Posts Tagged ‘Lightpainting’

Light-painting technique with the Sony Cyber-shot RX100 V

05 Jun

The Sony Cyber-shot RX100 V is a powerful compact camera which packs a lot of technology into its pocketable body. For this video, we take the RX100 V out into the night, to shoot light-painting with LA-based photography duo ‘Nightcrawlers’.

We’ll show you how to prepare for a light-painting shoot, and sharing some tips for getting great shots using a variety of techniques.

Read our full Sony RX100 V review

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Hello World: Precise Aerial Art Drawn by Light-Painting Drones

11 Sep

[ By WebUrbanist in Art & Drawing & Digital. ]


Highlighting the capabilities of high-precision aerial drones, this series of LED words and patterns could be the future of everything from midair advertising to digital fireworks displays. Entertainment value aside, there is a practical purpose behind this teaser trailer: to illustrate possibilities for 3D aeria documentation.


The demonstrations in this launch video for PRENAV, a seed-funded drone venture, are meant to show potential investors and clients the power of centimeter-precise flying robots. “The precision comes from custom software and hardware we’ve created, including a robot on the ground that’s equipped with a camera and laser rangefinder to guide the drone along a predefined path.”


Some of these scenes were filmed in close to 20 MPH winds in the Bay Area, which is critical since the company’s mission is to document exterior infrastructure (from wind turbines to cell phone towers) for review and repair. Instead of sending people to do potentially dangerous recon, automation saves time, money and reduces risk.


“The video was a fun and playful way for us to highlight the capabilities of our system, but the precision that we’re demonstrating is essential for industrial use cases like cell tower and wind turbine inspections. For this type of work, a drone needs to fly extremely close to the structure to capture imagery and build a 3D reconstruction of the asset.”


“Flying this close is challenging, even for the most skilled drone pilots who today try to do this manually (since GPS can’t provide the accuracy needed for autonomous guidance). Our system makes it a breeze to get complete coverage of the tower with hi-res images.  And those images then get stitched together into an accurate 3D reconstruction that can be rotated, measured, and analyzed.”

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[ By WebUrbanist in Art & Drawing & Digital. ]

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DIY: Steel Wool Lightpainting for Under $10

07 Feb

Extra photos for bloggers: 1, 2, 3

Johnny Cash famously once wrote, “Love is a burning thing”.

Whether you’re in a committed relationship, a fledgling romance or recently unattached this Valentine’s Day, one thing is certain: love is like a flame.

To honor the fires of love, Mike Benson of Wed Over Heels is showing us how to light paint with steel wool to visually ignite the frame!

This stunning effect costs less than $ 10 in supplies and requires no Photoshop or post-processing.

With the right precautions, you and few friends can certainly pull it off and keep your eyebrows. (Be sure to read the Safety Notice in the tutorial!)

How to Lightpaint with Steel Wool

p.s. Heads up! creativeLIVE has a free live online course to brush up on your digital photog skillz. Everything from the nitty-gritty to pro tips!
Read the rest of DIY: Steel Wool Lightpainting for Under $ 10 (982 words)

© lisbeth for Photojojo, 2013. |
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