever you want to call it, one thing is certain: making such a sweeping change without warning was the wrong call. You hear that noise? It’s the stampede of users running pell mell towards Imgur.

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Banksy Not Arrested: How 1 Man’s Viral Hoax Duped Millions

25 Oct

[ By WebUrbanist in Art & Street Art & Graffiti. ]

fake banksy spoof photo

By now you may know that the world’s most famous street artist has indeed not been detained by police and his identity remains secret, but how much do you know about the prankster who perpetrated this scandalous subterfuge? For those who missed the start of this affair: a supposedly anonymous author claimed Banksy was unmasked and taken into custody by London police a few days ago during an elaborate sting operation – the story spread like wildfire despite being easy (for those so inclined) to debunk.

free banksy fake identityt

Paul Horner, the man behind the National Report piece, fingered himself as the real Banksy. In reality, he is a serial hoaxer with a history of viral exploits (often involving his own identity) of which this is simply the latest. In many ways, he is a subversive and comedic artist in his own right, arguably not so unlike Banksy after all, who has himself been known to dupe fans for fun if not profit. One could argue that Horner’s artistic stunts simply take other shapes, like writing, coming out of a background of activism and comedy. He is also not the only one who has cleverly used Banksy’s own stunts for creative monetary gain.

banksy not revealed image

His fake story, titled Graffiti Artist Banksy Arrested In London; Identity Revealed, has been shared 3.5 million times on Facebook so far, despite being published on a website well known for reporting fictional (and frequently  hilariously improbable) news. Another early clue: the article’s thin sourcing is relatively transparent: a link to the BBC takes you to their homepage, not an article. For anyone in doubt, there is also fresh new work up on, shown below.

banksy art

Beyond that, the article is riddled with inaccuracies, including inconsistent locations and names as well as an image of an arrest that took place years prior in an unrelated incident. Indeed, the further you read, the more ludicrous the entire thing looks, and yet it fooled millions of believers, too gullible or perhaps simply too eager to finish the piece before sharing it. Superficially, in defense of those duped, it has all of the trappings of a real breaking news piece, including seemingly-relevant pictures and videos peppered throughout.

As for Horner, he “has been alternately described as a media troll, a liar and a hack, but he sees his work in a different light: one part activism, one part fan fiction, and many parts subversive, absurdist comedy.” His exploits include (but are not limited to) claiming he was cast in The Big Lebowski 2 (a film that is not even in production) and the mastermind behind a plan to charge Facebook users for pro accounts. Some would call his pranks and pretensions cruel, but in the midst of the controversy, one has to wonder: what does the real Banksy think of all of this? Does he see a kindred spirit or simply someone using his name to turn a profit?

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