Posts Tagged ‘Kicks’

Musician kicks photographer in the face during rock concert, sending her to the ER

12 Dec

Queens of the Stone Age leading man Josh Homme did something at a show last night that seems both willful and horrifying. In the middle of a song, with no reason or provocation, he walked over to photographer Chelsea Lauren and kicked her squarely in the camera and face. Lauren, who was shooting the show for Shutterstock, seems to have been simply doing her job from the pit.

The whole incident was caught on video as well as in photos, with Lauren taking to Instagram to vent her disbelief and ask “WHO DOES THAT?” after the show last night.

Thanks to Josh Homme @queensofthestoneage I now get to spend my night in the ER. Seriously, WHO DOES THAT?!? #joshhomme #queensofthestoneage #qotsa #qotsafamily #concertphotography #musicphotographer

A post shared by Chelsea Lauren (@chelsealaurenla) on

Later, Lauren uploaded a series of three photos from the incident. Two showing the moment right before she was kicked, and a third showing Homme “later after he cut his own face with a knife. I was in the pit in tears – and he just stared at me smiling.”

Thank you everyone that has reached out with supportive messages. A small update, as I’m being flooded with questions: My neck is a sore, my eyebrow bruised and I’m a bit nauseous. The doctor released me early in the morning. Here are three images. Two of them as Josh looked at me, smiled and then kicked me. The other one is later after he cut his own face with a knife. I was in the pit in tears – and he just stared at me smiling. Assault in any form is not okay, no matter what the reasoning. Alcohol and drugs are no excuse. I was where I was allowed to be, I was not breaking any rules. I was simply trying to do my job. I hold nobody accountable for this but Josh himself. KROQ has nothing to do with this and I will always support them. The irony is someone had thrown an ice cube on to the very slick catwalk before the QOTSA set. I was afraid that one of the band members might slip and hurt themselves so, when the lights went dark, I used my arm to wipe down the runway so nobody would hurt themselves. Thank you to @variety for their immediate concern and care with this matter. As of now, nobody from QOTSA has reached out to me. #queensofthestoneage #QOTSA #JoshHomme

A post shared by Chelsea Lauren (@chelsealaurenla) on

Lauren tells Variety that it was “obviously very intentional,” saying later that she spoke out because “I feel like if I don’t do anything, he gets to kick people in the face and not get in trouble because he’s a musician.”

For his part, Homme has since released two apologies. The first, published through the Queens of the Stone Age Twitter account characterized the incident as an accident.

Last night, while in a state of being lost in performance, I kicked over various lighting and equipment on our stage. Today it was brought to my attention that this included a camera held by photographer Chelsea Lauren. I did not mean for that to happen and I am very sorry. I would never intentionally cause harm to anyone working at or attending one of our shows and I hope Chelsea will accept my sincere apology.

But with both photo and video evidence seeming to show that the kick was intentional, this first apology came off more callous than sincere. It was followed by two tearful video apologies posted to Instagram:

Interestingly enough (though, perhaps, not surprising) it seems that other photographers have been warned about Homme in the past. In a post on her Facebook page, photographer Tanya Voltchanskaya said that she was told not to stand in front of Homme during a show back in 2014 because, and here she quotes directly, “[you] will get a boot in the face.”

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National Geographic kicks off 2017 Travel Photographer of the Year competition

07 May

2017 National Geographic travel photographer of the year

National Geographic has kicked off its 2017 Travel Photographer of the Year competition, with the grand prize being a 10-day trip to the photogenic Galapagos Islands. The categories are nature, cities and people, and entries are already starting to come in. Take a look at some early Editors’ picks in the nature category.

Above: ‘A drive to remember’ by Manish Mamtani

Aerial view of the Scenic drive and the beautiful Fall colors of New Hampshire. I used a drone to capture the fall colors that cannot be seen from the road.

2017 National Geographic travel photographer of the year

‘In Your Face’ by Shane Gross / National Geograhic Travel Photographer of the Year Contest

Caribbean reef sharks are usually shy so I placed my camera on a rock where I know they frequent and used a remote trigger to click away as they came in and bumped my camera around.

2017 National Geographic travel photographer of the year

‘The Mirror’ by Takahiro Bessho / National Geograhic Travel Photographer of the Year Contest

Lake Yogo, called “The lake of Mirror”, sometimes reflects everything in front of you.

2017 National Geographic travel photographer of the year

‘Lost in white’ by Adam Cunningham-White / National Geograhic Travel Photographer of the Year Contest

This photo captures the moment that I, along with 3 other Sami reindeer herders become a little lost while migrating with 350 reindeer. They were rounded up from a section of forest around 30kms south of this point. Our goal was to take them, via rivers, northwards to pastures new using the network of rivers and lakes that flow through Sweden.

This was taken on Randijaur lake, Jokkmokk, Sweden

2017 National Geographic travel photographer of the year

‘Little Eyewitness’ by Hidetoshi Ogata / National Geograhic Travel Photographer of the Year Contest

“Little Eyewitness” was taken in Jigokudani Monkey Park, Nagano, Japan on December, 2016. On a cold winter’s day, monkeys have several ways to keep off the cold. For example, in order to keep them warm, they have a soak in a hot spring, take a bedrock bath or huddle together, etc. While monkeys were huddling together, I approached them with the stealthy footsteps. Then I photographed them from directly above at the moment when a little monkey nestled in mother’s arms looked to the camera.

2017 National Geographic travel photographer of the year

‘Blue pond the stellar sky’ by Nao Akimoto / National Geograhic Travel Photographer of the Year Contest

Voice from the stars

2017 National Geographic travel photographer of the year

‘Powerful cloud’ by Takashi / National Geograhic Travel Photographer of the Year Contest

Mt Fuji is a treasure trove of mysterious shaped clouds.

Various forms of clouds appear when a fast air current blows over the Mt Fuji.

I stayed in the car during the night at the Inokashira forest road about 0.8 miles above sea level about 25 miles west of Mt Fuji. The small clouds that appeared before dawn grew bigger and bigger. Just before sunrise they had become a huge cloud covering Mt. Fuji. The shadows of them in the backlight were the most powerful masterpieces.

2017 National Geographic travel photographer of the year

‘SymmetryrtemmyS’ by Hiroshi Tanita / National Geograhic Travel Photographer of the Year Contest

Cherry blossoms reflected in perfect condition.

2017 National Geographic travel photographer of the year

‘The Salt Miners’ by Tugo Cheng / National Geograhic Travel Photographer of the Year Contest

As the most ancient and grueling trade in Ethiopia, the salt miners in the Afar region are still using the most traditional camel caravan to carry loads of salt bricks extracted from the vast salt flats everyday. However, an under-construction railway from Djibouti and new road traversing the old salt route may soon render the camel caravan obsolete.

2017 National Geographic travel photographer of the year

‘Moss forest’ by Tetsuya Hosokawa / National Geograhic Travel Photographer of the Year Contest

Yakushima is an island full of abundant moss and beautiful water

If you have a photo you’d like to submit for consideration, you can do so here.

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CreativeLive kicks off Photoshop Week 2015

24 Feb

Starting today, the folks at CreativeLive are hosting a week of educational programs designed to help photographers and designers get the most out of Adobe Photoshop. Classes range from tips for beginners to more specialized sessions in landscape, architecture and portrait photography, to name a few. All classes are streaming live for free over the next six days, and will be available for purchase after the event. Read more

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Chase Jarvis Kicks Off His Sailing Adventure with Mike Horn in South Africa

20 Oct

Chase Jarvis Kicks Off His Sailing Adventure with Mike Horn in South Africa. Follow Chase on Twitter: Follow Mike on Twitter: Follow Chase’s blog:

See my images at In this video I compare raw and jpeg images. In this video I try to prove two points, that raw is not better than jpeg in general and that whether you use jpeg or raw should not depend on which gives better image quality but on whether or not you like to edit your photos.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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