Posts Tagged ‘ladies’

Park Like a Girl: Women Frustrated with Pink “Ladies” Parking Places

19 Sep

[ By Steve in Culture & History & Travel. ]


Sexism or security – why not both? Pretty pink women-only parking spaces show once again that best intentions can bring about unintentional consequences.

A curious fact about designated women-only parking is that many of the most obvious examples can be found in developing nations – societies not exactly known for egalitarianism and women’s rights. Travelers from First World countries who notice these “pink paradises” are often bemused by both the concept and the location, as is the case with Canadian blogger Maiya of Hungry Woman Eats who snapped the Ladies Parking section at the Gandaria City Mall in Djakarta, Indonesia.

Shanghai Surprise




Women-only parking has come under fire, however, from (among others) women’s rights groups who are offended by the pink paint, cutesy signage and (in some cases) the extra width allotted to each space. Some men are peeved as well, including a netizen who posted on “Isn’t it a kind of discrimination against men drivers? Some men may be less skilled at parking than women.” Hurt feelings aside, who’s taking the fall for the glossy floors of these women-only parking spaces at the Wandu Center in Shanghai, China? You try navigating that slick expanse on a rainy day, loaded down with shopping bags, and wearing stilletto heels.

One Tire Over The Line


Without the benefit of a distance-shot, we’ll just have to assume this rather stark and (mainly) sexism-free Ladies’ Parking sign at a Brescia, Italy rest area denotes at least two parking spaces reserved for the fairer sex. We’ll refrain from commenting on the above driver’s parking technique, however, and make no allusions to their gender. Kudos to photographer Stefano Bolognini, who visited the location – that may even be HIS poorly parked car – in 2007.

Turkish Delight



Why did ladies’ parking get the works? That’s nobody’s business but the Turks’… and business must be very good indeed at the MarkAntalya Mall in Antalya, Turkey. Not content with working up a couple of pink parking spots just for show, the mall has designated a whopping 450 parking spots for women, most of them selected for their convenient location to mall entrances. It’s “positive discrimination” in action – their words, not ours.

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Park Like A Girl Women Frustrated With Pink Ladies Parking Places

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[ By Steve in Culture & History & Travel. ]

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Painted Ladies With Alana Tyler Slutsky

02 Jun

Alana Tyler Slutsky Second Skin series as featured on Fashion Photography Blog (
is pleased to announce Alana Tyler Slutsky as one of our recent winners of our Photo of The Week competition. Alana is a fashion, beauty and portrait photographer located in Brooklyn, New York. As seen in her winning entry that was part of her “Painted Ladies” series, she is not afraid to experiment with light and color, as well as playing with the idea that “fashion is fantasy”. This has been the driving force behind the photographer’s journey.

So where did Alana’s journey begin? The mostly self-taught photographer revealed that the journey was not actually planned. She said that “My interest in photography started by accident. I ended up dropping a class in high school and needed to fill my schedule. I signed up for the photography class offered at my school and the rest is history.

Alana Tyler Slutsky Second Skin series as featured on Fashion Photography Blog (

My attraction to fashion photography was pretty instinctual. I had always been a creative person but I also love structure.  I find that fashion photography is the perfect mix of the two.  I had also always been a very practical person and knew that if I actually want to make it through life doing what I love, I would have to go into some form of commercial photography.  As sad as it is to say, very few fine art photographers actually sustain themselves off of their photography alone.  To me, fashion is the perfect mix where art meets commercial work.”

Alana Tyler Slutsky Second Skin series as featured on Fashion Photography Blog (

With her imagination let loose to play with color and light, how did Alana manage to come up with the inspiration for her original “Painted Ladies” series when she was first experimenting with lighting? I asked the photographer and she started explaining “From what I remember, it was just after Halloween and all the terrible leftover makeup was on sale at Walmart.  I was walking through the aisles thinking that there had to be something I could do with all this random stuff. Turns out that there was! A few sets of extraordinarily tacky eye lashes, 2 bottles of white body paint, 1 package of self-adhesive rhinestones plus 2 really kind friends equal a mini series of images entitled Painted Ladies.” According to Alana, her winning photo (seen below) was taken with beat-up mono lights and a soft box.

Alana Tyler Slutsky Painted Ladies as featured on Fashion Photography Blog (

When it comes to style the photographer had great opinions about the subject, she explains that “So many people are worried about developing a style. Yes, it’s important and definitely something that you need but you can’t force it, it happens naturally. I’d be a fool to say that I had found and locked into my style. I won’t lie, I haven’t. It’s continuously evolving. All I know is that I’m extremely comfortable working with harsh light and deep shadows and playing around with this is contributing to making my work look like, well, my work. But to anyone out there looking to push themselves and develop a style – experiment! Try different things, make yourself uncomfortable. It will all pay off in the end! Just stay true to yourself and you’ll find your way.

Alana continues to develop her style and evolve her work as seen in the photos posted in this article from her recent shoot entitled “Second Skin” that reminisce the essence of her winning photo. It just goes to show that style is an ever evolving process as are conceptual ideas.

Alana Tyler Slutsky Second Skin series as featured on Fashion Photography Blog (

To find more about Alana Tyler Slutsky’s winning photo and other photos from her “Painted Ladies” series, you would probably need to search deep in the depths of the internet on a post about it winning an amateur photography contest. However if you want to find out information about her recent shoots, you can check out her websiteFacebookblog or email her at


Photography by Alana Tyler Slutsky

Picture 1 2, 3 & 5: from her “Second Skin” series

Picture 4: winning photo from her earlier “Painted Ladies” series





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Photoshop Retouching 2 very beautiful ladies!

09 Apr

In this video, I am retouching the photos of 2 beautiful women. Just watch and enjoy. I think they are perfect before my makeover but I just changed their look. Thank you for watching!!! DISCLAIMER I DO NOT OWN THIS SONG I DO NOT OWN THIS SONG THIS SONG IS OWNED BY ITS RESPECTIVE OWNERS
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Photoshop beauty retouching tutorial. See more at This is actually a real tutorial showing the steps of how to do glamour photo retouching in Photoshop
Video Rating: 4 / 5