Posts Tagged ‘Metastasis’


18 Dec

A 3D animation showing how cancer cells spread to other parts of the body. Learn more at CancerQuest; .
Video Rating: 4 / 5

An HD version is coming soon! Visit for more! And here’s the last animation done during high school, also the first ‘real’ one for biology. It explains the details of animal muscles and is actually very useful for anyone studying the subject. So useful, that it I should sell it to some educational or biological company, as my biology teacher said. Anyway, this one was, again, done late at night, so you will surely find a few glitches if you look for them. And yes, I know the voicing is bad and needs to be redone, but 15 minutes before school, after a night of almost no sleep, that was the best I could do. For all you biology students out there, I hope you find this useful 😉 Start time: 05/27/08 15:28 Finish time: 06/13/08 11:43 Work time: around 10 hrs.